pics of my tattoos


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bailey52
Im going to get my name tattood on my hand.. so I font forget it... then when I have kids.. theirs as well.. wouldnt want to forget theirs

if this is a snide remark regarding me having my children's name on me then please keep it to yourself.
I was asked by some folks on here to post my tattoos, if you don't like them then don't look.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bailey52
Im going to get my name tattood on my hand.. so I font forget it... then when I have kids.. theirs as well.. wouldnt want to forget theirs
Thats funny stuff :) You said what I was thinkin!


There is no reason to be rude on this forum, actually there is no reason to ever be rude to anyone ever. I cannot stand rudeness... do you get enjoyment out of trying to make people feel bad, or to put other people down? That sounds like you really need work on self esteem, IMO, or that you're really sick, and need some counseling... Why would you say something like that? There's no reason for it... I can't even begin to try to understand why people are rude... It's comments like that and people who say them that make this world so unbearable to live in...
and kelly, i agree with you on the first japanese symbol. Too thick. And japanese symbols represent ideas rather than words, so one symbol may have a few meanings...
My hubby has tattoos all over his arms. At church, we sit with this other family that has 5 kids (they're so incredibly cute), and joe lets them draw on his arms to keep them occupied... lmao, it's the funniest thing i've ever seen! One time, joe was explaining to another little girl (3 at the time...), and he was like "no, they can't come off, they'll be on there forever"... she looked him right in the eye and said "well, you know that's really stupid!"... i tried so hard not to laugh, but i totally agreed with her (not because they're tattoos, but because they're of spiderman, optimus prime, and link from the legend of zelda). It was sooo funny!


Active Member
Originally Posted by caomt
minesss im about to get a tiger on my chest in a few months
that is honest to g-d one of the hottest tats I've seen...and I spend as much time on some tat forums as I do on this one!!!
Keleigh - that gradon is GREAT! I love the yellow stripe. DO post your cover-ups when you get them! Any idea when they're going to happen?


Active Member
I have an appointment on the 9th. I am adding a small butterfly on my other arm lower wrist. I will probably go in this week and see where she is on the art work for the tattoo that is going to cover the symbols.
I want to make sure that it is what I am thining it is supposed to be.
I love my dragon. I love the picture of the other Dragon on here more but I am really happy with mine.



Originally Posted by keleighr

My husband can't stand them. But I do it for me not him.
Exactly, you have your preferances. That is who you are, not a dork. You have your likes and dislikes. No big deal.
I eventually want to make my way down to Vegas and go to Corey Hart's tattoo parlor and get one done by an artist that works there. So far all the work I have seen is pretty good.
You better bring alot of cash and make an appointment LOL! I agree though they have some great artists, I like the one on your back...very nice and don't let them get to you. And as far as the dosen't matter..even if you had no symbols or writing people always ask "what's that supposed to mean" when they look at mine-you can't tell somebody that dosen't have tats what or why you got's personal, an expression of yourself.
For you people who are making fun... I think you should show some respect..those are her Kid's names for goodness sakes. She dosen't have to explain why she wants them..if you don't agree with it thats ok..just don't be mean about it-and this message board THE AQUARIUM is about anything thats on your mind..every site has them. Can't we all just get along...


Active Member
Don't worry about me. I deal with closed minded people all the time!

The only thing I would have to say to that is it's the same of taking pictures. Why take pictures? Because we like to have that memory captured in time.


keleighr, that statement was not directed towards you.. but its nice to see you took it upon yourself to let out some frustration... I was saying a common cliche about gettin names tattoed on them... so relax.. you can get whatever tattoos you want.. my remark had nothing to do with you.. I was making a comedic statement... just like your tattos as you said " If you dont like them bla...." "If you dont like MY comment dont... this is a forum... a place for open ended discussion... not you way


I'm bummed...the only pic I can view on this thread from my computer is the dragon of Cao....the Amy Brown artwork is very cool I bought a bunch of prints and colectibles from her for an ex of mine...she had a loved that question is aren't her drawings toooo detailed for a tattoo? I would be worried that after time that the detail would blur and wouldn't look too good....or even look evil....
there was a comedian who joked about how a there is nothing more beautiful than a butterfly tattoo on a firm 19yo girls

....but when she turns 60 it would look like a taradactile on a sand sock....

I'm in the process of desiging my 1st....a crest w/ my dogs paw imprent (he will always be my best friend) in one family name in another...4 golf clubs represnting my late grandparents who loved golf(one is still alive so she will be the only one to see it) and I haven't decided what if anything to put in the 4th quadraunt.....I can't draw worth a lick so I will give the artist sketch and have him/her finish it off for's going to cover most of my shoulder seen wearing a wife beater tank but not a t shirt....
keleighr...that chick who worked at H&H in Vegas that left to go back to Cali works in a shop about 15 mins from me...I was thinking of going and looking at her portfolio...


Active Member
That is why I am going to check on how the progress is doing on the art work. The one that I am getting is of my avatar. The name of it is Shaman. I want to make sure before she even starts that it looks like what I am wanting. I will be changing some of the colors that on on the picture, one has to be the hair due to my original tatoo being black. She is still going to put in the white strips will probably look better against the black. I am also going to add more of a red to her lips. So I am really putting a lot of thought into this. If it doesn't look like what I want then I am going to go back to the drawing board.
Either that or get Tinkerbell!!!
keleighr, that statement was not directed towards you.. but its nice to see you took it upon yourself to let out some frustration... I was saying a common cliche about gettin names tattoed on them... so relax.. you can get whatever tattoos you want.. my remark had nothing to do with you.. I was making a comedic statement... just like your tattos as you said " If you dont like them bla...." "If you dont like MY comment dont... this is a forum... a place for open ended discussion... not you way
Yesterday 01:54 PM
Obviously I wasn't the only one who thought you were being rude. You may read other folks thoughts about what you said. Trust me I know I can get whatever tattoos I want. I have already done that. And please beleive IT is always ABOUT me!!!


Active Member
Ok I forgot.
It is about YOU and ME!!!!!!

i can gurantee by the end of the day this list will have grown!


uhhh... i'm not a servant... i thought i was the fruit consuption technical specialist... you're demoting me???


Active Member
Cant believe I'm catching this thread so late...I'm a huge fan of tattoos. And, as Madison was saying about women with tattoos...there's not too many things that are sexier than a girl with full sleeves or a large back piece.
I havent decided what I want yet, but my next piece is going to be a half sleeve...from the base of my neck/top of my shoulder, to my elbow.
These are the two, that I currently have now. The lizard was drawn by me and my first tattoo, back in was kinda like my "I'm 18, in the military, out of mom and dads house for the first time, so I can do what I want!" tattoo. The second was kind of a group insignia, from when I was in the Navy.
Sorry for the old, grainy/blurry pics...both are more than a few years old. lol



i love seahorses, but that one is way creepy... i feel it's going to eat my soul :scared: :scared: :scared:


Active Member
I like it. Something different. I mean I have seen some real frickin scary tattoos!!!
I am totally getting pumped for my new one!!!!! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: