Refugium for Nano's!


Originally Posted by nissan577
i do run carbon. chemi-pure elite
OK, I usually use the marineland activated carbon. I didn't know the chemi-pure was carbon also. I'll probably switch to the chemi-pure next time I'm due for a change. I got a really nice green open brain last night for the nano and a nice orange sponge for my big tank. I'll post some pics later today after I get home. i'm gonna start my nano diary and add to my big tank thread that I haven't updated in months. I've come a long way since January when I started the 75.

keith gray

After some folks on here convinced me I began to use Chemi Pure Elite.
My understanding is that carbon of about any sort will release some phosphates into your system. The "ELite" chemipure has carbon and something to lower phosphates as well.
SInce I put this in mys system about a month ago, my algae in the DT is almost nonexistent and the water cleared a little too.
For what it is worth I am a chemi pure elite fan now


Active Member
yea i have chemipure and its amazing i have almost none and nissan the reason i cant get it is money!! i only have $40 i guess i can get it but i want ro/di first wich should i get first?? also should i take out the bioballs??


ok i set up my refugium does this sound right. I took the sponge out I still have the filter cartridge in. I have the purigen in the same chamber as the filter, I have the cheato in a cup submerged under water with the water flowing on it, and the chemipure in the last chamber with the pump.


Active Member
you really dont need the filter cartidge. you can replace that with filter floss.
and you really dont need the cup if your using the biocube. by having the false floor in the bottom you can let the chaetomorpha hang over that and put the chemipure under that


Hey, I think you should add the Aquaclear Fuge mod to this thread! Those are becoming pretty popular! I just did it on my 29g. It was really easy and i love it! I'm getting a picotope this week and I'll be moding another one for that!

the bro

Nissan we outta make a thread containg every nano mod every1 has ever done, "that worked lol" just to compile all the information for everyone.


Originally Posted by nissan577
you really dont need the filter cartidge. you can replace that with filter floss.
and you really dont need the cup if your using the biocube. by having the false floor in the bottom you can let the chaetomorpha hang over that and put the chemipure under that
awesome, ill look into the filter floss, and ill take the chaeto out of the cup but the only problem is the chemipure bad i got is to big to put under the false floor. I got a 1 unit size.


Active Member
oh i see. well then leave the chemipure there and you can take out the chaeto from the cup and let it rest ontop of the false floor


Active Member
Originally Posted by The Bro
Nissan we outta make a thread containg every nano mod every1 has ever done, "that worked lol" just to compile all the information for everyone.

i would but when i posted this a week later i saw people asking how to make a refugium on a biocube
. so why am i gonna do it if people arnt gonna look


Active Member
but for what people see this thread yet they ask "help on biocube mod" or "how to set up a refugium for the nano or biocube"
people just dont research anymore


New Member
A lot of good info here. I just filled my 29g BC and I think I'll go for making a refugium. Thinking about getting the In Tank kit and placing the chemipure and purigen on the media basket insert. Then place the cheato on the "fuge basket". Anybody have this setup by chance?
Thanks again for the posts.


Active Member
glad to help.
I dont have it but i have read and seen many Biocube reefer with it and i love it! but again i didnt have the money and i didnt know of it but i sure think its worth it!


I have converted the center chamber of my 14 biocube into a fuge. Razorbladed the paint off the back glass and have a light attached w/velcro to the back vertically. It has been on 24/7 for well over a year. It is virtually a cheato factory, gets much more light this way than from above. I am more comfortable with it all contained inside the tank, on kitchen counter and don't want to ruin my new cabinets.
I could take photos if anyone cared to see it.


New Member
Just in case you guys weren't aware, My Oceanic 29 BC already has a clear window in the back of the tank for light. Though it doesn't mention any refugium mods in the manual, maybe enough people have suggested they do this on new versions.