Put up or shut up!

nm reef

Active Member
In all honesty I support the position that technically our good friend has not violated rules that would justify his getting the boot. Rules about links and fulgar language and trolls and such help keep this place functioning but I can't agree to ban somebody for having bad ideas...but we can force them to either put up or shut up....show me your results I wanna see them...or I will request the visual documentation each time you advise a new hobbyist to toss in toxins and plant life to consume them...yupI keep a refugium and its a small part of the overall success of my humble little reef.
Show me what you look at every day and I'll show you what I'm looking at daily.....I like the way mine looks...and I intend it to look better...but NOT by following BB_BS



Originally posted by blackomne
I just take his advice with a grain of salt and I have a very very large bag of salt, luckily.

I get mine in 50 LB buckets.


Active Member

Originally posted by blackomne
Frankly BB BS does not make me mad but he does lead to me getting ideas through the numerous arguements. I just take his advice with a grain of salt and I have a very very large bag of salt, luckily.

I agree, some of BB's stuff even gets me thinking but most of it is out of this world. Its the way he does things and if it works for him then so be it. If he likes the way his tank looks and runs then good for him.
I think what kip and the others are trying to keep from happening is the newbies who don't know better using the wrong advice. If you notice, most of BB's advice is about saving a buck.

nm reef

Active Member
My system is currently without...yes without a refugium....it and the new sump should be on-line by the end of this weekend...and no I will not play games with you...I made a offer...a bold statement...put up or shut up....I am more than prepared to put up...are you?
and if you can't put up results that members can acknowledge are desireable for their home aquarium will you shut up? Can you and will you?!!?


I ..... hmmm. Bob, I have never seen your tank. Did I miss it? I mean I have read a lot of your posts but I have never seen any photos that I can think of.
Edit: AHH now I see.
As for the comment on 13 year olds spending moms and dads money. I would hope the 13 year would be asking mom and dad for something they are sure they need. As for myself, I want to make sure I spend my money wisely. On things I know will make a difference. It sucks but student loan payments come first. Rent. Food. and finally maybe something for the tank. Meager living sucks.

nm reef

Active Member
skilos I respect and appreciate you and your input....and to a large degree I completely agree....I believe the advice and the way he presents it is often times very negative and not sound advice...but he is entitled to offer his opinions....and we can continue to counter his every statement until either he is tired of beating a dead horse...leaves...or the membership finally shuts him and his constant prattle up! For those of you that can post prove of success with methods other than bobs prattle...post 'em up....everybody conter his claims...post your proof....maybe then when bob posts his evidence of his "claimed success" folks will see through his attempts at doing nothing more than creating arguments and endless mindless babble!!!! So come on...show us the positve results from methods counter to BB_BS claims!!!!!
...and BB_BS....by all means show us how beautiful and successful your "plant life" aquarium looks....enquiring minds what to see and compare!!!!!!
At least I do!!!!!!!!!


Well as one who has spent a great deal of time researching the best way to develop a reef system, taking advantage of personal experience, the web, and advice of succesful aquarist's...I have read many of BB posts (not all, I do not have that kind of time available to crusie the net) and took in what he said with many a grain of salt.
But I take all advice with a grain of salt.
Are plants, macros or otherwise needed to have a successful system? Well based upon available evidence the answer is no. Will the heavy planted system, mud system, 6000 bristle worms, troop of carbon bag waving Tonga coral crabs, or whatever off the beaten path system work? What does work mean?
Healthy fish, great visual appeal, excellerated coral growth, etc.; all of the above? I think that the 900gal wonder of the forum is just that, a wonder to behold and aspire to.
Just curious, what does it cost...in dollars, manhours, and other measureable considerations, to maintain a tank of 100gl plus with the anti BB method? These are some of the considerations involved with the alternate methods being explored, IMHO.
I have no perfect tank to show. I am still setting up, cycling the system, and continuing my research...always looking for that next answer.
To be honest, I like some of the more odd animals available (octopi, mantis shrimps, anglers, etc.) but I do aspire to the higher realm of reef keeping.
Do I have to use one method or another, of course not.
If people have taken the advise of another, without further research, well guess what that is called...jumping out of the plane without checking your own parashute.
I will have plants, lots of them...I like plants, some more than the animals. I will have a few in the central tank, but for the most part they will reside within a pair of fuges. MH lights. I also have alternate filtration methods. I am making the best of all the more interesting ideas and hoping for the best.
That is about all you can do.
I wish everyone the best in their ventures and adventures.
As Bruce said "try everything, listen to everyone, learn all that you can, and use what works for you".
Ray Boemler


Active Member
This tank ran for about 40 months, 12 of those months I ran a fuge. I never noticed a difference when running the fuge.
As most of of you know I think algae scrubbers or what most of us call a fuge are a waste of time. I have a fuge setup on my current tank but its only for a deep sand bed (bare bottom main tank) and rasing pods and other fuana.


