Project Fishroom underway for new 240 setup


Active Member
I ran the 1-1/4" because Paul said it would be fine. I do have "true" unions coming from the DART on both ends. each one cost 100.00 because sch. 80.
I do not have enogh room to run 1.5 coming out of the 4way not enough clearence from tank and wall. i accually had to move the tank with a 2x4 to get it to fit.
i would definitely use unions just incase. plus when you ever want to change the drum of the 8way. Boy if i could do it over again..... i wish i had a predrilled tank. I really liked Pauls idea for flow movement using the the 4 way. The "cirular" effect why didn't you go with the 4 running along the bottom front of your tank pointing toward your overflow?


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I'm still toying with that idea Paul gave me on Wednesday.....I know he hates when I call and he wasn't in the shop and Cass transferred me out to his phone.........Pauls' a great guy IMO......He had suggested about buring lines under the sand and firing up, and I was sitting pondering it even's not to sand or rock in the tank yet......Actually still have freshwater flowing through it's veins.........

If I may ask where in the heck did you get your unions at? :scared: that is way expensive if you ask me.....I've installed probably 10 of these puppies within the last 3 months, and each time it gets more and more involved it seems......I've always used TruUnion ball valves. I think your right on using the unions.....I guess another trip to Lowes for me.....Are you running any revs with yours? How hot does the motor get on yours? I read someone today was complaining that theirs was searing hot??? They do get warm, but have never felt them as hot as he described????? :notsure:


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Originally Posted by reefeel
I found that you actually get more of a red color if you don't wipe the stain off, you just let it soak overnight and it should require only one coat. Although my solid oak doors didn't absorb as well as my oak plywood.
I had the same problem with a stand I did back 3 months ago for a customer where the stain didn't take the same as the stand skin.........Gotta done just took longer than what I wanted it to take.....
I'm going to try a test piece again following the advice of extra stirring and not wiping it down, letting it sit, and see if I can get some red out of it.......


Active Member
I am a little tired whats revs?
and are you asking if the dart gets hot or the 4way motor.
I am in the food industry and wouldn't say it sears. I think the dart and om motor give off the same type of heat but of course the dart has a fan running but still the same heat. you can touch it and hold it just may take a second to get use to.


Active Member
Sorry the guy was saying so hot you couldn't keep your hand there for more than a couple seconds??? I'm a diesel mechanic by trade and use to working hot exhaust systems right off the road so hands are a little tougher than most, but I've never felt any of the OM get that warm....
I was wondering if you have any revolutions installed with your OM? Paul sells them....


Hey acrylic51 I forgot to tell you something on staining you may or may not know. When running a test for color get a quart of prestain conditioner for the wood. It will even out the color but IMO never lets a stain get as dark.
Also, since you like "Lowes" ask them if they carry any gel stains. IMO and it is what I do, any gel stain is going to let you go darker than anything else.
On finishing stand since it's built in place, multiple coats of MinWax wipe on poly - sand - final coat. Wipe on has a ton of self leveling agents in it and is very easy to use.


Active Member
Thanks DeJaCo......I did the test with wood conditioner and it was terrible.....I didn't like the color at all.....It was lighter than expected and applied 3 coats and could never get it any darker....What's up with that??? It should prevent blotching, and even color take????? Thanks for the tips!!!!!!


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Thanks guys.......Hey Nikki I haven't forgotten about you I need to get with Matt on revamping the sump and material.......Had Halloween party this morning......
Sorry guys.....Been super busy with plumbing the OM......It was a mind wracking event laying all the lines out, and had to change 2 from original layout.......Finally got it fired and love the flow.....I haven't run 3 of the lines completely to the bottom of the tank that will be buried, but with them just sitting inside the tank they are keeping the pvc shavings kicking and turning.....which should help to keep any debris suspended in the water column to be picked up...........
I did make an error on the lenght of one of the down tubes for the "rev".....I made it to high off the water surface for the "rev" to actually drop down and rotate and pop back up.....So of course off to Lowes to see if I can come up with a solution for my error in judgement.......
I will try to get some pics posted this evening.......I honestly wished I had listened to my first instinct and went with the Barracuda pump and I think Lubeck advised me to, but off of another recommendation I went with the Dart, and I do get good flow, I just want more.....I'd love to see the HammerHead run that thing though....So more than likely I'll let the Dart run for a month or 2 and then swap out for the Barracuda........But will post some pics later today. I have to start filling the RO/DI containers and start preparing saltwater today, and get the line run for the Tunze auto top off unit. I just have to run the line from my water storage area through the wall and plumb the sensors in the sump......then it were really cooking!!!!!!
Pics coming!!!!!!


I like my LifeReef skimmer. It was only around $400 Rated for 250gal but It's under rated. Even if I upgrade my tank I can buy the adapters to make it up to 1000gal skimmer. I use a Little giant pump to pump mine. Not too bad on electric compaired to the 1000wat of mh or the 660wat in atinics. But most people don't think of the electric the lighting is using. My 6000gph Hammer Head is a bit of an electric hog though
. but it save me from having a bunch of power heads in my tank.


Active Member
Any pics of that LifeReef Skimmer???? That HammerHead won't push 6000gph!!!!!!! Trust me.......I have it on a flow meter.....I don't concern myself to much with electric.....Yes its expensive, but that's part of the hobby expense, and besides the kids and wife leave the lights on all the time anyway, so were even.....
You should look at upgrading that pump on that skimmer.....The Little Giant definitely isn't great on electric, noise, and heat......To be honest my brand new BlueLine is noisier than the HammerHead?????


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Like I keep telling you, take your time with getting back to me, I totaly understand. Hey, when is your next trip to Lancaster, I am thinking about going tomorrow, need bird food, cat liter, and so on. Let me know if you have to go. Also, I am having an hair alge problem in the 150, and ideas?


Active Member
What's your maintenance schedule like on the 150??? Water changes, and parameters as well??????
I actually need to go to Lancaster to pick up RO/DI filters, but wholesalers aren't and can't purchase during the weekend.......only during the week 9-5.......I have to be out by 5pm......I might get down Wed to pick up new filters......


Active Member
I do a 25 gallon water change every Tuesday, and the water is ok, tested last night, to check, and everything was ok, nitrates were alittle high, but not too bad. I absolutly have to go tomorrow, cat box stinks sooooooo bad. And if I don't get the bird food, he will just yell and swear all day, lol.


Active Member
What about your lighting???? Age.....You could take a picture of a nice cooked bird and hold it up to the bird and tell him to "hush or else".....No just kidding......


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I'm not sure about the lights, how long ago Adam changed them, he takes care of all that. But, he does do it when they need to be changed, I will ask him tomorow morning when he gets home. This bird is crazy, he swears at me and throws food at me when I am doing the dishes. He talks more then my 2 year old. When I tell the bird to shut up, he tells me to lay down, I guess he hears me telling the dogs that, lol, I am telling you, hes nuts. And, I forgot to tell you, I like your painted PVC, it does look better painted. :cheer: