Religions Vs. Pork


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Originally Posted by meowzer
That's not my decision

I will never argue religion....I believe what I believe ...and you have that same right
Very nicly put! LOL... but I live in Canada :p
Well I believe in science! You can belive in... CATS! haha


Active Member
I believe in God. Where I have a problem is when people say theirs is the true religion and everyone else will burn. I don't study the bible, aint no scholar or anything, just my personal opinion but the way I look at it is the creator, whatever you call HIM, puts the truth in every person's soul and it is up to each individual to follow that truth as they believe it to be. I always had a hard time believing someone who had never been exposed to Christianity would go to hell for being a Muslim or Jew or whatever else when they are simply worshiping god in the manner in which he was revealed to them.
I don't know why many liberal secularists don't embrace Jesus as a ideal to follow rather than being hostile towards the religion, he was the prototype liberal


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Originally Posted by reefraff
I believe in God. Where I have a problem is when people say theirs is the true religion and everyone else will burn. I don't study the bible, aint no scholar or anything, just my personal opinion but the way I look at it is the creator, whatever you call HIM, puts the truth in every person's soul and it is up to each individual to follow that truth as they believe it to be. I always had a hard time believing someone who had never been exposed to Christianity would go to hell for being a Muslim or Jew or whatever else when they are simply worshiping god in the manner in which he was revealed to them.
I don't know why many liberal secularists don't embrace Jesus as a ideal to follow rather than being hostile towards the religion, he was the prototype liberal

You assume too much sir, FAR TOO MUCH AND I AM DEEPLY OFFENDED


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Originally Posted by reefraff
I believe in God.
I don't, per se. I do believe in "Intelligent Design", but not in the Christian sense.
The Bible says "God" is indescribable. I pretty much agree. If it (God) is what it claims to be, then 70 years is not nearly long enough to even attempt to understand the 13 billion years of Universal existence. 10,000 years of accumulated human knowledge is less than nothing on that scale.
I don't know why many liberal secularists don't embrace Jesus as a ideal to follow rather than being hostile towards the religion, he was the prototype liberal %%
Agreed. To me, Jesus is
an ideal. I connot argue w/ the red text in the New Testament.
Even if it condemns me to "hell" (or whatever) I refuse to stop eating pork and shellfish. I mean, c'mon. Is there anything better (to eat) than bacon wrapped scallops?


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Originally Posted by uneverno
Even if it condemns me to "hell" (or whatever) I refuse to stop eating pork and shellfish. I mean, c'mon. Is there anything better (to eat) than bacon wrapped scallops?
Dude, no, come on that is offensive. There is nothing better than shrimp wrapped with bacon stuff with jalapenos and cream cheese.


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Originally Posted by stdreb27
Dude, no, come on that is offensive. There is nothing better than shrimp wrapped with bacon stuff with jalapenos and cream cheese.
Never tired it, but that sound sliek the worst combo ever! haha


Active Member
OMG - no. That sounds phenominally delicious!
C'mon - shrimp, peppers, cheese, bacon? There's no way to go wrong w/ that...


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A friend of mine that is Jewish took a Muslim coworker to lunch and suggested carnitas verde. As they were eating his Muslim coworker exclaimed “This is great what is it.”
My Jewish friend toll him, pork shoulder slow cooked in tomatilla sauce. Well as his Muslim coworkers face turned white
my friend learned how devout a Muslim his coworker was.
They don’t go to lunch any more. I asked my friend “I thought Jews did not eat pork?” He told me he was not that Jewish you would have to be crazy not to eat bacon…


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Originally Posted by GeoJ
A friend of mine that is Jewish took a Muslim coworker to lunch and suggested carnitas verde. As they were eating his Muslim coworker exclaimed “This is great what is it.”
My Jewish friend toll him, pork shoulder slow cooked in tomatilla sauce. Well as his Muslim coworkers face turned white
my friend learned how devout a Muslim his coworker was.
They don’t go to lunch any more. I asked my friend “I thought Jews did not eat pork?” He told me he was not that Jewish you would have to be crazy not to eat bacon…

bahaha, oops.


Active Member
Wow, this took off. So many posts that I want to address. I'll start with this one.....
Originally Posted by Flower

This is not a religious thread...
The man had no reason to be irate. I suppose he felt rejected by those around him concerning his religion. There is plenty of bigotry around, and some folks assume that is why there were not granted a certain privilege.
Sad really, but once a person starts thinking others are against them because of religion, culture or skin color, it’s very hard for them to see past it.
So on his behalf T316, please forgive my fellow Jew. He behaved badly, you may never learn where his attitude came from, or what has happened in his past to make him the angry man he is today.
This is a religious thread per say. The topic was focused around why this one a-hole acted the way he did, but I was also curious as to the whole pork/religion thing.
Don't worry about this Jew. Although he definately did not represent very well, I am aware that this is just one moron. As previously mentioned, he had other issues on the campout. I do not look at Jews, or any others, as represented by this individual.


