Please don't vote for McCain


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
I meant N. Korea... anywho
Why do you republicans blame all the world's troubles on democrats this is silly... I believe politicians on both sides are responsible for errors in foreign policy... you can say Reagan armed Bin Laden.... point is all of old Washington is corrupt and its why we need a change in leadership because we've had the same families in the white house for the last 24years.
Change? Just what the enemy thank you Obama...
"It is not just a simple victory. It is a great one. The big superpower of the world is defeated by a small group of mujahedeen (fighters). Did you see the mujahedeens' clothes and weapons in comparison with the huge individual military arsenal and supply that was carrying every American soldier?" exclaimed Abu Abdullah, who is considered one of the most important operational members of Hamas' Izzedine al-Qassam Martyrs Brigades, Hamas' declared "resistance" department.
"It is no doubt that Allah and his angels were fighting with them (insurgents) against the Americans. It is a sign to all those who keep saying that America, Israel and the West in general cannot be defeated on the ground so let us negotiate with them," Abu Abdullah said.
Abu Abdullah said following a withdrawal from Iraq, the U.S. will be defeated on its own soil.
"America must understand that with anti-American governments in Latin America and with Islam growing and reinforcing, including in the U.S. itself, the next step would be a total defeat on their (American) land, not a relative one like they are facing in Iraq," he said.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
He plans on retreating from Iraq, where we are currently fighting Al Qaeda, to look for them in the hills of Pakistan.

He's gotta pay for his one trillion universal Obama Care plan. We'll fight the terrorists with Hope Bombs and Change phrases.


Active Member
He's running an Ad in Texas right now that says, in part "We can end the war".
Do Americans really want to surrender?
I want to end the war too, but I don't want to do it by retreating.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
He's running an Ad in Texas right now that says, in part "We can end the war".
Do Americans really want to surrender?
I want to end the war too, but I don't want to do it by retreating.
Agree...cut and run and they will follow the troops back home.
Of course we can end the war. We can bring the troops home tomorrow.
Mr Hope and Change lives in the Wonderful Land of Oz...where a rainbow will come out and we all live in harmony with universal Obama care....and Ali and his friends will be our new buddies.
That's not's foolish. Tried and failed.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
point is all of old Washington is corrupt and its why we need a change in leadership because we've had the same families in the white house for the last 24years.

Isn't Mr Hope and Change a current US Senator and would he be included in the "all"? That was an intersting deal he made with his supporter Rezko.
Oh I see, it is just old Wahington that is corrupt. I see how you framed it...situationally to suit your agenda.


Active Member

Originally Posted by 1journeyman
He plans on retreating from Iraq, where we are currently fighting Al Qaeda, to look for them in the hills of Pakistan

If we retreat from Iraq we may have to fight them in the hills of Pennsylvania or the hills of Virginia.


Active Member
Originally Posted by socal57che
If we retreat from Iraq we may have to fight them in the hills of Pennsylvania or the hills of Virginia.
Undoubtedly; but some people seem to think our emergency responders and flight attendants are better suited to fight Al Qaeda than our military and our Generals.


Active Member
You guys hear the crap Obamas wife was spewing about finally being proud of her country for the first time in her adult life? Gonna do everything in my power to make her ashamed again when her man is rejected in November.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
You guys hear the crap Obamas wife was spewing about finally being proud of her country for the first time in her adult life? Gonna do everything in my power to make her ashamed again when her man is rejected in November.
Ya, she makes me sick.
*I guess she missed the news when we defeated the Soviet Union and freed over 150 million from Communism.
*I guess she's unaware of the hundreds of billions of dollars we've sent around the world in relief.
*She probably was unaware US Troops and Naval vessels were among the first on the scene to aid Tsunami victims in 2004
*She probably forgot how Americans stood in line for hours to give blood in the hopes there would be survivors in the WTC rubble that would need help.
*And of course who could be proud of how we came to the aid of our Kuwaiti Allies when they were overrun and how brilliantly our military has performed in the past 20 years.
Her husband won't put his hand over his heart during the pledge or wear a flag lapel pin and she's only proud of America because her husband is winning the nomination for the Democratic Party.
At least she's not self-absorbed. She'll make a great First Lady...


