Post Your Age!


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Originally Posted by jtrzerocool
Ok, you say 57 and the response is "HOT", so I'll personally be freaked out about that if it's spot on.


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Originally Posted by PerfectDark
ok ok i got you are the BIG 6...0...
Not yet! .... gimme a break ..

clown boy

Active Member
Originally Posted by zman1
Now for Clown boy - I would guess 13-18 based on posts last year, if they were accurate - He said he was a teenager and home schooled (that's what stuck out in my memory). That's 13 -18 unless a super senior,then possibly 19. He once said his mom wouldn't like seeing certain posts, lower the age. It's hard to believe 18yrs or higher would have that close of parental monitoring on a saltwater fish board. I say 14
You think it has to do with my mom? She never looks at this website. I will continue to have the same standards looong after I move away from home. It just isn't right...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Clown Boy

ok i tried to cheat and look at your profile that didn't work but it said you lived in california what part? i'm from sacramento originally...tobin


Active Member
Originally Posted by MiaHeatLvr
38 and CLIMBING! When will it end? lol
Do you really want to know?


Active Member
Originally Posted by bigarn
Do you really want to know?
That might be an interesting thread topic! Would you want to know when your going to die? Either Naturally or Un Naturally. THEN you can prepare for things and live your life to the fullest OR on the other hand, Just let things happen.. I might start that thread but im affraid people will think that it might not be appropiate for so many minor here. What do you think?


Active Member
Originally Posted by MiaHeatLvr
That might be an interesting thread topic! Would you want to know when your going to die? Either Naturally or Un Naturally. THEN you can prepare for things and live your life to the fullest OR on the other hand, Just let things happen.. I might start that thread but im affraid people will think that it might not be appropiate for so many minor here. What do you think?
Go for it ....


Active Member
Originally Posted by Clown Boy
I was born in the Bay Area, Grew up in Loomis (around 30 minutes east up Highway 80 from Sacramento).
my first restaurant job was in loomis don't remember the name of the place, do you remember if you were heading east on 80 and took the loomis exit and went over 80 went a mile or 2 there is a restaurant i believe at a stop sign on the corner you know the place? also my uncle had a kawasaki dealership there in the 80's and 90's and he also had a body shop there i believe it was called arnold's bump shop sound familiar at all?...tobin

clown boy

Active Member
Lots of body shops came in and out of there. Fox's Automotive was our favorite. I know there were others...
I really miss Loomis. It's really a cowboy town with cars driving down the streets.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Clown Boy
and there was JimBoy's Tacos... the greasiest tacos we ever tasted.
Still, I kinda liked them.

yeah i remember those jimboys oh boy lol, when did you live there?


Active Member
Physical age 31, drink like i'm 21, play like i'm 60, love like i'm ??????, the jury's still out on that one, and my wife says i act like i'm 10