Originally Posted by
spanko http:///forum/thread/379686/posiden-s-20l/20#post_3304376
DIY skills are great here bud.
Ha, Ha. Thanks Spanko. But IMO it looks like poopie. I did that work really fast and I plan on a new one. One with proper cuts in it. I just needed to see if the concept worked or not on my setup before I went and bought, and spent time on another piece. I am thinking of using ABS since its black. Though, the contriversy of ABS on a tank makes me think twice. I think I would chance the ABS before dipping the Krylon Fusion though.
Originally Posted by novahobbies http:///forum/thread/379686/posiden-s-20l/20#post_3304414
Man I'm likin' your rock work - the canyon and the curved mountain are excellent.
LOL I have no business getting a new tank right now given my upcoming move, but I am SOOOO tempted to swing by ***** right now and make use of their $1 per gallon sale to pick up a 20L. Just for future use, don't ya know.......
Oh, and yes you can cycle a sterile tank. It will take a little longer to do, but it helps if you ghost feed. When you're done cycling, borrow a cup of somebody's sump chaeto and give it a good shake in your tank if you want the "good" microbugs to get going in your system. You could also add a bag of reef pods to keep it sterile. I did the sterile cycle and chaeto thing with my seahorse setup. The cycle took 2 months, and I added a few amphipods from my big tank's sump. Before long I had HUNDREDS of amphis crawling around the rocks with impunity. Until the seahorse was introduced - then it was open season on all amphipods.
Keep it up - I can't wait to see how this progresses!
Thank you! I have big hopes for this tank. I plan on it being a LPS and softie tank. I feel I'm a bit lazy. However, I can't keep LPS with any color in my 29 right now??? I think I just don't have enough nutrients? Maybe I don't have enough fish, or feed enough? I hope to figure things out soon....
I have given the 20L a couple doses with MB7. I have also dropped in a couple pieces of sinking shrimp pellets. Tonight though, I gave it a shot of mysis along with some oyster feast and phyto. There should be plenty in there now.
I think you should grab a 20L. I love the dimensions of these tanks. These and 40 breeders.