Please don't vote for McCain


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McCain's Soft-Money Machine
Here's another situation reported by The New York Times in March 2005: "In a small office a few miles from Capitol Hill, a handful of top advisers to Senator John McCain run a quiet campaign. They promote his crusade against special interest money in politics. They send out news releases promoting his initiatives. And they raise money--hundreds of thousands of dollars, tapping some McCain backers for more than $50,000 each."
These advisers work for a group called the Reform Institute, founded in 2001 after Sen. McCain's failed presidential bid. The chairman of the board of the Reform Institute is...John McCain. If you go to look at the press releases at, you will see that virtually every release mentions Sen. McCain in the first sentence. Not paragraph, sentence. Who runs the Reform Institute? Well, the president is Richard Davis, who is paid over $110,000 a year. Who is Richard Davis? He was John McCain's 2000 campaign manager. The counsel to the Reform Institute is Trevor Potter, whose law firm is paid more than $50,000 a year for the work. Who is Trevor Potter? Why, he was legal counsel to McCain 2000! The finance director of the Reform Institute is a woman named Carla Eudy. She was finance director for McCain 2000. The communications director is Crystal Benton; she was McCain's press secretary.
Recently the Reform Institute, which bills itself as "a thoughtful, moderate voice for reform in the campaign finance and election administration debates," launched what it calls the Natural Resources Stewardship Project. And what does natural resources stewardship have to do with "campaign finance and election administration"? As near as I can tell, its only connection to campaign finance and election administration is, as the institute's site tells us, that "Senators John McCain and Joe Lieberman have introduced the Climate Stewardship Act" in Congress. And, of course, John McCain is planning to run for president again, and his signature issue, other than campaign finance regulation, is global warming. To run the Natural Resources Stewardship Project, the institute hired John Raidt, who, you guessed it, served 15 years working on "environmental initiatives" for Sen. McCain.
And how is the Reform Institute funded? With contributions, in six figures or more, from individuals and corporations, including the cable company Cablevision. Cable companies are constantly before the Senate Commerce Committee, which Sen. McCain chaired at the time of Cablevision's contribution. In fact, Cablevision gave $200,000 to the Reform Institute around the same time its officials were testifying before the Senate Commerce Committee. Appearance of corruption, anyone?


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Originally Posted by Rylan1
McCain's Soft-Money Machine
Here's another situation reported by The New York Times in March 2005: "In a small office a few miles from Capitol Hill, a handful of top advisers to Senator John McCain run a quiet campaign. They promote his crusade against special interest money in politics. They send out news releases promoting his initiatives. And they raise money--hundreds of thousands of dollars, tapping some McCain backers for more than $50,000 each."
These advisers work for a group called the Reform Institute, founded in 2001 after Sen. McCain's failed presidential bid. The chairman of the board of the Reform Institute is...John McCain. If you go to look at the press releases at, you will see that virtually every release mentions Sen. McCain in the first sentence. Not paragraph, sentence. Who runs the Reform Institute? Well, the president is Richard Davis, who is paid over $110,000 a year. Who is Richard Davis? He was John McCain's 2000 campaign manager. The counsel to the Reform Institute is Trevor Potter, whose law firm is paid more than $50,000 a year for the work. Who is Trevor Potter? Why, he was legal counsel to McCain 2000! The finance director of the Reform Institute is a woman named Carla Eudy. She was finance director for McCain 2000. The communications director is Crystal Benton; she was McCain's press secretary.
Recently the Reform Institute, which bills itself as "a thoughtful, moderate voice for reform in the campaign finance and election administration debates," launched what it calls the Natural Resources Stewardship Project. And what does natural resources stewardship have to do with "campaign finance and election administration"? As near as I can tell, its only connection to campaign finance and election administration is, as the institute's site tells us, that "Senators John McCain and Joe Lieberman have introduced the Climate Stewardship Act" in Congress. And, of course, John McCain is planning to run for president again, and his signature issue, other than campaign finance regulation, is global warming. To run the Natural Resources Stewardship Project, the institute hired John Raidt, who, you guessed it, served 15 years working on "environmental initiatives" for Sen. McCain.
And how is the Reform Institute funded? With contributions, in six figures or more, from individuals and corporations, including the cable company Cablevision. Cable companies are constantly before the Senate Commerce Committee, which Sen. McCain chaired at the time of Cablevision's contribution. In fact, Cablevision gave $200,000 to the Reform Institute around the same time its officials were testifying before the Senate Commerce Committee. Appearance of corruption, anyone?
lol, one of the reasons I don't particularly like McCain. You never countered my argument about statistics dictating profiling individuals. But hard fact has never stopped a democrat.