Active Member

Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Ya, she makes me sick.
*I guess she missed the news when we defeated the Soviet Union and freed over 150 million from Communism.
*I guess she's unaware of the hundreds of billions of dollars we've sent around the world in relief.
*She probably was unaware US Troops and Naval vessels were among the first on the scene to aid Tsunami victims in 2004
*She probably forgot how Americans stood in line for hours to give blood in the hopes there would be survivors in the WTC rubble that would need help.
*And of course who could be proud of how we came to the aid of our Kuwaiti Allies when they were overrun and how brilliantly our military has performed in the past 20 years.
Her husband won't put his hand over his heart during the pledge or wear a flag lapel pin and she's only proud of America because her husband is winning the nomination for the Democratic Party.
At least she's not self-absorbed. She'll make a great First Lady...

This thing is silly and people are making too much out of this... to paraphrase what she is saying is that she has always been proud of her country, but this is her proudest moment to date. The fact that our history as americans is built on racism and sexism and that the american people are coming together in massive #'s... historic #'s to vote for their candidate is really something that is unique and something to have an extra sense of pride about... It doesn't diminish all the disasters we've faced and overcome ... the american people seem to do that very well, however issues of race and the political process are issues that we haven't seen eye to eye on.. I think you are self-absorbed because she doesn't have to feel the same way you do about things.... A sense of pride is a very personal thing and given her education and history I think she could and will be a very good First Lady. Perhaps she could have phrased it better so that you all wouldn't be critical of an honest, innocent patriotic remark; nevertheless nothing was wrong with her comments.
Funny thing is how her remarks were edited on sites such as youtube that exlude words such as "really" that she used in her description... she said "first time in my adult life that I've been really

darthtang aw

Active Member
Those may have been things in our history, but to say the country was built on them is just plain ignorant.
Show me one other country in the world that doesn't have sexism or racism in it's history.
I really get tired of race, ---, or ethnicity being brought up and discussed. Sure learn your history, but stop frickin' dwelling on the color of skin, what --- organ you were born with or if you are african, mexican, or jewish. According to science we evolved from apes...ALL of us, yet I don't see anyone celebrating or embracing the apeness in candidates or people.............just move on already.

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
This thing is silly and people are making too much out of this... to paraphrase what she is saying is that she has always been proud of her country, but this is her proudest moment to date. The fact that our history as americans is built on racism and sexism and that the american people are coming together in massive #'s... historic #'s to vote for their candidate is really something that is unique and something to have an extra sense of pride about... It doesn't diminish all the disasters we've faced and overcome ... the american people seem to do that very well, however issues of race and the political process are issues that we haven't seen eye to eye on.. I think you are self-absorbed because she doesn't have to feel the same way you do about things.... A sense of pride is a very personal thing and given her education and history I think she could and will be a very good First Lady. Perhaps she could have phrased it better so that you all wouldn't be critical of an honest, innocent patriotic remark; nevertheless nothing was wrong with her comments.

oh and she has been living in this country how long and she said this is the FIRST time she is proud to be an american.....pretty plain and simple to see what she meant. Basically she hasn't been proud to be an American until her husband runs for the presidency.
The aftermath of 9/11 when the country came together and helped each other get through what we had to SHOULD have been the FIRST time she was proud to be an american, but obviously her husband achieving the democratic nomination and possibly becoming president shows she only thinks of herself and the benefits......not how to truly help others and bringing the country together. 9/11 evceryone together and she should ahve been proudest then....


