Religions Vs. Pork


Active Member
Originally Posted by T316
Do you believe in a "higher being"?
Point blank question here, I won't slam you either way, just asking. Do you believe that there is someone/something/somebody/somehow out there that is all knowing and is running this thingy?
Sorry all, I'm going to bed. I skipped over a few posts that I will come back to that I intended to address....T3
Slam me or not, either way I dont care what names you call me. Like I said I have my opinions and you have your own, I'm just using my right to state my opinions. Also by you guys calling me a comunist and democrat dont you think your being hippocrates? I'm pretty sure I've seen the two of you guys stating how you're proud that the troops are fighting for your freedoms, meanwhile you sit here and take a freedom away from me, whos the comunist now?
So to adress the question
I honestly dont think so.. Like I said once someone gives me proof about all the stories in the bible, then I'll change my mind. But untill then I belive that people and all things were created by science, evolution, molecules bonding to molecules ect... Most of the things that happen around us, science has proven why it does, rather than just saying some man in the clouds snapped his finger and pooff we have a baby.
If there is a higher being, who created him then?!?! where did he come from?!?!?! Your just going to accept that someone told you a "God" figure created all and was created from air? It might make sence to you, but it honestly doesnt make sence to me..
Have a nice sleep =)


Im a religious man, a former minister in a Christian church before I moved cross country AND I dont eat pork. However those two facts are not at all related.
I dont eat pork cause I hate the smell, I hate the texture, and I hate the taste. I hate how when my family does a christmas ham, I get a slice of ham, and its pinkish... but then it has a white dot, and it is tougher then the rest of the pink, and then the pink goes into a lighter color pink on one side, and it is also a bit different texture than the rest. And my family is just eating away. Is that white spot fat? nope. Its just what the pork looks like. Pigs harbor a range of parasites and diseases that can be transmitted to humans. These include trichinosis, Taenia solium, cysticercosis, and brucellosis. Pigs are also known to host large concentrations of parasitic ascarid worms in their digestive tract.
I like white meat poultry. When I eat chicken b r e as t, I know what Im going to get, I know the color, I know the taste, I know the texture, theres no mystery light pink sections of the meat, or big white dots that are really tough. And most of all, its extremely lean and good for you.


Active Member
Originally Posted by JTT
Im a religious man, a former minister in a Christian church before I moved cross country AND I dont eat pork. However those two facts are not at all related.
I dont eat pork cause I hate the smell, I hate the texture, and I hate the taste. I hate how when my family does a christmas ham, I get a slice of ham, and its pinkish... but then it has a white dot, and it is tougher then the rest of the pink, and then the pink goes into a lighter color pink on one side, and it is also a bit different texture than the rest. And my family is just eating away. Is that white spot fat? nope. Its just what the pork looks like. Pigs harbor a range of parasites and diseases that can be transmitted to humans. These include trichinosis, Taenia solium, cysticercosis, and brucellosis. Pigs are also known to host large concentrations of parasitic ascarid worms in their digestive tract.
I like white meat poultry. When I eat chicken b r e as t, I know what Im going to get, I know the color, I know the taste, I know the texture, theres no mystery light pink sections of the meat, or big white dots that are really tough. And most of all, its extremely lean and good for you.
Then you hate spiral sliced ham, not pork
Ribs, bacon, pulled pork, are all about as different as they come from ham.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Katsafados
So to adress the question
I honestly dont think so.. Like I said once someone gives me proof about all the stories in the bible, then I'll change my mind. But untill then I belive that people and all things were created by science, evolution, molecules bonding to molecules ect... Most of the things that happen around us, science has proven why it does, rather than just saying some man in the clouds snapped his finger and pooff we have a baby.
If there is a higher being, who created him then?!?! where did he come from?!?!?! Your just going to accept that someone told you a "God" figure created all and was created from air? It might make sence to you, but it honestly doesnt make sence to me..
Thank you for answering the question. I won't call you any names
, or preach to you, just wanted to know where you were coming from as I read your posts.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
I believe in God. Where I have a problem is when people say theirs is the true religion and everyone else will burn. I don't study the bible, aint no scholar or anything, just my personal opinion but the way I look at it is the creator, whatever you call HIM, puts the truth in every person's soul and it is up to each individual to follow that truth as they believe it to be. I always had a hard time believing someone who had never been exposed to Christianity would go to hell for being a Muslim or Jew or whatever else when they are simply worshiping god in the manner in which he was revealed to them.
Just wanted to go back to this post briefly....Well said IMO

