Please don't vote for McCain


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
I smell a possible scandal brewing..... hint McCain ... lobbiest ... special favors ... possible relationship....
As a developer of low-income housing and a fast-food restaurant franchisee, Rezko would have needed connections in government to speed along licenses, permits, loan applications and other approvals.
"When one is in a business that depends on government action, as happens all over the world, you donate to a lot of campaigns," said Don Rose, a veteran Chicago political consultant.
Rezko donated generously. Besides Obama, Federal Election Commission reports show Rezko has given large sums to the Illinois Democratic party, the Democratic National Committee, John Kerry's presidential campaign and numerous others. He was also a chief fundraiser to Illinois governor Rod Blagojevich.
Campaign finance reports show a Rezko company was one of the first contributors to Obama's first bid for state senate, donating $1,000 to the campaign in July 1995. Obama has said Rezko hosted a fundraiser for his US Senate campaign and raised roughly $50,000.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
I smell a possible scandal brewing..... hint McCain ... lobbiest ... special favors ... possible relationship....
Bishop E. W. Jackson Sr., prominent black minister, once a top official in the Christian Coalition, blasted Barak Obama today for his lack of patriotism. "Frankly, I was incensed when he announced that he would no longer wear the American flag lapel pin. In fact I was shocked that Americans did not rise up. But this takes the cake. The Obamas have enjoyed success in law and politics. He has risen in a free political system that has proved to be the greatest in the world. Now he may be poised to become President of the United States. And yet his wife says this is the first time she has been proud of her country. They do not deserve the popularity they are enjoying, and they certainly do not deserve to occupy the White House."
Bishop Jackson also pointed out that until the campaign, Obama was following a Pastor – Rev. Jeremiah Wright - who gives awards to Lewis Farrakhan and calls America a racist country. "This is all starting to demonstrate a pattern" says Bishop Jackson. "Obama is apparently so far on the left that he has a problem with the flag and with having a real love and affection for his country. I am an African American, but I have been proud of my country for as long as I have been old enough to understand what America means to the world and why so many people around the world want to come here – freedom, opportunity and individual rights that are sacredly guarded."
Bishop Jackson is a minister, graduate of Harvard Law School and Adjunct Professor of Law at Strayer University. He is available for interviews and commentary.
CAN I GET AN AMEN...well said!!!!


Active Member
I smell a scandle brewing. The Times ran an unsourced story even a number of Democrats are criticizing. Perhaps at long last the general public will realize the New York times is pushing a left wing agenda.
I nearly choked when Bob Bennett said he was aware of no other time when a Senate committee had gone against their legal counsel's advice and brought charges against McCain "Because they didn't want it to just be three Democrats up there". This is all in his book which was written before this "scandle" even came to light last fall.


Active Member
I think Rush hits it on the head with his analysis of Obama, when he says, obama is for anything to everybody. He has left his public campain open enough where people hear what they want, then fill in what they think he stands for.
Like yesterday Obama said that he would get our troops out of Iraq in a year. Then today his aids said that is a goal, not a promise, but he has the soundbite now for the radical anti-war consticuency. And he has the soundbite to the more moderate voters too. All he has to say now is I believe we can win the war in a year. And he makes the Zell Miller democrats happy. And he is now covered all his bases. Politics and he is just as bad as the rest of them.


Active Member
You know, I kind of have a hope for McCain, when the guns of the drive by media turn on him. I hope he fires back. And says the hell with you I'm going right. And here is all the trash I have on you.
It could happen.


Active Member
Like I have stated time and again...Obama is FAR LEFT where the hate america mantra is chanted daily...No wonder his wife is only now proud of her country
Amanda B. Carpenter, a former editor at Human Events, summarized his record perfectly: "While Obama has a knack for portraying himself as an even-handed politician, who is inspired by traditional religious values, he has earned 100 percent ratings from Americans for Democratic Action, Naral Pro-Choice America, the National Organization for Women, the NAACP and the NEA." To score 100 percent with all five of those groups you have to be on the extremist edge of the Democratic Party. And he is clearly a phony on major issues. Ms. Carpenter notes on the Illinois Senate vote on banning partial-birth abortion, he voted "present." In other words, he didn't want to vote against the ban but didn't want to vote for it. So he didn't vote by being present but not voting. His oratory flows with principles, but his voting record is devoid of them. His voting record is a profile in hedging his bets, not in courage. (If you want more on Mr. Obama, get the free publication of Human Events, "Barack Exposed!")
And here's what the highly respected National Journal had to say: "Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., was the most liberal senator in 2007, according to National Journal's 27th annual vote ratings. The insurgent presidential candidate shifted further to the left last year in the run-up to the primaries, after ranking as the 16th- and 10th-most-liberal during his first two years in the Senate." This suggests Mr. Obama abandoned principles with his run for the presidency and shifted to the left to please the far-left voters in Democratic primaries.
When you show up as more liberal than Sens. Hillary Rodham Clinton and John Kerry, look out. Remember, as this column and others have documented, the extreme left of the Democratic Party is allied with anti-American types such as George Soros, with those with anti-American-values and with those who lack the will to defend America against its enemies.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
get out of here... are you serious... retract ?

So what does the quote say? Basically he doesn't confirm or deny... which IMO suggests that they were not there or that it is at least debatable on when they arrived. Since people of the GOP want to secure our reasoning for being over there I think leaving this door open is very telling... If it were fact that they were there prior to the war then he would have said it. 2nd, we've heard tons of info saying the al qaeda terrorists were coming across the border at the onset of the war and that most of them our foreigners...
It's your spin on the story to fit your opinion/agenda. You also stated no other terrorists were presnet in Iraq.
Rylan, you need to vist other sites besides and the dailykos.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
we've heard tons of info saying the al qaeda terrorists were coming across the border at the onset of the war and that most of them our foreigners...
Most of them foreigners?

Al Qaeda In Iraq is part of the global al Qaeda movement. AQI, as the U.S. military calls it, is around 90 percent Iraqi. Foreign fighters, however, predominate in the leadership and among the suicide bombers, of whom they comprise up to 90 percent, U.S. commanders say. The leader of AQI is Abu Ayyub al-Masri, an Egyptian. His predecessor, Abu Musab al Zarqawi, was a Jordanian.
Because the members of AQI are overwhelmingly Iraqis--often thugs and misfits recruited or dragooned into the organization (along with some clerics and more educated leaders)--it is argued that AQI is not really part of the global al Qaeda movement.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
lets be serious... muslims were treated different... profiled, vandalized, they were recipiants of hateful remarks, etc.. Just because they weren't shipped off or killed doesn't mean that it was acceptable.
And unacceptable is the white hate speech, america hate speech and jew hate speech coming from Obama's minister Wright..a man he looks to for advice and supports. Also, honoring a known hater Farrakahn is a disgrace. Obama is unacceptable as he supportts racism. Just becuase the hate speech is against America,jews and whites does not mean I'll look the other way and give the haters a pass.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
I smell a scandle brewing. The Times ran an unsourced story even a number of Democrats are criticizing. Perhaps at long last the general public will realize the New York times is pushing a left wing agenda.
I nearly choked when Bob Bennett said he was aware of no other time when a Senate committee had gone against their legal counsel's advice and brought charges against McCain "Because they didn't want it to just be three Democrats up there". This is all in his book which was written before this "scandle" even came to light last fall.
Yes, shamful isn't it? And the democrats hired Bennett and still ignored him. He spent 18 months investigating McCain and found ZERO!!
I think the Times will get a backlash from the story. Yep, many democratss have denounced the story already tonight only a couple hours after it broke.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
I smell a scandle brewing. The Times ran an unsourced story even a number of Democrats are criticizing. Perhaps at long last the general public will realize the New York times is pushing a left wing agenda.
I nearly choked when Bob Bennett said he was aware of no other time when a Senate committee had gone against their legal counsel's advice and brought charges against McCain "Because they didn't want it to just be three Democrats up there". This is all in his book which was written before this "scandle" even came to light last fall.
Obama stands in quicksand everyday. He has no foundation outside universal Obama Care...and cut and run from Iraq...and evn those postions are not "firm". He does stand in firm support of his racist spiritual leader though. he still is a member of the haters church.