Active Member

Originally Posted by Rylan1
This thing is silly and people are making too much out of this... to paraphrase what she is saying is that she has always been proud of her country, but this is her proudest moment to date. The fact that our history as americans is built on racism and sexism and that the american people are coming together in massive #'s... historic #'s to vote for their candidate is really something that is unique and something to have an extra sense of pride about... It doesn't diminish all the disasters we've faced and overcome ... the american people seem to do that very well, however issues of race and the political process are issues that we haven't seen eye to eye on.. I think you are self-absorbed because she doesn't have to feel the same way you do about things.... A sense of pride is a very personal thing and given her education and history I think she could and will be a very good First Lady. Perhaps she could have phrased it better so that you all wouldn't be critical of an honest, innocent patriotic remark; nevertheless nothing was wrong with her comments.
Funny thing is how her remarks were edited on sites such as youtube that exlude words such as "really" that she used in her description... she said "first time in my adult life that I've been really

What she "meant to say" could be construed as "what she wish she'd have said."
She was scrutinized for what she felt in her heart to be true, so like any good politician (or wife of one) she immediately issued a statement defining what her previous statement should have been.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
Those may have been things in our history, but to say the country was built on them is just plain ignorant.
Show me one other country in the world that doesn't have sexism or racism in it's history.
I really get tired of race, ---, or ethnicity being brought up and discussed. Sure learn your history, but stop frickin' dwelling on the color of skin, what --- organ you were born with or if you are african, mexican, or jewish. According to science we evolved from apes...ALL of us, yet I don't see anyone celebrating or embracing the apeness in candidates or people.............just move on already.
I'm sorry but its the truth... this is how we began as a nation... to say other countries have it is true... but these issues play largely into how our nation was birthed. Now there are other things such as religious freedom... but you can't deny the history whether or not you want to move past it is another issue.


Active Member
Originally Posted by socal57che
What she "meant to say" could be construed as "what she wish she'd have said."
She was scrutinized for what she felt in her heart to be true, so like any good politician (or wife of one) she immediately issued a statement defining what her previous statement should have been.
I can accept this argument, even though I disagree with it... I just think people took her comments wrong....and the statement was to clarify...
but to darth and journeyman.... I to would have a problem with her statement if they were written exactly how you have them posted, but you are leaving out a word that puts it in context... that shows she has been proud... but she is now even more proud. That word is "really"
Add that word to a statement and you can see that it makes it 2 distinctly different statements...


Active Member
Originally Posted by socal57che
I think that's what darth is asking for. At least that's how I read his post.
Thats fine... and I think that, and I won't speak for her, but that is why this race is the most significant race we've had, atleast it is in the last 100 years, and I think it shows something about the progress of our country because of what the candidates represent as agents of change in the democratic party... A possible new GOP leader... we've had the same with Bushes in WH since what ?...1984 w/ an 8 yr gap w/ the Clintons... It will be a change of an era, and also with the interesting new mix of problems which include immigration, economy, healthcare, and terrorism... which are all hot points.

darthtang aw

Active Member
Personally I don't care if she is REALLY proud for the first time. Put this context. She is MORE proud of her country for voting for her husband in the elections, than she was of how our country came together and helped out and put aside partisan politics and view points, race, color, ethnicity, right after 9/11. She can go choke on a ballot for all I care.

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
Thats fine... and I think that, and I won't speak for her, but that is why this race is the most significant race we've had, atleast it is in the last 100 years, and I think it shows something about the progress of our country because of what the candidates represent as agents of change in the democratic party... A possible new GOP leader... we've had the same with Bushes in WH since what ?...1984 w/ an 8 yr gap w/ the Clintons... It will be a change of an era, and also with the interesting new mix of problems which include immigration, economy, healthcare, and terrorism... which are all hot points.

Let me ask you this, why must the change in an era be with Obama...You (and others) keep speaking as if the election race is Clinton versus Obama only. Why is he the savior from the Clinton Bush Regime. The Republicans have given you a candidate that is neither.