

Active Member
Well to answer my own question, it appears that it is more correct to write reread versus re-read. Granted I found this information from an online source which could call into question its validity but here is what I found.
"Rule 8. Use the hyphen with the prefix re only when:
the re means again AND omitting the hyphen would cause confusion with another word.
Examples: Will she recover from her illness?
Re does not mean again.
I have re-covered the sofa twice.
Re does mean again AND omitting the hyphen would have caused confusion with another word.
The stamps have been reissued.
Re means again but would not cause confusion with
another word.
I must re-press the shirt.
Re means again AND omitting the hyphen would have caused confusion with another word. " (http://www.grammarbook.com/punctuation/hyphens.asp December 26, 2007)


Originally Posted by jonthefishguy
How much time would it take you to re-read your last post. Either your typo's were done on purpose or you were too lazy to reread 5 sentences.
Besides, my point of this thread has lost its direction. I was not talking about a clerical error here and there as we do infact miss a letter as we type. Our brains tend to think faster than our fingers move. I am actually talking about those who destroy the language in a way that it was not intended by typing the words phonetically. "DO U NO WUT I MEEN?" There is no way that typing that sentence was simply a clerical error. Obviously it took more brain power to re alphabetize the word to fit it into a sentence. Those who are jumping on the bandwagon and saying, "you are just trying to sound smarter and blah blah blah", are totally missing the point and obviously you will never understand why WUT makes people sound illiterate. Forum or not.
Like I said. There are times and places to use proper writing techniques. In the age of text messaging and living in the 'short cut' age, I have no problems with somone using DO U NO WUT I MEEN in an open forum such as this. I understand what they are trying to convey, and it's a simplistic way of writing it. On the other hand, I do agree that there are extremes. I've seen posts from individuals who write one sentence paragraphs, using incorrect spelling and proper word usage. Those types of posts do make it difficult to understand what the person is trying to say or get across to the attending audience. I have on occassion mentioned this to posters who do it, and end up getting criticized for being arrogant and petty. I just shrug it off, and don't bother replying to their question. So if it irritates you when someone posts informal usage of words and phrases in a forum such as this, ignore the post and move on. People have certain writing habits and styles they will probably never fix. That's thier business, not mine.


Active Member
Yes, I gues it just depends on what site you look at and how critical you are of the spelling. When it comes to error's like this, I am not quick to point out their mistake as it is generally a simple grammar error. I am in no way an english expert nor claim to be the English Professor. But you certainly dont need to be either to know when someone is destroying the language just to sound "hip, cool, with it" or whatever they want to call it these days. Nearly all the posts that I see that are like this are from those under the age of 20 and mainly young teenagers. Yes, they are still young and learning, but the basic writing skills have been taught to them already. Only recently did this whole phonetic spelling come into play. As a child I remember expressing myself along with my friends. However, we certainly didn't make ourselves look illiterate. Chopping up words and removing or adding a letter here or there is just plain stupid. I find it interesting that those I am reffering to are not responding and explaining why they cannot use correct grammar without using the whole "it's just a message board, get over it" attitude.
Main Entry: re-
Function: prefix
Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French, from Latin re-, red- back, again, against
1 : again : anew <retell>
2 : back : backward <recall>


Active Member
Originally Posted by jonthefishguy
Yes, I gues it just depends on what site you look at.
Main Entry: re-
Function: prefix
Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French, from Latin re-, red- back, again, against
1 : again : anew <retell>
2 : back : backward <recall>
I would have to agree it would depend on the site, however that fact that re- is a prefix does not seem to be the issue. The issue is about the puncuation. The information you left in this post does not indicated re-read is the accepted puncuation.