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
I think Rush hits it on the head with his analysis of Obama, when he says, obama is for anything to everybody. He has left his public campain open enough where people hear what they want, then fill in what they think he stands for.
Like yesterday Obama said that he would get our troops out of Iraq in a year. Then today his aids said that is a goal, not a promise, but he has the soundbite now for the radical anti-war consticuency. And he has the soundbite to the more moderate voters too. All he has to say now is I believe we can win the war in a year. And he makes the Zell Miller democrats happy. And he is now covered all his bases. Politics and he is just as bad as the rest of them.

Obama stands in quicksand everyday. He has no foundation outside universal Obama Care...and cut and run from Iraq...and even those postions are not "firm". He does stand in firm support of his racist spiritual leader though. he still is a member of the haters church. He is also pretty firm on raising taxes.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
analogy taken
.. but okay take your same anaolgy and lets say there is a termite mound in your yard .. but you ignore the mound and treat the house... you'll keep getting termites if you ignore the mound (source)
Once again Rylan you talk about subjects you know little about. When a house is treated for termites there are no "mounds" in the yard. They come from beneath the surface an tunnel through at the house. Once poisoin is placed aorund the huse and in the traps within in the bathrooms...they are killed by the poison.
The idea in treating/preventing subtarranean termits is to protect the structures...not the entire yard.
Once the termites tunnel to the treated areas they will be killed. There are no termit 'mounds" above ground in a yard like an ant hill.
Either way, you should not get termites if you treat the house on a regular basis...regardless of your mound analogy. That's not how subterranean termites operate.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ScubaDoo
Yes, shamful isn't it? And the democrats hired Bennett and still ignored him. He spent 18 months investigating McCain and found ZERO!!
I think the Times will get a backlash from the story. Yep, many democratss have denounced the story already tonight only a couple hours after it broke.
What really sucks about this argument, is that I'd love to say, this is what I believe, and I have this candidate that i'm going to vote for because this is what he stands for. But I can't.


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
What really sucks about this argument, is that I'd love to say, this is what I believe, and I have this candidate that i'm going to vote for because this is what he stands for. But I can't.
Unfortunatly decent people dont want to let it all hang out to run for president because they dont want to put their family through the BS.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
Unfortunatly decent people dont want to let it all hang out to run for president because they dont want to put their family through the BS.
The problem is you have to want to have the power, and the people who want power don't deserve the office.


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
I think Rush hits it on the head with his analysis of Obama, when he says, obama is for anything to everybody. He has left his public campain open enough where people hear what they want, then fill in what they think he stands for.
Like yesterday Obama said that he would get our troops out of Iraq in a year. Then today his aids said that is a goal, not a promise, but he has the soundbite now for the radical anti-war consticuency. And he has the soundbite to the more moderate voters too. All he has to say now is I believe we can win the war in a year. And he makes the Zell Miller democrats happy. And he is now covered all his bases. Politics and he is just as bad as the rest of them.

So do you agree with his opinion on McCain?


Active Member
Originally Posted by ScubaDoo
Once again Rylan you talk about subjects you know little about. When a house is treated for termites there are no "mounds" in the yard. They come from beneath the surface an tunnel through at the house. Once poisoin is placed aorund the huse and in the traps within in the bathrooms...they are killed by the poison.
The idea in treating/preventing subtarranean termits is to protect the structures...not the entire yard.
Once the termites tunnel to the treated areas they will be killed. There are no termit 'mounds" above ground in a yard like an ant hill.
Either way, you should not get termites if you treat the house on a regular basis...regardless of your mound analogy. That's not how subterranean termites operate.
your an

... its an analogy... not meant to be taken literally with all the operational points that you made. This is not a debate about termites and whether they are subterranean termites in mounds or in tunnels... the point of the remark was that you have to cut off the source. Learn how to spell or to type... Scooby Doo... you get the point I was trying to make... I don't understand why people have to always try to correct others to make themselves feel better.


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
What you think his opinion of McCain is?
I'm asking you? What is Rush Limbaugh's opinion on McCain... Does he think he should be president?
Since you and most of you seem to be "conservative" you probably have a high regard for Rush and what he says... I assume you listen to him... So what is his opinion of McCain?