pics of my tattoos


Active Member
I can see that the one tattoo is on your leg and the other is on your back(at least it looks like your back), where are the symbols?
And as far as some tattoos not always meaning what someone thought it did. I know of someone who thought they were getting the symbol for "mom" on their arm, turns out the symbol meant "poop", no how would you like to walk around with that on your forever. LOL


Active Member
that's what lasering it off is made for or covering it up with a different tattoo but yeah that one is pretty funny!!


Active Member
Ok I am getting a little excited. Today I am going to go and talk to the artist and see where she is on my tattoo!!!
I will be sooooooooo disappointed if it is not looking the way that it should!!


Catchin up with everyone...
I like your dragon best too! And putting your kid's names on you is sweet, if you ask me!
C'mon Madison! Hot chicks are hot whether they have ink or not!

Some folks just don't like tats I guess
My ex didn't like em either. He said they just look like colored scars to him so the day of our wedding I put a temp tat on my butt. I thought he was gonna fall over dead of a heart attack when he saw it!

AW2, I really like the lizard!
I've wanted a tat for years and years but I can't seem to get it all together just right, the PERFECT tat from the RIGHT artist when I have enough MONEY!!
Ah well, I'll figure it all out eventually and if I never get one I'm sure it won't be the end of the world!
Hmmm this should go on the "you know you're addicted when..." thread but I wonder if anyone has ever considered getting a tat of their whole tank???? :scared:


Active Member
I have seen some really good tattoos on folks. Whole body suits and some where they just did a Mural of something that they really believed in.
Can't do the sleave because I am not the one. Not for me but I have seen some and have been very impressed.


Active Member
I'll give a free tattoo to any female who wants one. You decide what tattoo you want and I decide where I get to put it.


mine... is UNIX code for delete all. its a memorial tattoo to my father and best fried, both got me seriously into computers. sorry its fuzzy. it was taken when i first got it last summer


Active Member
ok i went today to check out the art work
SOOOOOOOO impressed
i am so stoked i feel l like puking!!!


Active Member
when i get excited about things plus i know there is going to be some pain involved i am feeling nauseous!


Active Member
AW2, that is the hawtest seahorse tat EVAH!!!
Did you post that on BME? I feel like I've seen it before...
Keleigh, so excited to see the new ink, keep keepin' us posted!


Active Member
I love my tats. would get more if I did not think it would make my wife unhappy.
I have one trible that goes from my lower arm to my sholder blade and then another trible that covers the otehr corner of my back.
I always liked tribles because in most cases they dont really mean anything. They are just cool designs. This way when I get old and everything strechs out it will generaly be the same. I would never get a super detailed tat because once you get old it will just be a big blob.


Active Member
There is nothing hotter than a girl with a tat on the lower back, or hip, when I get married I better find a wife who likes tats


Active Member
Originally Posted by Zsalinas
Keleigh, did you find out when you're going to be getting it?

It is going to cover up one of them. It is going just right below my neck.
I am also adding an additional butterfly to my left wrist and she is going to fix my butterfly that is on my right forearm.
It is actually a lot bigger than what I was thinking but the art work is pretty impressive (for me anyways) that I am not caring about the size.
I go next Thursday.


girls with tattoos are the hottest thing. i have half of my body covered so i cant talk my wife into getting anything. advise for you other tattoo wanters. theres no such thing as the perfect tattoo in the perfect place! it might be perfect for a month or so but tattoos are soooo addicting you'll have to have another perfect tattoo.
post more post more


That's awesome I'd be so stoked. One of these days I'm gonna go get mine. I have an idea kind of hard to explain but I'll try and tell me what you think. I wanted to get my left leg so it looks like underwater where most of the leg will be blue and my actual skin will look like coral in the water. Then there can be fish and stuff and they'll look like they're swimming around and in front and behind the coral. Just an idea. I thought it'd be cool. What do you think?


Active Member
I have heard so many negative referances to my tattoos that it just rolls of my back. I was told the new one that I am getting is more for a Lesbian. SO I NEED TO THANK ALL THE LESBIANS cause you all got some frickin great taste for ART WORK!!!

As you can see in this thread there are folks who can't help but post their negativity as well.