It is a bubble tip anemone, and non bubbling tips are no indication of an unhealthy anem. Its really not known why some species bubble and some dont, although there is a theory supported by some, myself included, that BTA's will bubble as a defense mechanism.
Another point as an FYI, the green you see that in your anemone is a color flouesced by your actinic lighting. It is not a natural color of the anem, in fact zooxanthellea is brown and your animal should have that coloration throught out its body to its base and its foot. Lack of this brownish color is a bleached specimine.
Crocea clams have an extremly high light requirement, the normal PC lighting that comes with these cubes are def not enough to sustain them long term. The fact that you didnt know what specific type of clam it was only makes me think you dont know too much about them, and you are relying on the advise of your LFS which IMO in a lot of cases is wrong. And in this instance seems to be evidence of this if they told you that the clam would do ok in your tank and that anemone was healthy. Again not flaming you just want to inform you so that these animals dont suffer in an environment not sutible for them.