Please don't vote for McCain


Active Member

Originally Posted by 1journeyman
I'm not taking anything out of context. She added the word "real" at a later speech.
"February 18, 2008 8:24 PM
Speaking in Milwaukee, Wisconsin today, would-be First Lady Michelle Obama said, "for the first time in my adult life I am proud of my country
because it feels like hope is finally making a comeback." (ABC News
No, this is exactly what I'm talking about... this is the same speech... she gave it once and the word is edited out, which prooves exactly what my point is.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
Let me ask you this, why must the change in an era be with Obama...You (and others) keep speaking as if the election race is Clinton versus Obama only. Why is he the savior from the Clinton Bush Regime. The Republicans have given you a candidate that is neither.
I never said that... I am very unsure about Clinton... her tactics... I know what she wants to accomplish, but I think it will be more of the same... I would credit her for being the 1st woman president, but that's about it as far as change
McCain and Obama is the change I am refering to. ... Obama would be the most significant change agent in my opinion... McCain also would end the 2 family occupance of the WH, however; I think he will keep us on the same course we are on with only moderate change...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
Personally I don't care if she is REALLY proud for the first time. Put this context. She is MORE proud of her country for voting for her husband in the elections, than she was of how our country came together and helped out and put aside partisan politics and view points, race, color, ethnicity, right after 9/11. She can go choke on a ballot for all I care.
all I can do is shake my head... this is more than just about her husband as she also stated in the remarks... and partisian politics... get your head out of the clouds man... being a repulican doesn't make you any more patriotic... you can argue that america was also a very ugly place after 911 with the racism muslims and arab people felt. I won't continue to argue this point with you because it doesn't matter.. you are going to read whatever you want into her comments and in general about Obama. Its like you are color blind (eyesight) and even though I see the color green in true color... you will always see it as grey.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
No, this is exactly what I'm talking about... this is the same speech... she gave it once and the word is edited out, which prooves exactly what my point is.
Rylan you need to read the abc article that was posted...she gave 2 speeches...the first one in Milwaukee she did not use the word "really"...the second speech in Madision the word "really" was put in. I'm guessing some of her handlers corrected her, but I do know that news reports are not editing out the word. Mrs. Obama entered the word on the second speech.
I am following this thread with interest and learning from both sides of the argument, but you do need read the article.


Active Member
Originally Posted by SigmaChris
Rylan you need to read the abc article that was posted...she gave 2 speeches...the first one in Milwaukee she did not use the word "really"...the second speech in Madision the word "really" was put in. I'm guessing some of her handlers corrected her, but I do know that news reports are not editing out the word. Mrs. Obama entered the word on the second speech.
I am following this thread with interest and learning from both sides of the argument, but you do need read the article.
UPDATE: After a confusing interlude where the Obama campaign insisted she'd only made the Madison remark, not the Milwaukee one, this blog post has been corrected. - JT
the author of the article made this correction above listed at the bottom of the article.... It appears that audio was edited and is on youtube... I heard about this this morning .


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
UPDATE: After a confusing interlude where the Obama campaign insisted she'd only made the Madison remark, not the Milwaukee one, this blog post has been corrected. - JT
the author of the article made this correction above listed at the bottom of the article.... It appears that audio was edited and is on youtube... I heard about this this morning .
OK so now I am confused...did she make 2 different speeches with one containing "really" and the original not containing "really"?


Active Member
It really is of little consequence. Whether she said it once or twice or what she said period. What matters is getting past the rhetoric that is obama (and was Edwards and that governer from NJ or where) and realising this guy is no different from hillary or anyone one else from the far left. They are saying the exact same things, his speech last night in Houston, was down right scary. You have to be able to hear what he is really saying. And this "new" guy is simply repackaging the same old hack that the democrats have been pitching for years.

darthtang aw

Active Member
Rylan from a political standpoint 9/11 was a great coming together. If you think her being on this campaign should be the first time she is REALLY proud of this country then I can't help you. I can think of 5-8 other times that I was proud of this country over any election in history off the top of my head.
Ok, I have a question for you.
Who said the following statements,
We need a president not afraid to use the word 'union
Hard work should be valued in this country, so we're going to reward work, not just wealth.
I haven't spent most of my life in politics, but I've spent enough time in Washington to know how much we need to change Washington.
I love the ads. Buy their medicine, take it, and the next day you and your spouse will be skipping through the fields.”
I am also curious who you voted for in the 2004 democratic primaries...


