Picture Diary


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bronco300
where are you coming in our fine state,haha
Kind of the middle of no-where. Near Fort Wayne. I think the town is called Auburn. I get to go visit my new nephew.


Active Member
It's a nice area... not my kind of area but it is nice...
I like my short 30 minute drive into the downtown of the poorest big city in the U.S. (I think Cleveland still holds that title, if not I just saw it on the list for being ing the top 10 most polluted and ranked in the top 15 cities with the worst drivers)


Active Member
i remember the last on ei think too, worst drivers that is,lol...i'll have to think about the frag and get back to you on it...see what i have left frag wise


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bronco300
i remember the last on ei think too, worst drivers that is,lol...i'll have to think about the frag and get back to you on it...see what i have left frag wise
Not a problem.


Active Member
Originally Posted by PrevWon
Hehe (insert French word here)

LOL, another country heard from!!
Lisa :w/o her happyfish


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bronco300
i remember the last on ei think too, worst drivers that is,lol...i'll have to think about the frag and get back to you on it...see what i have left frag wise
Sure...just give them away.....


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bronco300
who you givin frags to ryk? thats awfully nice of you!

I would if someone would take my corky's!!!!


Active Member
Cool looking tank Luke,
In the last picture, what is that at the very top of the picture? Is that a hammer coral of some kind? I like it...


Active Member
haha, its some sort of algae...its pretty cool looking, weird though...i can send ya some and see if it grows for ya,lol


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bronco300
haha, its some sort of algae...its pretty cool looking, weird though...i can send ya some and see if it grows for ya,lol

I really think it's cool looking...would that be something that would work out in my sh tank?


Active Member
haha, i have no clue, i dont know if its a bad algae or an ok one...it can grow like mad in my tank...if its an ok algae i would think it could be just fine for them.


Active Member
Can you get a close up of that bad boy and see if someone chimes in with an ID? Cruel, I know, but I think it looks really different and if it's something that's not going to be detrimental to my system...hey, what a pod haven, doncha think?
(notice my new fav icon...till it's gone)


Active Member
By the way, your zoos are AWESOME, as you probably already know...pretty soon I'll be collecting more and more as well...soon, very soon.