Please don't vote for McCain


Active Member
Hmmmm. When the interest deductions were changed so you can only write mortgages who was in control of the house and Senate where all legislation is written???
Sounds like someone's in a tiff cause McCain was elected president today. The longer Hillary and OBa fight it out the better for McCain. The longer this drags out the more polarized their supporters becore and it will hurt Democrat turnout in the general. Hillarbeast handed the Republicans a great commercial Sunday
"I have a lifetime of experience, senator McCain has a lifetime of experience. Barak Obama gave a speech in 2002"

My lord!!! If Obama hangs on that clip is going to be ran every 5 minutes on every network in the country come fall.


Active Member
How awkward must have both President Bush and McCain felt yesterday. McCain was slapped around by Bush in the 2000 primaries with negative campaign ads....


Active Member
Originally Posted by zman1
How awkward must have both President Bush and McCain felt yesterday. McCain was slapped around by Bush in the 2000 primaries with negative campaign ads....
I doubt it, they don't take that stuff personally. It is all part of the game.


Well-Known Member
Shoot, I don't care who the front runners are. This time the president is suposed to be assasinated. I'm looking at who the vice president will be! lol


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
It is all part of the game.
You are correct. That's the disturbing part of the process and politics...
What are your views, I saw the post on Reagan cut taxes from 70% to 30%. You failed to also mention, during that same period we had spending deficits and national debt rose from (adjusted for inflation) from less that 2 trillion to 4 trillion (doubled) and the largest deficits to-date from recent previous periods? That secured our future for decades to paying interest on those bonds since no one cares to reduce it or stop the government debt. I hear people say they aren't willing to pay for so called "social programs" and willing to pay for this or that. You know, I and willing to pay for a lot of things, Military, Homeland Defense and things that you call social programs. What I am not willing to pay for, is the debt interest. Let's see, if I pay $50,000 in taxes , $30,000 pays interest on the National Debt and that leaves $20,000 to spend on everything else. Not enough, we need to borrow more money and limit spending on everything I don't want and tax cuts. Now that sounds like a plan --- NOT
Does interest paid on national debt simulate the economy or is it money taken out of the economy, really? I would rather that +60% go to rebuilding the nations infrastructure, pay back the looted money from the social security ( we borrowed from there too) and other programs like UHC. No one wants to cancel their personal subscription to "Dr. Feel Good" they just want the other guy to cancel. Why is it today we value the investor over the worker... You can't borrow yourself to a booming economy long term or can you?. Most all original debt politicians will be dead before it totally catches up, probably me too.. The short term look


Active Member
Increasing taxes does not stimulate the economy, nor does it increase revenue for the Feds. Lowering taxes increases revenue.
The solultion is to keep taxes low AND reduce spending.
Certain things, Constitutionally, must be addressed by the Feds. National Defense chief among them.
We need to increase our Defense Budget, and cut all the stupid wasteful spending.


Active Member
Originally Posted by firefish
don't reagan got rid of being able to take your interest charges and car interest charges off you taxes!!!! thanks ronnie.
I was responding to the clear omition of fact.
Originally Posted by zman1

You are correct. That's the disturbing part of the process and politics...
What are your views, I saw the post on Reagan cut taxes from 70% to 30%. You failed to also mention, during that same period we had spending deficits and national debt rose from (adjusted for inflation) from less that 2 trillion to 4 trillion (doubled) and the largest deficits to-date from recent previous periods? That secured our future for decades to paying interest on those bonds since no one cares to reduce it or stop the government debt. I hear people say they aren't willing to pay for so called "social programs" and willing to pay for this or that. You know, I and willing to pay for a lot of things, Military, Homeland Defense and things that you call social programs. What I am not willing to pay for, is the debt interest. Let's see, if I pay $50,000 in taxes , $30,000 pays interest on the National Debt and that leaves $20,0000 to spend on everything else. Not enough, we need to borrow more money and limit spending on everything I don't want and tax cuts. Now that sound like a plan --- NOT
Does interest paid on national debt simulate the economy or is it money taken out of the economy, really? I would rather that +60% go to rebuilding the nations infrastructure, pay back the looted money from the social security ( we borrowed from there too) and other programs like UHC. No one wants to cancel their personal subscription to "Dr. Feel Good" they just want the other guy to cancel. Why is it today we value the investor over the worker... You can't borrow yourself to a booming economy long term or can you?. Most all original debt politicians will be dead before it totally catches up, probably me too.. The short term look


Active Member
Originally Posted by zman1
How awkward must have both President Bush and McCain felt yesterday. McCain was slapped around by Bush in the 2000 primaries with negative campaign ads....
No more than Reagan and Bush were when they were paired up as a ticket. Bush was the one who callled Reagans economic policy Voodoo Economics/


Active Member
Originally Posted by zman1
How awkward must have both President Bush and McCain felt yesterday. McCain was slapped around by Bush in the 2000 primaries with negative campaign ads....
Don't be surprised to see an Obama/Clinton ticket.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
So what exactly is Obama going to do while in office to make your life better?