Night all.
Bob if you have a website post some photos of the whole set-up. HQ thanks
NMreef, Bang, kip, all Expect some "put up or shut up" photos shortly. That's a promise.
Keep to the cause All.
Black Omne

nm reef

Active Member
Well...I saw a "put up" so here is mine...even though it wasn't exactly BB_BS doing the "put up"...
This was established less than 3 months ago...150 lbs of Southdown sand...50 lbs of Caribsea Sea Flor Grade...25 lbs of Natures Ocean. 100 gal display with 2x400 10K Ushios and 2x110 URI super actinic VHO's...70 lbs of new premium grade Fiji LR...filled with only RO water....and allowed to cycle with the LR and a freash shrimp. As the algaes developed I countered their invassive effects and established a helthy clean up crew which quickly consumed virtually all nusiciesne pest algaes...then as the water chemistry I began transferring corals and fish from the old system. Less than three months...RO water...algae control...addition of livestock...skimmer...circulation...high intensity lighting...and its on its way....
The pic was just taken...I stood up crossed the room...shot the pic...loaded it on my computor...resized to meet limitations here...and here it is.....my put up....can you post equal results via your methods? More important which would the members here rather having in their homes?
Mine ain't the best...and I'm still working on it...but here is mine...wanna put up some more?


Active Member
Oh yeah..
Ca reactor, kalk reactor, RODI unit, 3x400 watt MH's, Euro Reef skimmer, and water changes every other month.

cherokee angel

New Member

Originally posted by Bang Guy
Sounds fine to me. Go away, use your methods for a couple of years, and then come back & gloat. Or don't come back & gloat, just go away for a couple of years.



I don't have much to say about this thread since i'm one of the newest members to this thread. I dont believe in sticking my nose in past business, no matter how much that person has tried to help me out in my short stay here so far.
I would just like to a say a few things:
1. NM Reef, that is by far the best tank yet. SOme of those pics are absolutely unreal. How many gallons is that?
2. If it wasn't for this forum i don't know where i would be. You guys have showed me so much and provided me with more than enough information to start my own Reef sucessfully. I want to thank everyone who has helped me out in the past, especially Bang Guy.
2. Everything i hear on this site i take with a big grain of salt. There are many ways to keeping a marine aquarium and no one should be cut down for it (providing it works and they are not just spealing BS that confuses the n00b).
3. This is supposed to be a fun and enjoyable hobby. THis should be a place to share your thoughts in a civilized manner without bickering. This is not our site and i think some people loose sight of that. Have respect in your neighbors house.
You can point me in the right direction but i have to make the step.

nm reef

Active Member
Thats the kind of stuff I'm talkin' about...over the past few years I've seen examples of what I consider to be very beautiful reefs....systems I admire...results I hope to achieve...and I (as well as numrous others) feel that the sermons offered on less acceptable methods may very well prohibit the development of reefs like these...there are established and proven methods and systems that absolutely can "put up".....so the premise is laid out...the challenge has been made....I ain't technically advanced and I refuse to argue fine points and get into silly debates....make it simple for those of us trying to develop a system we can maintain and be proud of....


Wow what a great read. I agree with Shouse on all 3 points. I would say the best thing for a noob is that they need to be aware of all the possibilities. But, as I think it says when you join, dont take the first answer you get on any given subject and wait for several replies BEFORE you draw your OWN conclusions as to what the "best" answer/method/etc. may be. We do have macro in the DT, but nothing like the link to bb. I dont know how much good its doing, but it started out as a couple twigs on some lr, grew into a bush, took some trimmings to LFS and get a livestock discount...and he wants more. Maybe one day we'll start a fuge and propagate the "discount bringing algae" and share with everyone who wants some, but until we have the resources,time, etc. the tank is running fine the way it is. We're running a Fluval 304 canister, Penguin 330 hob, Prizm skimmer hob, 2 Maxi-jet 600s for movement and, of course, a heater. LIVESTOCK: Fish - 2 Clarkiis, Coral Beauty,Neon Goby, 4-Stripe Damsel and a Yellow-tail Damsel. Inverts/Coral - CBS, Cleaner, Sally Lightfoot, Green BTA, Zoos, Toadstool, GSP, Bubble, Hairy & Blue/purple shrooms and Ricordea. And, last but not least, the clean-up crew: various hermits and snails. Oh, and 60-65 lbs LR with a CC base. No additives or perverse-atives unless absolutely neccessary i.e. low calc. etc. I think thats it:notsure: Wait a minute...water, duh! At this point, using Aq. Pharm. filter for top off and mixing for water change. Was using Reef Crystals(no probs.), currently the Oceanic (only 1 change to date, no probs to report). Time to put up I guess...the tank has been running for a little over a year, say 14-15 mos. May take a minute to get the pic.