Ranger in trouble!


Active Member
honestly, knowing myself, i'd probably fight it, because i don't like having to pay for somthing i didn't do... But that's just me.. Good luck to you, sir


Active Member

Originally posted by Bang Guy
That's what happens when Democrats gain control of a state.
I'm on the verge of moving away from this poor excuse for a State. It's getting really pathetic. Basically this system assumes everyone is a dishonest thief and in need of government entitlements. Anyone who is a hardworking, honest person like the Ranger is punished. It just sucks.

Bang Guy, you can move to Oklahoma! It might be hard to find a house with a basement but, maybe you can put the lagoon in a tornado shelter.
Good luck to you Rangermonroe. Sorry this happened.

bang guy

I should have qualified Democrats. We need two parties and a diversity of opinions is a good thing. It's the self serving communistic, make everyone dependent on the government people I was ranting about.
Sorry if I offended any hard working law-abiding Democrats. I love you guys too.


Active Member
good luck with everything ranger, the judicial system in our country is pure crap IMO and this just proves it once again.
also, bang guy, move to washington state :p jsut about everyone here has what they call daylight basements which will be perfect for your lagoon :p
and ranger, dont let it get you down, jsut a note for future reference, never go hunting in NY again lol
does anyone know how this travesty ever turned out? did he get his pistol back an avoid prison or what?


Active Member
Ranger, send a PM to Crimzy. he's a lawyer. he might have some info for you, or at least a good suggestion as to whom you might contact.


Active Member
mimzy, that post is 4 yrs old :p i didnt realize it til after i had posted my first reply, and had to go back an edit it LOL


Active Member
i have no clue, he hasnt been on in over a year according to his profile, i would love to find out whatever happend to him :(