reconstruction of my tank


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i am hoping that everything goes well tomorrow.
i am picking up large amount of corals from pasadena area and sell my asm g4 skimmer


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bought about 2k retail worth of corals last night including a 15x 36" 3 colony of purple montipora that break into million pieces

i pay lot for it too! picture tomorrow


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the ultimate purple montipora is so expensive from other website is now a million piece how can i save it. i do not have a frag tank


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We had a power outage last night i was so scare because the montipora just starting to extending their polyps and power went out.any way a got a ph monitor today for the cal reactor . The monti starting extend its polyps well and color is getting better


Your tank and family are beautiful!. You are very blessed.
I am new to saltwater (1 1/2 yrs) so please do not laugh at my question...
You have so many tangs in your tank,....don't they fight? Or is it because of the large size of your tank that there are no problems? But...several of your tangs are close proximity to each other in your pics. Yet no fights?
Every place I read says do not put them together.

I have a powder blue tang in my 72 and she killed my threadfin butterfly...yet she ignores the koran. I even took the tang out for several days because she was harrasing the others. When I finally put her back in she killed the butterfly. Different fish, different color..why?
So I have 3 DT, 1 tang in each.


Active Member
the tangs are always a gamble but you will know the first week if they can be together.sparring is common on the first day but should subdue after the following day if not... they probably not meant to be in the same tank
ps always pick the best quality from respectable LFS because some of them are cyanide caught.GOOD LUCK WITH YOUR TANK AND THANK YOU


Active Member
the color of the purple montiporas are coming back. i wish a did not get blinded by the sizes and rarity of it. i could bought 25 acropora for it.


Active Member
I have a powder blue tang in my 72 and she killed my threadfin butterfly...yet she ignores the koran. I even took the tang out for several days because she was harrasing the others. When I finally put her back in she killed the butterfly. Different fish, different color..why?
i never had luck with powder blue stunning fish but you need at least 300 to keep this fish happy with other tangs imo.i had several powder blue in so many tanks that i had but they are like clown tang very delicate and very mean.


I am really looking forward to seeing close ups of your tank. Maybe pics of 1/4 of it each picture. Then we could see all the rockwork and beautiful corals.


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i will do that but i don't have many eye candies yet... next week i will get a lot of acropora frags


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I Just Frag A Large Colony Of Frogspawn And Glue Some Montipora On A Rock .awaiting For A Call From A Acro Frag Guy .


Active Member
color of the montipora are slowly coming back. i am probably wait until then before getting more acropora.calcium reactor is painful to regulate, the effluent varies so the ph go up and down but the co2 are constant.