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I used to work with an observant Jew and this guy ate some Italian food that had pork in the sauce, at least he suspected it was pork even though the waiter said it wasn't. I think I made a bigger deal of it than he. He said as long as he didn't intentionally break the Kosher deal it was all good. At any rate this guy handled it tastefully without making an ass of himself.


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Way back in a former life I was a travel agent. I went on a business trip to Hawaii, where we were invited to a luau at the Sheraton, Maui.
My roommate on the trip was a Muslim. His response to the luau as they pulled the pig out from the hot rock pit was: I can't eat pork, to which I responded: "can I have yours?"
His response was an enthusiastic yes.
Worked out well for both of us.


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Originally Posted by Katsafados
+ 1 on all this guys responses lol..
to me religion seems like it was made up.. so many religions that believe in different things... yet all of them say there was only one creator of human life? how can that be?!?! lol
I believe that religion was used as a way of controlling people when there was no other way of controlling them(lack of govt./ laws). So people decided to start a religion, teaching people they would go to some bad place(hell dont know about other peoples religions) if they broke a law(10 commandments)... doesnt this sound a lot mlike whats going on these days with an established govt? You steal, you break a law(10 commandments) you go to jail (hell)? %% Now that we have an established gov't and laws it seems like over the year's more and more people are less willing to follow religions
The catholic church has billions of $$$$$$, did God/ Jesus tell them to save it all rather than spending it on poor people ect(obviously they spend a fraction for charity, but if there really following through with God/Jesus's wishes wouldnt they have less money since theres so many problems in the world, and none have been fixed)? Shouldnt the churches be holes in the wall rather than being made up of gold or elaborate buildings with elaborate statues ect. while people sit outside of them wrapped up in a blanket begging for food? Doesnt religion teach us to help eachother?
Like I said just my personal opinion..
No doubt, you are a Democrat who either is currently waiting on a handout, or is currently absorbing one into your bank account every month, yes? There are too many ties here...


Active Member
Originally Posted by T316
No doubt, you are a Democrat who either is currently waiting on a handout, or is currently absorbing one into your bank account every month, yes? There are too many ties here...

bahaha, that dude could have written the communist manifesto. However he's never had an original thought.


Active Member
Originally Posted by T316
No doubt, you are a Democrat who either is currently waiting on a handout, or is currently absorbing one into your bank account every month, yes? There are too many ties here...

To be honest lol.. I dont care for politics, I'm a 21 year old biochemistry student. Ive been paying for everything since I was 14 havent asked my parents or others for a cent, proud to say I'm putting MYSELF through school with MY own money from working. I deffinatly am not waiting for hand outs and my bank account is deffinatly not absorbing any hand outs other than from my job which I earn money for working hard. =)
Like I said I guess its the science side of me that makes me think that religion is just a story book.
What are the other ties now
hopefully they have nothing to do with politics..


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
bahaha, that dude could have written the communist manifesto. However he's never had an original thought.
Now I'm a communist?
And with that comment being said, your saying religious institutions should hord money rather than practice what they preech?
You have your right to bear your opinion and as do I


Active Member
Originally Posted by Katsafados
To be honest lol.. I dont care for politics, I'm a 21 year old biochemistry student. Ive been paying for everything since I was 14 havent asked my parents or others for a cent, proud to say I'm putting MYSELF through school with MY own money from working. I deffinatly am not waiting for hand outs and my bank account is deffinatly not absorbing any hand outs other than from my job which I earn money for working hard. =)
Like I said I guess its the science side of me that makes me think that religion is just a story book.
What are the other ties now
hopefully they have nothing to do with politics..
Really? I had you as some child of the sixties. That is funny.


Active Member
Born 1988..
I told you.. I think this way because of what I learn.. havent you heard science and religion dont mix?
Rather than following along what everyone else believes my brain wants to know factual information to prove what you say is true.. and so far nothing I've heard in peoples religions have done it for me.. so I choose to believe in science.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Katsafados
Born 1988..
I told you.. I think this way because of what I learn.. havent you heard science and religion dont mix?
Rather than following along what everyone else believes my brain wants to know factual information to prove what you say is true.. and so far nothing I've heard in peoples religions have done it for me.. so I choose to believe in science.
Do you believe in a "higher being"?
Point blank question here, I won't slam you either way, just asking. Do you believe that there is someone/something/somebody/somehow out there that is all knowing and is running this thingy?
Sorry all, I'm going to bed. I skipped over a few posts that I will come back to that I intended to address....T3