I don't have any piercings but wanted to throw in my $.02 here. As a 33 year old professional, I don't judge people with piercings. I really can't as I have tattoos myself. In high school I had my ear pierced. My wife has a few ear piercings and had her navel done until we had our first child.
However you probably realize that this decision, assuming that you keep them, can limit your career opportunities. While this may not seem like a priority right now, it will when it comes time to fight to get ahead in a very difficult economic environment. And it's not wrong for potential employers to reject you based on your piercings. They have one decision to make when hiring someone... will this person help my bottom line more than any others? Some may be scared off.
BTW, my tattoos are easily covered and no one in my professional life knows about them, (unless they happen to see me at the gym or I play sports with them).
Good luck. Don't get offended by the debate... I actually find it interesting.