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You might want to go to the actual website and read for yourself before posting MORE inaccurate and or misleading information.


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Originally Posted by oscardeuce
Was the money from the ChiComs to the Clinton machine "soft" or "hard" money, I'm confused?
It doesn't matter he is accusing a republican. Democrats can do whatever they want. Especially the clintons they have nothing to do with anything. (sarcasm)


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Originally Posted by Rylan1
So this is a war on Islam? And in a since you are born muslim if that is your family history... to leave it later in life is a diffucult thing... for most muslims... Islam is just as much a part of their culture as their ethnicity. Journey you are wrong here PROFILING IS WRONG especially if its unwarrarnted ... if someone commited a crime and they meet your description as far as race, height, weight, clothing ... fine... if its just race its wrong
We are at war with radical Islam, absolutely. No question. No doubt. The radicals declared war on us in the 70's and we failed to respond until Afghanistan.
I'll say it again; YES, we are at war with radical Islamists.
profiling, if unwarranted, is wrong. In this case, however, it is not unwarranted. On 9-11 there were 19 terrorists that brought down 4 of our commercial planes and killed 3,000 Americans. They had a couple of things in common; and on that basis it is absolutely ok to profile.
It's silly to load a 747 with 300 people and not profile. Should we allow simple "randomness" to determine who is searched more closely? Should a 95 year old woman in a wheel chair have her purse searched because she was randomly selected while 4 early 20s, single, Islamic men behind her walk right on the plane? We've got to use some common sense here.


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I smell a possible scandal brewing..... hint McCain ... lobbiest ... special favors ... possible relationship....


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Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Much bigger scandal when a politician's wife admits she hates the USA.

Oh,I forgot about the hiring of a high profile defense lawyer...I think its the same lawyer the Pres Clinton hired.
Bigger story?
If its true... his campaign would look a little hypocritical...also given Savings and Loan Scandal. It would be like Ted Haggert and his public view of gays, and his secret life.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
how? I'm trying to understand what you are saying.
So McCain wants to have campaign reform and pay for election with public funds? But its wrong because Obama made a pledge or said he would do this...
I hope he doesnt to be honest... I would like him to keep his word, but by doing so he would give up an advantage he has.
So, to clarify;
You think there may be a scandal brewing with McCain's fundraising and appearing to be a hypocrite, but you hope Obama goes back on his pledge and becomes a hypocrite.
Sorry. Not as big of a scandal as your wife saying she hates the USA.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
I smell a possible scandal brewing..... hint McCain ... lobbiest ... special favors ... possible relationship....
help me understand something, what makes what you want good, vs another american who head up to washington to lobby for something?
Lobbiest have been painted as these evil villians, but they are americans too, simply using the means avaliable to them to voice their opinion on a subject.
They are americans too. (I'm not really infavor of lobbiest the way it is now but this argument does carry some weight in my mind)
I really don't doubt that McCain has voted for something, after a lobbiest donated money who position was however McCain voted. Whether the money influenced McCain, who knows, maybe it was their compelling arguments. But keep in mind you don't have to look far on the democrat side to find someone who practically used the Lincoln bedroom as a fundraiser and hotel at your expense. And keep in mind this is how Washington works. And your party of democrats during their 60 years in power set that system up. And lets not forget that slum lord who donated money to both osama obama and the clintons.


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Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Ya, she makes me sick.
*I guess she missed the news when we defeated the Soviet Union and freed over 150 million from Communism.
*I guess she's unaware of the hundreds of billions of dollars we've sent around the world in relief.
*She probably was unaware US Troops and Naval vessels were among the first on the scene to aid Tsunami victims in 2004
*She probably forgot how Americans stood in line for hours to give blood in the hopes there would be survivors in the WTC rubble that would need help.
*And of course who could be proud of how we came to the aid of our Kuwaiti Allies when they were overrun and how brilliantly our military has performed in the past 20 years.
Her husband won't put his hand over his heart during the pledge or wear a flag lapel pin and she's only proud of America because her husband is winning the nomination for the Democratic Party.
At least she's not self-absorbed. She'll make a great First Lady...

