pics of you guys!

i was just looking at some pics from ryebreads site and DVS reminds me of stephanie from the late show with David Letterman. or otherwise known as "monty" it might just be me though



Originally posted by tangsfornuttin

could you please leave the Lebowski-isums out of this? :cool:


Active Member

Originally posted by Thomas712
could you please leave the Lebowski-isums out of this? :cool:

Sometimes I really miss the old days! whoa how come the smilies wont work?


Active Member
Hey, there you go gettin yourself in trouble again. There is nothing wrong and everything right with Okies:rolleyes: And my smilies are mysteriously working again.:) ;) :D
Personally, I found nothing not to like in your sixpack thread.Among other things I thought it was funny. And those goobers who made the rude remarks are gone now. We miss your posts so stop lurking and start talkin tank again:D :cool:


These threads seem to keep coming back. Noone better tell me I look like screech or I will hurt them! (ALthough I won't do much damage :( )


Active Member
Put this in the other hobbies thread, but am still pretty stoked from my MT. Lassen trip so I wil put up in here also, deer creek falls me catching a breath