Quitting Smoking!!


Active Member
Yep, me too.... the patch a couple of times,

and hypnosis (My son was about 5 when I tried that he told my husband they hypnotized mommy and made her mean!) I think probably the hardest part is the habit and not the nicotine. I'm so used to smoking at certain times that I find myself reaching for my purse to grab a cigarette without even thinking about it and then realizing they're not there and I don't need to smoke. I'm also changing my routines some to get away from that.


Many kids lose their parent(s) if they don't quit!! Luckily I never started, but I know it must be hard to quit so keep up the good work! :cheer:


Active Member
Snailheave is a poopyhead.

Keep up the good work everyone - for thinking about quitting, for trying to quit , for succeeding thus far.... they are ALL accomplishments.
We are all behind you - and we are PROUD of you!! :jumping: :jumping:


Active Member
wait wait!! I take it back! Snailheave is NOT a poopyhead!! He was merely ACTING like one!

In fact...I believe the poopyheaded-ness is an alter ego to cover up his TRUE identity...as.... SUPERHERO!!! :jumping:
He looks out for all reefers everywhere, for he has scoured the Classifieds forum and expunged the evil blankity-blank whom calls himself "Newbiereef!!"
Everyone, quick...go to the Classifieds forum and click on the thread posted by "Newbiereef"
entitled "29 gallon tank setup for sale/great deal"
And then click on the thread Snailheave attached.... do it and be spared!!!

All Hail the Snail Heave!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Mimzy
Snailheave is a poopyhead.

i am proud
oh and you can call me snailheaven. the 'n' was cut off.


My wife yells at me for wanting to take the easy way out, but...
Laser surgery is an option. In Canada they use lasers in conjunction with accupuncture( I think that's spelled right). I know 3 people who were heavy smokers who quit by doing this. It's not guarenteed and it's pricey, $300.00, but if you smoke a pack a day that's like $144.00 a month depending on where you live. So if it works it pays for itself pretty quickly. If you get someone to go with you it's cheaper too. I have tried everything else and still smoking. I have four kids I want to see go to college and get married so I need to quit. You would think that would be incentive enough, but quitting is a hard thing to do. For those who have quit or are quitting, WAY TO GO!!! Keep it up!


i'm on day ten today for quitting a pack a day for twenty years. i used the patch for the first 3 days. it works great. however, you are still putting that crap into your body... here are some things that i am doing, maybe some will help you. tae kwon do... every day.... blow pops and sunflower seeds. detox tea.....it may not be working, but its all mental you know? you have to find stupid things to obsess over, to get your mind off the smoke. and yes, stupid things, because your brain is freaking out right now. no opererating heavy machinery.
i tried smoking one a couple days ago, and it tasted like crap, so now i know i'm done. just take it a moment at a time. its only been a few days, and already your body is healing itself, nerve endings are growing back, walking should be getting easier,... i notice i dont wake up with a head full of grunge anymore...
good luck to ya! and congrats on the "so far".


Active Member
Congrats to you!!! I picked my date. August 22nd. I figured that if I had a date to look forward to, it would be easier. Get my mind set, and cut down in the mean time. I smoke less than a pack a day and I have tried several times before. Its tough, but Ill keep on your a** if you like! Then you can keep on mine when I get there!!!


Active Member
Thanks. Day 6 and 7 were tough. Today is getting easier. Like you, I've tried quite a few times before but didn't make it. I'm gonna this time! :yes:


Staff member
Great news! You know, if you don't go back to smoking there will come a time when it actually revolts you to smell it.
Every time you feel like smoking just tell yourself how disgusting and revolting it is. Visualize how aweful you smell with cig smell over you, or how bad your breath must be to other.......just make the whole thing seem awlful.....which it is.


Active Member
You know when I get on the elevator at work I can immediately tell who smokes and who doesn't. I've been smoking since I was 14 (I'm 40 now!) so I never noticed before. I walk by people outside smoking and it does really smell. Another thing I noticed is I'm a really good cook! Food is tasting soooo much better (which may be a bad thing
) I'm also sleeping better and smoking takes A LOT of time.


You replace one habit with another. Just don't pick up eating mcdonalds hamburgers instead of smoking.


Active Member
DAY 17 :cheer: :jumping:
Getting easier every day. I even spent the weekend with my in-laws and went out drinking Sat. night.


Active Member
What is the laser thing...? I have been trying to quit for years. I recently quit for three weeks but I wussed out and started again. I started again in a bar, go figure, and have been smoking for a few weeks..... I think on the 15th I will quit ....... again....... hopefully for the last time.......


Active Member
themadd1 don't give up. I've tried quite a few times before too. Just keep trying and eventually you'll do it. good luck.

sinner's girl

I wish my mom would quit. She's gonna have a hell of a time when I have a kid she's not allowed to smoke around me or the kid. If she wants us over she'll have to smoke outside.She smokes outside when she comes to see me, but she still smells like smoke. Ugh, I hate it. My father-in-law smokes too...yeah, it'll be fun when I have a kid...I can see it now...I better just move far, far, far, far, away.
It's such a pain, when I get home from her house, I have to wash everything I took there, it all reaks of smoke. It's so gross. I so don't understand, but then I never started, I had to grow up with my mom smoking and that was more than enough for me never to touch one. Besides, I don't see the point. I've have to learn how to type with one hand..
So, if you're trying to quit, spend more time on the computer, practice typing, see if you can increase your word per minuted. Or start sewing.
So, stick it to, don't pick one up. Think of those kids...you want be around for them and grandkids rights? Plus think of what all that second hand smoke is doing to those around you.


I think smoking should be banned in public places. The more inconveinante it is to smoke, the less people that will start. I hate sitting in the smoke free section of a restaruant and having smoke swirling around my head. I would think it would be alot easier for smokers to quit too, if they weren't always bombarded with smoke everytime they went out.