Why is that the President's job. Where in the Constitution does it say for the president or Congress should do somthing like that? Get get the "pursuit of happiness", not govenrment funded happiness.
The less the gov't does for me the better. They should stick to the Constitution, and its all spelled out in the Preamble.
i dont see why it matters what any of them say anyways,... all politicians are liars.. they like to tell us what we want to hear so they will reap the benefits.. they dont really care about us lower class people who can barely afford to feed the mouths of our children..
they want a brand new bed in the white house with $400,000 a year.. rent free... wooo..
no matter what they say now.. there minds will change once all power is received.


Active Member
Originally Posted by parkercandleco
i dont see why it matters what any of them say anyways,... all politicians are liars.. they like to tell us what we want to hear so they will reap the benefits.. they dont really care about us lower class people who can barely afford to feed the mouths of our children..
they want a brand new bed in the white house with $400,000 a year.. rent free... wooo..
no matter what they say now.. there minds will change once all power is received.

Barely afford to feed your kids but you're in the aquarium hobby.

If you think about it, they are paid very little considering what they run. Perks are pretty good tho.
I heard this one quote once.
Democracy will fail when politicians realise they can use the peoples own money to bribe them.
And that is what both parties are doing now.


Active Member
Originally Posted by oscardeuce
Why is that the President's job. Where in the Constitution does it say for the president or Congress should do somthing like that? Get get the "pursuit of happiness", not govenrment funded happiness.
The less the gov't does for me the better. They should stick to the Constitution, and its all spelled out in the Preamble.
Preaching to the choir man. I agree 100%.


Active Member
Originally Posted by parkercandleco
.. they dont really care about us lower class people who can barely afford to feed the mouths of our children..
You have a place to live, a computer, and an internet connection apparently

Seriously, I know there are a tiny percentage of people in the USA actually having a difficult time feeding their children. The majority of the "poor" in the USA, however, live better than billions of people found around the globe.


Active Member

Originally Posted by 1journeyman
cut all the stupid wasteful spending.
Like the heavy burden of National Debt interest
? If you're including that as stupid wasteful spending too. Then we are in agreement.


Active Member

Originally Posted by zman1
Like the heavy burden of National Debt interest
? If you're including that as stupid wasteful spending too. Then we are in agreement.
If the national debt is such a serious concern (and it should be) then your answer is simple you have to vote republican. Because look at what the democrats are saying that they are going to implement.


Active Member

Originally Posted by stdreb27
If the national debt is such a serious concern (and it should be) then your answer is simple you have to vote republican
. Because look at what the democrats are saying that they are going to implement.
I bought into the republican propaganda most of my adult life...I feel I have been cheated, tricked and lied to. Shame on me, I knew I shouldn't have bought that cure for the common cold, I want my money back.....
History has proven that the National Debt goes up by leaps and bounds then.. I am not making your connection.


Active Member
Originally Posted by zman1
Does interest paid on national debt simulate the economy or is it money taken out of the economy, really? I would rather that +60% go to rebuilding the nations infrastructure, pay back the looted money from the social security ( we borrowed from there too) and other programs like UHC. No one wants to cancel their personal subscription to "Dr. Feel Good" they just want the other guy to cancel. Why is it today we value the investor over the worker... You can't borrow yourself to a booming economy long term or can you?. Most all original debt politicians will be dead before it totally catches up, probably me too.. The short term look
It really depends who holds the debt. Because interest paid to americans is profit for the american. I'm not sure what percentage of our debt is foreign held vs domestically held.
The real concept that I hold to, I'm not willing to dump more money into an organization that hasn't been wise with the money it has. The government doesn't need more tax moneys, it needs to spend less. I totally agree there are major solvency problems with the largest government expenditures. But the answer isn't to continue using the same system that got us into the situation to begin with. (ie. we can't leave social security the same) but we need to reform it. Look who tried, and look who was against it. And did you notice the vorasity of the attacks?
I'm not sure where why you think america values the investor more than the worker.
I don't agree but, As stated earlier as long as people keep lending then we can keep borrowing. And it depends what you consider long term. We've been doing it since the early 80s and we still are experiencing growth. As long as people still buy into the system, and they do, we'll be growing.
The problem I have is that we keep adding controls to our economy in an effort to promote growth, the bigger the correction is going to be. It is like putting bubble gum on the dam it is quick easy immediate results. Instead of doing it right and letting a little water out while we fix it right.


Active Member
Originally Posted by zman1
I bought into the republican propaganda most of my adult life...I feel I have been cheated, tricked and lied to. Shame on me, I knew I shouldn't have bought that cure for the common cold, I want my money back.....
History has proven that the National Debt goes up by leaps and bounds then.. I am not making your connection.
Listen to what democrats are offering. Look what they have created. You are pointing to one president who attempted and failed to pass a single payer medical system, who had republicans shut down the government a few times because his budget was too much. As a fiscal success. Your ignoring the last 80 years of history.
Do you realise the cost involved with a social medical system. It is going to be more expensive than social security, medicare/ade, and any other federal program there is today. We'll all be paying 70% taxes to pay for it all. Heck the CBO with the programs we have today, projected what it will take to be solvent, a tax rate of over 70% in 30 years. So we should vote in a party that openly wants that? Come on you may be hurt but there is some logic in there somewhere. At lead conservatives like me still believe in small government and less spending.
Sadly I think today on the national level republicans have bought into the idealogy that spending is the way to get elected. The problem is, they think that it is easier to sell to the moronic masses how the government will provide for you vs you working and bettering yourself.