I don't think that people from other religions are going to hell either. There are many religions out there, and there is no way that one could think that just because the others do not have the same ideals/practices as our own, that they are going to hell. I do think that the line has been skewed over the past few years, with the awareness of some of the extremist groups who claim to be carrying out their acts of terrorism in the name of their religion, but this is even shunned among their own, and is by far the minority.
With this said, I in no way could, or would, condemn someone for not eating pork because of their religion. I had a hard enough time trying to explain to my kid the other day that the towel wrapped around the dude's head in the car next to us was not a "band aid" when my son insisted that "his head is hurt". Anyone who is religious at all will have some sort of traditions/practices that won't be observed in other religions. Our common thread is that there is someone higher than us, and we believe this even though we can't see (faith).


Originally Posted by JTT
Im a religious man, a former minister in a Christian church before I moved cross country AND I dont eat pork. However those two facts are not at all related.
I dont eat pork cause I hate the smell, I hate the texture, and I hate the taste. I hate how when my family does a christmas ham, I get a slice of ham, and its pinkish... but then it has a white dot, and it is tougher then the rest of the pink, and then the pink goes into a lighter color pink on one side, and it is also a bit different texture than the rest. And my family is just eating away. Is that white spot fat? nope. Its just what the pork looks like. Pigs harbor a range of parasites and diseases that can be transmitted to humans. These include trichinosis, Taenia solium, cysticercosis, and brucellosis. Pigs are also known to host large concentrations of parasitic ascarid worms in their digestive tract.
I like white meat poultry. When I eat chicken b r e as t, I know what Im going to get, I know the color, I know the taste, I know the texture, theres no mystery light pink sections of the meat, or big white dots that are really tough. And most of all, its extremely lean and good for you.
All animal meat is capable of killing you if not cooked correctly. You have a phobia about pork that is obviously self induced, or someone at one point grossed you out while eating it or talking about it and it stuck with you. It's like my wife and mushrooms. She tells me she doesn't eat them because she hates the texture, yet she eats eggplant which often has a similar texture. I honestly believe its just because its fungi and she automatically thinks foot fungus or something...I really am a fun-guy though, maybe that's why she doesn't like me. Anyway, I digress. Chickens eat as much poop as pigs do, if not more. I'm Cuban-American and we roast pigs all the time. In fact, I've got to go down to the farm and slaughter 120lb one this weekend to get it ready for Christmas eve. Try some roasted pork instead of ham and you might like it more. You're welcome to come by my house. It will be slow roasting the Cuban way with garlic and tangy yumminess.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Katsafados
Slam me or not, either way I dont care what names you call me. Like I said I have my opinions and you have your own, I'm just using my right to state my opinions. Also by you guys calling me a comunist and democrat dont you think your being hippocrates? I'm pretty sure I've seen the two of you guys stating how you're proud that the troops are fighting for your freedoms, meanwhile you sit here and take a freedom away from me, whos the comunist now?
So to adress the question
I honestly dont think so.. Like I said once someone gives me proof about all the stories in the bible, then I'll change my mind. But untill then I belive that people and all things were created by science, evolution, molecules bonding to molecules ect... Most of the things that happen around us, science has proven why it does, rather than just saying some man in the clouds snapped his finger and pooff we have a baby.
If there is a higher being, who created him then?!?! where did he come from?!?!?! Your just going to accept that someone told you a "God" figure created all and was created from air? It might make sence to you, but it honestly doesnt make sence to me..
Have a nice sleep =)
Do I need to go back to some post I've seen you post in the political threads... ) but you're pretty out there like Obama out there...
Originally Posted by Katsafados


If you're going to play the circular argument game with "the you're hypocritical for not respecting my beliefs." Troops fighting, bla bla bla. umm no, the troops didn't go to war to protect you promoting Chomsky's ideology. Just like they didn't go to war to protect other Liberal fruitcakes like Murtha or Kerry calling them terrorists, rap1sts and Murders.