As I have stated..the spiritual leader of their church does not like America and neither do many that reside on the far left. Wright the pastor of the racist church has said this about America. As you can see...he does not like America so no wonder neither does Mrs Obama until recently (her exact words) as this is the garbage spewed by the racist/hater Wright:
Wright laced into America's establishment, blaming the "white arrogance" of America's Caucasian majority for the woes of the world, especially the oppression suffered by blacks. To underscore the point he refers to the country as the "United States of White America." Many in the congregation, including Obama, nodded in apparent agreement as these statements were made.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
Oh,I forgot about the hiring of a high profile defense lawyer...I think its the same lawyer the Pres Clinton hired.
Bigger story?
If its true... his campaign would look a little hypocritical...also given Savings and Loan Scandal. It would be like Ted Haggert and his public view of gays, and his secret life.
Actually, it is also the same lawyer hired by the democrats when investigating the Keating 5. Bennet is a democrat..and has stated he investigated McCain for 18 months and was hired by the democrats to do so. ..and found no wrong doing and advised the democrats to cut him loose from the Keating 5 investigation.
Rylan, I'm finding you are quite uninformed on many subject matters.


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Originally Posted by Rylan1
how? I'm trying to understand what you are saying.
So McCain wants to have campaign reform and pay for election with public funds? But its wrong because Obama made a pledge or said he would do this...
I hope he doesnt to be honest... I would like him to keep his word, but by doing so he would give up an advantage he has.
So, you come here on these boards and rant about what YOU beleive to be Bush lies and misleading the country...but now you claim it is acceptable if Mr Bojangles misleads, lies and goes back on his word?

Sounds like you are supporting politics as usual...I thought YOU were for change?


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Originally Posted by Rylan1
I smell a possible scandal brewing..... hint McCain ... lobbiest ... special favors ... possible relationship....
I smell a bigger on brewing in the general election..Obama admits his judgement is bad...can we afford a tap dance with poor judgement in the White House?
Jan. 10, 2008
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In sharp contrast to his tough talk about ethics reform in government, Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., approached a well-known Illinois political fixer under active federal investigation, Antoin "Tony" Rezko, for "advice" as he sought to find a way to buy a house shortly after being elected to the United States Senate.
The parcel included an adjacent lot which Obama told the Chicago Tribune he could not afford because "it was already a stretch to buy the house."
On the same day Obama closed on his house, Rezko's wife bought the adjacent empty lot, meeting the condition of the seller who wanted to sell both properties at the same time.
Rezko had been widely reported to be under investigation by the U.S. attorney and the FBI at the time Obama contacted him and has since been indicted on corruption charges by a federal grand jury in a case that prosecutors say involves bribes, kickbacks and "efforts to illegally obtain millions of dollars."
This week, a federal judge in Chicago ordered the Rezko trial to begin Feb. 25.
Obama maintains his relationship with Rezko was "above board and legal" but has admitted bad judgment, calling his decision to involve Rezko "a bone-headed mistake."
Rezko's behind-the-scenes connection in the Obama house deal became public as Rezko revealed personal financial details as he sought to post bail.
While Rezko's wife paid the full asking price for the land, Obama paid $300,000 under the asking price for the house. The house sold for $1,650,000 and the price Rezko's wife paid for the land was $625,000.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
I smell a possible scandal brewing..... hint McCain ... lobbiest ... special favors ... possible relationship....
While Rezko was known to be under federal investigation, Obama toured a Chicago-area home with him to get his opinion of the property, Obama's campaign revealed to Bloomberg News for a story published Monday. The politician later bought the home, with Rezko's help, who bought the adjoining lot in what was effectively a package deal.
Until then, Obama has professed trouble recalling such details during interviews with reporters.
Responding to questions about Rezko and the home sale last month, the Obama campaign repeatedly cited the candidate's on-the-record statements: "I don't recall exactly" conversations about the house with Rezko; "I am not clear" how Rezko decided to join in the purchase; and "I may have mentioned to him the name of a [developer] and he may at that point have contacted that person."
Pressed for more details, the campaign declined to provide any that were not then part of the public record.
The junior senator from Illinois has been answering questions on Rezko's involvement in the house purchase since news of it broke in 2006. In the 2005 deal, Obama purchased a house for $300,000 less than its owners were asking, and Rezko simultaneously bought the adjacent lot from the same seller at full price. Obama denies there was anything unusual about the price disparity. He says the price on the house was dropped because it had been on the market for some time but that the price for the adjacent land remained high because there was another offer.
Obama called it "bone-headed" to have engaged in financial dealings with the wealthy Chicago political operative, particularly as federal agents were reported to have been investigating Rezko for alleged corruption. He has also said he was "confident that everything was handled ethically and above board."
The new revelations appear to indicate Obama had involved Rezko at an earlier stage of his home buying process than was previously known, and left many wondering why he had not shared the information sooner.


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I just wanted to remind all involved that the title of this thread is "Please don't vote for McCain" and I, for one, do not want to vote for him. That being said, I also won't be voting for Hussein or Hillary. Someone please step up and give me another choice.

ps...ralph nader does not count, but is looking better by the minute.