Political discussions


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Originally Posted by truehle
So I need something explained to me. I just can't seem to wrap my mind around it....
Setting the scene:
I'm conservative, and I generally vote republican.
My good friend is liberal, and votes straight ticket.
1. Why I asked him about the crashing of the stock market coinciding with the nomination and election of Obama, he said, "how could one man have that affect on the economy, and plus he's only been in office a few months. Its amazing [sarcasm] that he hasn't fixed the economy yet."
Now things are leveling out, and his response? "See I told you Obama's policy would fix it."

2. During Bush's years, all I heard was global warming this, global warming that. All very negative and obviously the fault of industry, carbon emissions, human carbon footprint.
Now, with Obama, its "global climate change." Again..

3. When Bush was in, all he complained about what how much debt Bush was putting the country into.
How much in rescue plans from Obama was paid out? How much was his budget for? Now all I hear from him is that we're not spending enough money. And once again....

Can anyone explain???
Pretty typical for your run of the mill Democrat hypocrite. There are some Republicans that are the same way but not like the Democrats. You can go back and read posts here over the last year or so and you will find a lot of us on the right side taking shots at Bush for one reason or another. How many of the libs who were attacking Bush for his spending policy have said a word about Obama's insane spending spree?


Active Member
Originally Posted by truehle
1. Why I asked him about the crashing of the stock market coinciding with the nomination and election of Obama
Actually, if you look at the market levels, it was crashing way before the election. And we have been in a recession since Dec of 2007, I hardly think it was his fault. Give it a couple more years and then it will be Obama's fault, and it will happen, the market always booms and busts...as long as it is free to operate anyway...

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by jp30338
LOL, so this is what republicans do when they lose because they couldnt cheat

The tea party out here had dems and reps. see that is what is different. sure it is majority republicans, but many democrats.
How many different protests did the democrats have through Bushes 8 years. How many were there from republicans when Clinton was in office....on a national scale, it was 0. Yeah republicans really protest a lot..........pay attention. How about giving some facts instead of dropping the one liner with no substance.....
Isn't there a Polar bear you should be saving?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
The market hasn't hit bottom yet...you will see a new low for the year before december is over.
You think? I hope not, but I think its on the rebound. Of course there has been some upsets, like sales report being a bit low, etc.


Active Member
Originally Posted by oscardeuce
Funny the 10th Amendment clearly gives The States many rights over the Federal Gov't. I guess if you believe the Constitution is the law of the land, then ( as it relates to the 10th Amendment) then you are on the "watch list".
Unless it is for the "Welfare" of the country as stated in Article 1, that would trump the 10th.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sickboy
Give it a couple more years and then it will be Obama's fault, and it will happen, the market always booms and busts...as long as it is free to operate anyway...

Will it be free under Obama? I don't think so. He's fired the CEO of GM, mandating the banks take tarp money. Telling them how to spend it. He wants mandatory civil service ( Obama Jungen) see HR 1388. We are less free under Obama than Bush.
"Free" healthcare
"Free" cars
"Free" retirement
All for 80% of your income.


Active Member
That reporter is a major embarrassment to the journalism profession and should be fired. If she wants to be the lefts version of Oreilly she need to get an opinion show and quit masquerading as a reporter.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
. How many of the libs who were attacking Bush for his spending policy have said a word about Obama's insane spending spree?
I'm a conservative who complained the RINO's and Bush were spending too much. Now Mr Obama and Queen Nancy are spending even more.


Originally Posted by jp30338
he is doing an excellent job. is finally making the big corporations pay for there ecxess and greed which has caused the current sate of our economy!
Funny, how its the same ole same ole, dire hard republicans on this forum that bash him EVERY chance they get.

Woa, I agree that the CEO's that are stealing money or being dishonest should pay, but people and corporations that are honest should not be punished because they are successful by having to pay more taxes! The governement should not be giving out any bailouts to private companies and increasing our national debt. If your company cannot make it then you should fold. I don't care who it is. The government is getting involved in stuff that it should not have its nose in. What about the housing market that was causing the downward fall of the economy? That was all started by Dems. wanting everyone to be able to buy a house and giving people loans they could not afford by agreeing to back the loans up if they fell through. Well guess what, they are falling through in droves right now. You can't fix the economy by charging people more taxes, it doesn't work, didn't work in the past and not going to work in the future. Stop taxing the wealthy so much since they are the ones that own businesses and employee people. If they were not taxed so much they could afford to open more busineesses, employ more people, and get more people paying their "fair share" of the taxes.


Active Member
ok, so i'm watching congress yesterday (last night) and i just couldn't get it in my head what these democrats are talking about. I mean, they seem to skirt every single issue and keep saying that spending spending spending is the only way to fix us right now. I loved how one of the republicans got a little fired up when he was quoting pelosi and one other guy who condemned putting our kids in debt under bush, but are all for it now...


Active Member
The utter stupidity of the electorate never ceases to amaze me.
My current best examples are directed at the Democrats but it isn't limited to them.
Take the whole Abramoff scandal as one example. The Democrats demonized every single Republican who got a red cent from Abramoff yet when it was pointed out that Harry Reid got more from Abramoff than 90% of the Republicans it was perfectly fine and he got a complete pass.
Barney Frank and Christopher Dodd should both probably be in jail over Freddie and Fanny but there wont even be a serious investigation into why they were so dead set against increasing oversight of them at the same time they were taking a bundle in donations from them. I was POed about Duke Cunningham and was glad he got nailed but what he did wasn't nearly as damaging as what these two boobs (and others) did.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
The utter stupidity of the electorate never ceases to amaze me.
My current best examples are directed at the Democrats but it isn't limited to them.
Take the whole Abramoff scandal as one example. The Democrats demonized every single Republican who got a red cent from Abramoff yet when it was pointed out that Harry Reid got more from Abramoff than 90% of the Republicans it was perfectly fine and he got a complete pass.
Barney Frank and Christopher Dodd should both probably be in jail over Freddie and Fanny but there wont even be a serious investigation into why they were so dead set against increasing oversight of them at the same time they were taking a bundle in donations from them. I was POed about Duke Cunningham and was glad he got nailed but what he did wasn't nearly as damaging as what these two boobs (and others) did.
Until the "free press" returns it will be one sided. Like you said "Duke" deserved what he got. Now it's Jefferson, Frank and Dodd's turns.
"When you're a democrat, it's different." Jim Quinn


Active Member
Why does Obama talk so much about what he "inherited" from Bush? Last I checked he was a Senator and responsible for much of what Bush signed.

salty blues

Active Member
Originally Posted by oscardeuce
Why does Obama talk so much about what he "inherited" from Bush? Last I checked he was a Senator and responsible for much of what Bush signed.
Basically because he, like Bush is a politician. It's the standard line to blame the one before you, although at some point even obamessiah will have to start owning some of the current crap.


Active Member

Originally Posted by oscardeuce
Why does Obama talk so much about what he "inherited" from Bush? Last I checked he was a Senator and responsible for much of what Bush signed.
Really? About 7 months ago you were saying that he hadn't done anything in the senate, but now he was responsible for much
of what Bush signed?