Active Member
After Rylan admits Michelle had two speeches and watches my link... one in which she VERY clearly does NOT use the word "really"....
I'd like to know what "changes" Obama is going to bring to our Nation exactly? Not the fluff; He'll bring "hope" or "change" or "pie" to all Americans... Actual changes.

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
After Rylan admits Michelle had two speeches and watches my link... one in whuch she VERY clearly does NOT use the word "really"....

Of course, Journey....but we both know the outcome of that.

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
all I can do is shake my head... this is more than just about her husband as she also stated in the remarks... and partisian politics... get your head out of the clouds man... being a repulican doesn't make you any more patriotic... you can argue that america was also a very ugly place after 911 with the racism muslims and arab people felt. I won't continue to argue this point with you because it doesn't matter.. you are going to read whatever you want into her comments and in general about Obama. Its like you are color blind (eyesight) and even though I see the color green in true color... you will always see it as grey.

Please show me where I have stated being republican is more patriotic.
Also you missed my point. as usual....


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
Of course, Journey....but we both know the outcome of that.
I love it though... This is a classic Case-Study of the Left trying to spin a story. The left wing blogs and sites all are quoting her later speech and telling their viewers she's being misquoted; knowing full well the other speech is out there...
At some point surely people will quit trusting these sites.


Active Member
"you can argue that america was also a very ugly place after 911 with the racism muslims and arab people felt. "
Yeah, they put those Muslims in interment camps. Oh, wait, that was FDR a DEMOCRAT!
I do not remember any wide-spread anti- Muslim sentiment. Sure a few people went berserk, but there really wasn't much of a response. IN fact I was PROUD of the overall American response. I had pictured Mosques in ruins, and that did not happen. Maybe the left needs to revise that history too.


Active Member
Originally Posted by oscardeuce
"you can argue that america was also a very ugly place after 911 with the racism muslims and arab people felt. "
Yeah, they put those Muslims in interment camps. Oh, wait, that was FDR a DEMOCRAT!
I do not remember any wide-spread anti- Muslim sentiment. Sure a few people went berserk, but there really wasn't much of a response. IN fact I was PROUD of the overall American response. I had pictured Mosques in ruins, and that did not happen. Maybe the left needs to revise that history too.
Exactly. The reality is there was very, very, very little violence against muslims in this country.


Active Member
This whole Michelle Obama situation just cements my feelings a little more....
A woman's place is in the kitchen.

Jus' kiddin' ladies.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Rylan, you said John McCain said there were not terrorists in Iraq before the war.
This quote in no way says that.
Retract your original statement or provide another quote, cause this one ain't gonna cut it.
get out of here... are you serious... retract ?

So what does the quote say? Basically he doesn't confirm or deny... which IMO suggests that they were not there or that it is at least debatable on when they arrived. Since people of the GOP want to secure our reasoning for being over there I think leaving this door open is very telling... If it were fact that they were there prior to the war then he would have said it. 2nd, we've heard tons of info saying the al qaeda terrorists were coming across the border at the onset of the war and that most of them our foreigners...


Active Member
Looks like ol Rylan can dance around the facts almost as good as his boy Obama. You hear the latest about his pledge to use public financing for the general?
Yep. hope and change as in it's his hope the sheeple that are following him don't change and actually start looking into his record and expect him to honor his pledges.


Active Member
Originally Posted by oscardeuce
"you can argue that america was also a very ugly place after 911 with the racism muslims and arab people felt. "
Yeah, they put those Muslims in interment camps. Oh, wait, that was FDR a DEMOCRAT!
I do not remember any wide-spread anti- Muslim sentiment. Sure a few people went berserk, but there really wasn't much of a response. IN fact I was PROUD of the overall American response. I had pictured Mosques in ruins, and that did not happen. Maybe the left needs to revise that history too.
lets be serious... muslims were treated different... profiled, vandalized, they were recipiants of hateful remarks, etc.. Just because they weren't shipped off or killed doesn't mean that it was acceptable.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
Looks like ol Rylan can dance around the facts almost as good as his boy Obama. You hear the latest about his pledge to use public financing for the general?
Yep. hope and change as in it's his hope the sheeple that are following him don't change and actually start looking into his record and expect him to honor his pledges.
This is what McCain wants to do too... IMO Obama would do much better w/o it ... You should be all for it because this is the only way you could compete when it comes to fundraising or dollars.
... I can dance better than this.