Question about shipping for the 32.99 Free Reef Package


Moderator also pay no tax when you order here :)
And as you said......I have no other option but to order online... :(
I will say the quality here is great....and you have already said you were not happy with your will not cause a spike by adding a couple of corals and some cuc LOL


Active Member
I'm just saying what I've already experienced. When I added the 30 snails and 2 peppermint shrimp I had a spike. It taught me to err on the side of caution when adding so many of something. I was worried when I added three fish for peet sake! In my personal experience so far, adding $80 worth of fish, corals, and CUC would make my tank flip upside down! I'd probably freak out for nothing, but at the same time getting all of that for $80 would justify the cause for taking the chance in my personal opinion. Where as getting five cardinals online for $6 each + $30 for shipping wouldn't make any sense since I could get five cardinals for $7 + tax putting it around $40. So here I pay almost the cost for shipping (but pay about $7 more on the actual item) where as online I'd be paying $66 for shipping and the item.


Active Member
I'm not trying to say "I'm right" or anything. I know I'm not. It's just how I justify things at times. As many of you have seen myself grow in this hobby, the first thing I was taught was that nothing in this hobby is cheap. I've always wanted to take shortcuts and get the less expensive thing but you guys put me in my place and told me what would happen, therefore I paid up to wazoo for the equipment. This is the ONE THING that I get to say, "Hey! This is cheap! And I can do this part cheap!" After so many weeks of justifying the cause to spend hundreds of dollars I get to finally go to the fish store and say "I want that" and the total bill be a measly $10... you don't know how happy that makes me! haha.


Active Member
All taken care of! Ladyreefseeker informed me that it would count as a discount so I can't use both in conjuntion. No problem! I'm glad we got this whole thing cleared up though! :)


Active Member
No, it's ok. I was frustrated about many things yesterday and it just so happened this was the last event of the day so it was caught in the line of fire. No worries!

scott t

Active Member
Yeah, I understand. My as like Meowzer don't have local LFS, the closest one to me is about 60 miles away. I will have to also do most of my shopping on line, I could travel to a LFS but in the long run it is worth it to do that. I will most likely do most of my shopping for Live goods on line so for me the deals that they run are good. I do understand your way of thinking about the shipping since you have LFS right near you!!!