Active Member

Originally Posted by jonthefishguy
As it was noted in a previous thread, it seems that punctuation and correct grammar seems to be a thing of the past and it is quite sad. Although this is a forum and not English Class 101, improper grammar says a lot about a person. As we know, slang has always been around and will continue to be. But the argument that was brought up was not about a misspelling here or there. It was about continuous mispellings and lack of respect for the English language to correct it. Yes, they may put more effort in spelling when it comes to employment. But that shouldn'd be the only time. To make excuses about the reason's for your bad grammar shows even more about you. Example: "its a message board and me and alot of other people on here arent authors".
Well, while the writer may not be an author, he/she certainly isnt educated either. You dont need to be an author to know how to use correct spelling.
Many of the youth today seem to think it is acceptable as long as the word sound correct, like "WUT" for "WHAT" or "HOLLA" for "HOLLAR" or loose for lose etc. Its a bit like an engineer arguing that it doesn't matter if a calculation is just wrong by a little bit. It does matter. I think it matters more than they care to realize. Maybe this is due to things like texting where you tend to abbreviate. I get very annoyed with emails where the sender hasn't bothered to capitalise properly or use good punctuation. It seems to say that they really aren't bothered by it. It's mostly the result of laziness, poor teaching and as I said before, lack of respect for the language, unless half the population is educationally subnormal or dyslexic. It's not just that people can't spell or write; what's worse is they don't care, and aren't interested in correcting their mistakes.
I understand that not everybody is a good speller or able to punctuate correctly, but anything that is for public to read should be checked by someone who is or can. These days, there's no excuse for bad spelling. You cannot spell? That's what a spellchecker is for. And if you haven't got a spellchecker, that's what a dictionary is for (kids would call that "old school").
Americans tend to be lazy when it comes to spelling and learning. They take less time to do these things and they don't find it important. People from native countries are more dedicated to learning and doing well with what they are learning. They study harder and are usually more proper when speaking in English than most americans. Also, some foreigners have something to prove in order to keep jobs, etc. so they are going to try and do everything better than an American.
Americans as a whole tend to rush everything that we do. That is why Fast Food is so popular in this country. Now from other countries, people are trying there best to fit in. In most countries, you are rewarded for saying stuff correctly, etc. But, in this country people tend to not care about stuff like that unless if you are in a professional environment like Alix2.0 said. Now, that creates a natural environment for people to relax into and then tend to sink into not caring what they are talking about. It is all about the natural tendency to get stuff done quicker to make time for more fun time.
Maybe some of you who read this will feel its a bit petty and that this is a forum and not school. Or maybe others including myself feel a bit peeved about the way our language is torn apart all in the name of simplicity. Take the extra time to add a letter here or there where it belongs. Most of us that are on here that answer your questions are older and may not take you as serious as we should for the simple fact that you cant take your grammar serious. At an employer's standpoint, it shows that if someone can't be bothered with their spelling and grammar at this stage what chance is there that they would be conscientious about the quality of their work or their husbandry habits.
Maybe this is just a way for me to vent about something. Maybe its nothing at all and should be overlooked. Whichever it is, it is my opinion and I am certainly not the only one that feels this way.
Well I wrote that and i will back it up. People read it once and they answer the question or watever and forget about it. I dont get why it is such a big problem. You can read it right? thats all that really matters. I am not an author and i do not plan to do be one, but that is really harsh to call us "uneducated". I am in on all level 4 classes and i am getting all A's. It is just quicker not to edit ur post 5 times.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bjoe23
Well I wrote that and i will back it up. People read it once and they answer the question or watever and forget about it. I dont get why it is such a big problem. You can read it right? thats all that really matters. I am not an author and i do not plan to do be one, but that is really harsh to call us "uneducated". I am in on all level 4 classes and i am getting all A's. It is just quicker not to edit ur post 5 times.
Of course you ARE from Boston.... Maybe you could videotape other people's typing to give you an edge...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jerthunter
Of course you ARE from Boston.... Maybe you could videotape other people's typing to give you an edge...
Oh, that was cold. It didn't need to go there.


Active Member
Originally Posted by GrouperGenius
Oh, that was cold. It didn't need to go there.

I always have to find a way to sneak that in!


Active Member
Yes, pllease dont get this thead locked. This is just a thread about grammar and we dont need it locked down. Obviously from the majority that responded, many feel that extra time should be taken to make sure the person or person writing doesnt sound uneducated and be taken seriously. I for one will no longer answer questions to those threads that start with complete and utter disregard for the english language. I will respond to those that make a clerical error simply by mistake. There is a definate fine line between those that make an error due to typing and those that obviously are making up their own word.
And I get the video comment... patriots....
And as for Bjoe, your 14 and that the reason you dont get it. Its not about bashing the younger generation. There are many other things I can do that on. Its about you and people like yourself not seeing the big picture and chalking it up to,"it's just a forum, blog, email, whatever". That is perfectly fine if you are talking to one of your friends you have known forever and thats just you being you. However, I am not your buddy and many others on here probably arent either. We simply think that better grammar would be appreciated and not make us think twice about who the other person is on the other end that cant spell DOG but has not problem spelling it as DAWG.


Active Member
I would hope that my silly little sports reference is not going to get a thread locked but if it becomes a problem I apologize and will gladly remove the comment myself.


Active Member

Originally Posted by jonthefishguy
Yes, pllease dont get this thead locked. This is just a thread about grammar and we dont need it locked down. Obviously from the majority that responded, many feel that extra time should be taken to make sure the person or person writing doesnt sound uneducated and be taken seriously. I for one will no longer answer questions to those threads that start with complete and utter disregard for the english language.
I will respond to those that make a clerical error simply by mistake. There is a definate fine line between those that make an error due to typing and those that obviously are making up their own word.
And I get the video comment... patriots....
Now that's not good either. I for one, am here to help and to learn....about reefing. Bad grammar will not deter my efforts to do just that.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jerthunter
I would hope that my silly little sports reference is not going to get a thread locked but if it becomes a problem I apologize and will gladly remove the comment myself.
It shouldn't. It might offend bjoe though.


This thread should be closed! Reading poorly written posts is the only reason I getup in the morning!
Real examples from various forums I frequent:
"what some mushrooms: i was woundering if any one hade some mushrooms for sale if do right me back thanx"
"wtb pollypes of aney sort: " " ime looking fore some pollypes of eney sort
pm me"
Comedy Gold.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jon321
This thread should be closed! Reading poorly written posts is the only reason I getup in the morning!
Real examples from various forums I frequent:
"what some mushrooms: i was woundering if any one hade some mushrooms for sale if do right me back thanx"
"wtb pollypes of aney sort: " " ime looking fore some pollypes of eney sort
pm me"
Comedy Gold.

hahahahaha classic!


Originally Posted by jonthefishguy
hahahahaha classic!
I know eh. I like how he spells "any" two different, incorrect ways in a 15 word post. Oh and the random " " at the start of the post are genius.


does re-read mean read again ( present tense ), like I will re-read that note again later,, or in past tense as in " I re-read that line and it makes no sense........"
read meant present tense the first time but can mean past tense, I read this thread ( past tense ) and as I read further ( present tense) I am finding that I need to have a beer, as I need glasses to read ( present tense ) and I'm getting a headache. If you read this ( present tense ) you should see that this read, ( present tense ) is getting complicated. Every thing I read ( past tense ) is very interesting and edumicational, I agree. I will read ( present tense ) all new posts also.