Originally Posted by
meowzer http:///forum/thread/381012/playoff-baseball-thread/20#post_3318829
HEYYYYYY....I live in OK...and LOVE THE YANKEES.......Just cause you hate NY...does not mean you have to hate the Yankees....BOOOOO for you Monsinour
The sooner the yankees lose the sooner i dont have to listen to every tom dick and harry talk about them. I hate the state of NY and all the sports teams associated with this pitiful state. Do you know how annoying it is for me to try and talk sports with someone? Here is an example:
bob: you see the game last night?
me: no, was too busy reading about how great my buckeyes are this year.
bob: college sports suck, you need to get into the pro sports.
me: you say that because the college teams around here suck in football. syracuse? rutgers? penn state this year?
bob: the orange are perrinal contenders in basketball
me: doesnt that season start like months from now? besides, we both know that football is the sport of choice in this county now with all these baseball "players" taking the juice.
bob: yea, it did put some tarnish on the american pasttime
me: tarnish? you have people who openly admitted to cheating the game who will probably make the HOF when Pete Rose cant even get a whiff of cooperstown. BTW, your sport needs a better location and venue for its HOF.
bob: dont go picking on cooperstown, its a nice quaint small town
me: exacly, anyone who wants to get there has to fly in here and the drive the 2 hours to get there. Once there, if they are going to fast on mainstreet, they will drive right past it because it looks like the town post office.
bob: hey now, you need to stop
me: why, because reality is too real and embarrasing? Face it, baseball doesnt even hold a candle to NASCAR let alone football. If your not careful, freaking golf is going to pass you by.
bob: so you dont like baseball at all?
me: i used to. I seen the detrioit tigers back in 84 when they won it all. watched the cardinals attempt to win it all only to have their fastest player get run over by an automatic tarp roller. I mean, he was the fastest right? a tarp roller? LOL Baseball doesnt matter to me any more, the first strike did it for me. When people making 10 to 15 mill a year, well less than a year, complain that its not enough, its time to get out. Now look at ticket prices. And people wonder why the Rays cant sell out. Its called a fixed income.
bob: well we contstantly sell out. We dont have enough seats in the stadium actually.
me: well yea, when you buy the best players, and then laff at Bud when you pay the luxury tax, who couldnt sell that out? and how do you afford the Luxury tax? Why its called YES, Yankees Entertainmt System. I can honestly say that is one channel on my tv that has only been on once, ever. Steinbrenner, god rest his soul, was a buckeye and there was a buckeye game that wasnt going to be carried by anyone. So George, a buckeye remember, decided to have his tv network broadcast the game.
bob: yea George was a buckeye, but we dont hold that against him. Its a good thing that the yanks made the second round this year. Now the team will break even with those extra home games
me: whatever, baseball sucks. GO SOX
bob: FU
me: whatever, you let me know when you want to talk about a sport that acutally matters in the fabric of this country.
bob: Baseball does matter
me: then why are half your playoff games on a cable network? Not everyone has cable in this country.
bob: um.....................Turner wanted to have his braves on his network?
me: when was the last time you missed a playoff game for the NFL?
bob: never
me: and when was the last time a playoff NFL game was on cable exculsively?
bob: never
Me: Hmmmmmmm. you sure baseball matters?
(this is where i leave)