reconstruction of my tank


Active Member
fourth metal halide remain off not enough corals to light it up .so the lumenarc 3 mini reflector remain on hold. all picture taken without actinic so the color is not as good especially the zoanthids because the tank is not deep enough therefore not space for the actinic supplement. maybe next year i will switch to 20 k



Great thread and tank as well! Nice to see another dedicated junkie!
I keep dreaming of my next tank - the current 210 is nice but really want to
grt the depth (front to back) of 36". So currently watching for ideas!


Active Member
i want to add another skimmer . all of my parameter are good and no algae on my tank because of the vinegar and asm g4 mod help but if i decided to add more sps later i think it would be perfect running 2 skimmer and refugium because i rarely change my water. what do you guys think?


Active Member
removes nitrate, phospates and removes nuisane algae slowdown algae growth. at least thats the results i was getting .no more vinegar dosing for me nitrate is zero now and i need to rise it a liitle bit for my xenias to survive


Active Member
i female naso died it wasn't eating fish food from the beginning just algae
.added a large colony australian frog spawn ,candy cane and gsp.2 renta coral(flower pot) died despite of frequent feeding and direct metal halide lighthing. xenia remain receeding.


Active Member
i am slowly getting back on track. its been almost 8 months that my reef tank only use tap water ( i move and the new house does not have r/ o unit) and after all my sps died i started to loss interest but i am back. i install a new porcelain floor ( very dense material i think it is best floor for my tank) i finally get a hold of my custom cabinet guy i am hoping the cabinet will be installed soon. i just need a good r/o unit and i don't know if i should get a designated water lines too.picture soon to follow


ok the tomini tang i have a 125 and it has a yellow and sailfin tang. i want to put one of these in there but the guy at the fish store has talked me out of it two times saying that they would kill me other ones? what do u think?? and how long do u run ur lights?


Active Member
i have 4 metal halide 400 watts and 3 250 with lumenarch i only run it 6 hours each on 1 hour par as the tomini's its always a gamble, just make sure that you can catch it if they don't get along.i had a schoal of yellow and purple tang before they get along i though but they died after couple of weeks but maybe theyget bullied by my old yt and pt or i got a bad bunch because my old yt and pt still alive.


Active Member
i just bought the r/o unit today, i am still debating though if i should get a designated water lines connected directly in the tank or put it just put it under the sink .i also need to move my chiller below the tank and rearrange my 55 gallon tap off tank.. my custom cabinet guys still doesn't call to install the cabinet.


Active Member
i finished the porcelain floor last week it takes me more than 2 days to do this while babysitting .



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my electronic co2 bubble counter broke last week, soi bought a manual 3 valve from marine d**** and it works better than before plus i save 2.5 watts per hour 24/7. i know my magnesium level are really low too so i also bought 10 lbs magnesium along with the r/o unit