Please don't vote for McCain


Originally Posted by Rylan1
your an

... its an analogy... not meant to be taken literally with all the operational points that you made. This is not a debate about termites and whether they are subterranean termites in mounds or in tunnels... the point of the remark was that you have to cut off the source. Learn how to spell or to type... Scooby Doo... you get the point I was trying to make... I don't understand why people have to always try to correct others to make themselves feel better.
Settle down, Rylan... no one's called you a name as of yet, that I'm aware of. Let's try to act like an adult, ok?


Active Member

Originally Posted by 1journeyman
I won't be voting for McCain. I will be voting against Obama or Hillary.
Any "Conservative" will do the same...McCain is wrong on a lot of issues, but he's less wrong than either of them.
*McCain won't cut and run
*McCain will be more likely to appoint judges who can, and have, read the Constitution and believe in it.
*McCain won't gut our helath care
*McCain won't try to gut our Democracy and put a bow on Socialism
*McCain won't allow terrorists to attack us without responding appropriately
Obama and Hillary will cut and run and we'll have 8 more years of Clintonesque foreign policy that got us into the War against Terrorism in the first place.
People keep forgetting Saddam had 6 months and 17 UN Resolutions to avoid war. Saddam failed to comply. Saddam kept attacking Allied fighters in the No Fly Zone, etc. The War in Iraq was Saddam's fault
Your statement about the economy is completely false. Your statement about the "blue collars" losing their sons is baseless, and from your previous positions to say you don't care if the next President is a Democrat or Republican is laughable.
McCain wasn't my first choice, but he's the best choice between the two (whoever the two ends up being).

Could not have said it better.
I want huckabee but I guess I wont get what I want. My first choice was sam brownback but it seems I dont get to choose for everyone..


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
... I don't understand why people have to always try to correct others to make themselves feel better.
And I don't understand why people continue to ignore facts when they are presented to them proving they have posted misinformation.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
I'm asking you? What is Rush Limbaugh's opinion on McCain... Does he think he should be president?
Since you and most of you seem to be "conservative" you probably have a high regard for Rush and what he says... I assume you listen to him... So what is his opinion of McCain?
I'll bet you hate rush.


Active Member
Rush really doesn't matter. But if you want to know what I think about McCain. I'd be more than happy to tell you that I don't know what I think about him.
Half of my would vote for the (R) but other other half of me says heck (stonger words aren't allowed on this forum) with McCain I'm not voting for either party's candidates.


Active Member
Originally Posted by socal57che
I do.

The guy is pretty dang funny. And what is absolutely crazy, spot on on his analysis. For instance he totally predicted McCains nomination in october 2006. And detailed how, and it was pretty accurate. But you have to be able to recognise sarcasm when you hear it and alot of people can't. And that is why they don't like him.
He does appeal to my sense of humor because he says stuff that he knows is politically incorrect or floats out ideas that he doesn't really believe but are fun ideas just to get reactions out of people. And that is right up my alley as far as that goes.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
your an

... its an analogy... not meant to be taken literally with all the operational points that you made. This is not a debate about termites and whether they are subterranean termites in mounds or in tunnels... the point of the remark was that you have to cut off the source. Learn how to spell or to type... Scooby Doo... you get the point I was trying to make... I don't understand why people have to always try to correct others to make themselves feel better.
Your analogy is inaccurate...much like your facts...but here is a little something addtional for your candidate
Obama's anti-Israel friends
Ali Abunimah is a well-known Chicago-based activist for Palestinian causes. He has a harshly anti-Israel attitude. He has also written that he had met Obama about half a dozen times at various Palestinian and Arab-American events, including a May 1998 community fundraiser at which the late Edward Said was the keynote speaker (there is a photo of Said with Senator Obama and his wife).
Edward Said was a severe critic of Israel; he developed a school of study about the Middle East based on denunciation of so-called "Orientalism" that has influenced many Middle Eastern professors to take an anti-Israel view. The entire field of Middle Eastern studies has been so corrupted that Congress has raised an alarm about federal funding going to professors with an anti-American, anti-Israel agenda. These are the ideological heirs of Edward Said.
Abunimah recently wrote an article critical of Obama's very recent and somewhat lukewarm outreach to the Israel's supporters. He wrote that years ago Obama had been forthright in his criticism of American foreign policy and had called for an even-handed approach to the Palestinian-Israel conflict. But Abunimah detected a change as Obama began his Senate run. He met Obama at an event that occurred in the midst of the Senator's primary campaign for Senate. Abunimah writes,
Obama said, "Hey, I'm sorry I haven't said more about Palestine right now, but we are in a tough primary race. I'm hoping when things calm down I can be more up front." He referred to my activism, including columns I was contributing to the Chicago Tribune critical of Israeli and US policy, "Keep up the good work!"
Could Obama's outreach to the pro-Israel community during his Presidential run just be a reprise of his actions during his Senate campaign? True, Abunimah may not be the most reliable source, but the picture of Obama together with one of Israel's harshest critics in America, Edward Said, gives scant reason for comfort regarding Obama's true beliefs.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bdhutier
Settle down, Rylan... no one's called you a name as of yet, that I'm aware of. Let's try to act like an adult, ok?

No prob's here...I was just correcting the analogy so it somewhat looked factual. SOme have problems with facts...even when they read them. SOme state fact..even where no such fact existed..others seek to rewrite factual history.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
I'm asking you? What is Rush Limbaugh's opinion on McCain... Does he think he should be president?
Since you and most of you seem to be "conservative" you probably have a high regard for Rush and what he says... I assume you listen to him... So what is his opinion of McCain?
He beleives he is too liberal on many issues..but he is a better choice then the two democrats .
I for one form my own opinions and do not use Rush as a sole sorce. His opinion is only one of many. I don't accept the Rush Kool Aid as gospel. I do realize many liberals simply walk up to the and dailykos websites and bowdown daily to the hatred. Some liberals also watch Michael Moore rags and deem them factual as well.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
Scooby Doo... you get the point I was trying to make... I don't understand why people have to always try to correct others to make themselves feel better.
No, I do not get a point regarding an analogy that is inaccurate. I'll correct inaccruate facts when I see them. You keep spewing them and I'll keep correcting them...understand?
I'm trying to get you to do research before you post inaccurate information regarding history, candidates, analogies, etc.
My for the most part but I really do not care. Feel free to correct my spelling. Also, I seem to always misplace my I don't see too well. I type like a person wearing boxing gloves. Good thing I work with numbers all day...where spelling does not count. I manage to struggle through it at work when needed.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
And I don't understand why people continue to ignore facts when they are presented to them proving they have posted misinformation.
I have a tendency to land harder on those that do opposed to others that at least make a good faith attempt at documenting positions with fact and do not attempt to rewrite history.