Originally Posted by mboswell1982
the only people we will be selling to, if we do sell them, will be the people who run the buffalo rescue groups, and only after the dogs are fully trained, and well acclimated and socialized LOL no, trust me, im not putting a dog on the market thats gonna be 80-100lbs, 25" tall or so at the shoulders, if not a lil bit taller, and can take down a 2000lb buffalo LOL
THAT is almost scary!!
the only people we will be selling to, if we do sell them, will be the people who run the buffalo rescue groups, and only after the dogs are fully trained, and well acclimated and socialized LOL no, trust me, im not putting a dog on the market thats gonna be 80-100lbs, 25" tall or so at the shoulders, if not a lil bit taller, and can take down a 2000lb buffalo LOL
THAT is almost scary!!