pics of you guys!


If we post pics will Rye add them to his site? Doubt he'll add mine after that photo contest business awhile ago but here's hoping :)
I'll try to get a more recent one taken in front of my tank sometime, albeit not nearly as impressive as some of you guy's great reef setups :).
ugh nevermind that pic looks awful, let me run it through photoshop first to get rid of the glare and fix the color so the whole thing doesnt look so yellow. ill update it later on tonight.


Crap!!!! once again I missed all the pics again,deleted ,deleted deleted.My life story a day late and a dollar short.
Birdy Beautiful babies!


By the way if you do look at my site ignore everything but the pictures. It was a site I had to make for a CS class. It has a link to my other site with more pictures. And Iswim does have pretty eyes. Not sure I even want to know how old she is, hehe.


Ok guys, keep it clean or I start deleting, except that last pic which I will store in my special file. :D
HA I beat sammy to the draw, I'm sure he'll be here soon though.
I think I need counseling :(


Active Member
Grrrrrrr uh...I mean Wrassecal.....Grrrrrr!
IswimNOTchoke - NOW I get to see who chewed on me for trying to be helpful and recommending looking at some old posts a while back...hehe....just kidding, all has been fine since then!
Well, here's me with my wife...gotta get some new pics. This is the same one I posted a while ago.


Active Member
waterfaller- My wife says that I can't play on anymore........jealosy you know. ;) You have a lucky boyfriend. :)
Birdy- Cute babies from a cute momma! :)
Lots of nice looking folk around here.


Active Member
heres my ugly mug again with a little south of the border flavor!
ah hahahahaha
man i really need to take some new pics!
good luck