Re-Setup OLDDD 12g

small triggers

Active Member
they are GONE!!!
and everyones gonna love this,,,
had a power outtage Wed night,,,well i guess it was s SURGE and thenit went out,, cuz my heater died and i didnt realize it was actually dead until today (temp got down to 69 which is how warm we keep the house) AND it fried my motherboard in my computer which yet again, i didnt figure out until today...
and hopefully my new lights get here monday or so,,,,I need somthing to look forward to other than spending $800 for a new laptop and all my mushrooms dying in my tank cuz it was cold for 2 days straight (though my fish and the one sexy shrimp i have left are doing okay it seems!)


Active Member
Im glad some things made it. it really sucks that happened
but atleast the good thing is you can get more stuff

small triggers

Active Member
well, heater working,,, temps been 75.5 since saturday,, so tues i went and got 2 zebra gobies ( i think they are also called 6 bar gobies,,,) SOO pretty!! they hid all night last night and after i swiitched out my bulbs i was feeding the other 2 fish in the tank and they came out to eat!!! some pic to follow after i smaller them on my photobucket....

small triggers

Active Member
bad thing is the cold killed most of my zoas, all of my kenya tree (not nearly as invincible as i thought, lol) and some of my mushrooms, like the nice big green one up front and made my yumas detach from their rock theyve been happy on for 2 years....

small triggers

Active Member
i also forgot to mention,,, the gobies are all sharing one den.... the 2 zebras and my shrimp goby, lol. my cardinal just floats around aimlessly,,, chasing copepods when he can find them.... but everyone came out to feed today,, loved that,,,


I must have missed your last update. The tank is looking good! I think I'll post some pics of mine in the next day or 2. Keep us updated

small triggers

Active Member
yeah doin a big ol 4 gallon water change,,,,my new zebra gobys decided the 1/8 inch space that i keep my flap open for evap was a perfect place to try jumping,,, one made it to the floor,, then i heard the other one hit the flap and fall back in,,,,, which killed him......i am not having any luck lately!!

small triggers

Active Member
so after all the crazyness with the heater going out,,, my gobys commiting suicide all that i have added to the tank in the past 2 weeks are 2 itty bitty red legged hermit crabs,,, and ive had a heck of a cyno problem,,,,
I cut down to feeding every third day,,, and did a big 4g water change 2 weeks ago (heating up water to do another 2g change tommarrow) biggest problem im having is i have enough flow....and im testing 0 (here and my lfs 2 minutes away)for nit, phos or ammon.....and i have macro algae in the DT that isnt really doing much,,, I did add the chemipure elite about 3 weeks ago and i also have carbon i run...
I added a nitrate sponge last week when i had a .5 reading,,, now its back down to 0 (wondering should i take it out,,, or just leave it in....)
Also i added my exthraphos back in today (had taken it out about 3 weeks ago when i added the chemipure elite)
I dunno,,, im getting aggrivated and i dont want to add anything else till i get this crazyness under control!!!!