Active Member
Originally Posted by SteveDave08
All animal meat is capable of killing you if not cooked correctly. You have a phobia about pork that is obviously self induced, or someone at one point grossed you out while eating it or talking about it and it stuck with you. It's like my wife and mushrooms. She tells me she doesn't eat them because she hates the texture, yet she eats eggplant which often has a similar texture. I honestly believe its just because its fungi and she automatically thinks foot fungus or something...I really am a fun-guy though, maybe that's why she doesn't like me. Anyway, I digress. Chickens eat as much poop as pigs do, if not more. I'm Cuban-American and we roast pigs all the time. In fact, I've got to go down to the farm and slaughter 120lb one this weekend to get it ready for Christmas eve. Try some roasted pork instead of ham and you might like it more. You're welcome to come by my house. It will be slow roasting the Cuban way with garlic and tangy yumminess.

I dont like ham either because of the texture.. but I still eat bacon, roast pig, ribs ect. Hams just for some people and not others. I dont like how its slimy when cooked a certain way.
I think the whte spots in it are cartalidge? If it were fat I think it would have melted while cooking.


Originally Posted by T316
No doubt, you are a Democrat who either is currently waiting on a handout, or is currently absorbing one into your bank account every month, yes? There are too many ties here...

Quick to judge. You know, I have no real issue with people who don't have the same views as me expressing their thoughts and opinions. Even when it's something really outlandish, I've never called you conservative morons or anything of the sort. I called Huckabee a bible-toting idiot because he totes a bible and is an idiot through his actions overall (I'm not just talking about Clemmons). I just think it's funny that anyone can say, "I don't believe in god" or "religion seems like a business to me"; and they will automaticallly be called a democrat or a communist. They are legitimate topics. We've all questioned where we came from at one point. I know it's all in fun here, but it just makes one look dumb to label people because of a comment that has, and rightly so, absolutely nothing to do with politics.
Church and state are separate for a reason, although it's become increasingly hard to locate that separation in modern right-wing politics. Religion is used as a scare tactic and as an exclusionary weapon. If you're not a Christian, you must be a democrat or a communist unless you run for office as a Republican and people still won't support you completely because you're a Mormon and that's wierd. You're ideas and opinions on important issues will be used to further their cause when needed, but then you'll get pooped on when they want to nominate someone else. Not because they don't like you, but because a republican candidate has to be a conservative upstanding Christian to appeal to all republicans. Why can't he be a Mormon, or god forbid ---- a Muslim!?!? It's like when they interview some (not all) people who don't like Obama and they go off about how he's a Muslim. I haven't heard one reporter ask the question that would either make that person look like an intolerant fool, or just make them shut up. That question would be: "So, what does it matter if he's Muslim?". They'd either shut up because they don't want everyone to see/hear how intolerant they are of another religion just becase they think all Muslims are crazy suicide bombers, or they'd spout off all the intolerance of Muslims they harbor deep inside and show themselves for the ignorant person they are.
It kind of invalidates any reasonable argument you have when you are throwing out any argument someone presents and just call them a democrat or a communist or any name for that matter. For all you know he could be a republican that happens to have those beliefs. True, you might not go out and strike someone down in the street for saying something you don't agree with, impeding their freedom of speech, but you judge them as the opposition. What if they have all the same viewpoints as you do politically, but don't believe in god?
I'm totally cool with all you guys (including reefraff and stdreb27 surprisingly
)and i enjoy talking politics with you all (even if we have differing views), but all too often on this forum anytime anyone says something that opposes your view he's labeled a communist,democrat, muslim, sociallist. I was exagerrating at the end there (not much, but come on guys, lets have reasonable discussion. I won't care if you call Obama names btw, I meant don't insult the people here who are just expressing their own opinions.


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
If you're going to play the circular argument game with "the you're hypocritical for not respecting my beliefs." Troops fighting, bla bla bla. umm no, the troops didn't go to war to protect you promoting Chomsky's ideology. Just like they didn't go to war to protect other Liberal fruitcakes like Murtha or Kerry calling them terrorists, rap1sts and Murders.
Are you an idiot? Of course the troops went to war so I CAN EXPRESS WHO evers ideaolgy I feel like expressing....
The whole point of them going to war is to fight for freedom's right? Well isnt me expressing my freedom in the way of speech, what there fighting for, no matter what it is I say? Or maybe I'm just confused on the whole freedom of speech thing.


Originally Posted by stdreb27
Do I need to go back to some post I've seen you post in the political threads... ) but you're pretty out there like Obama out there...
If you're going to play the circular argument game with "the you're hypocritical for not respecting my beliefs." Troops fighting, bla bla bla. umm no, the troops didn't go to war to protect you promoting Chomsky's ideology. Just like they didn't go to war to protect other Liberal fruitcakes like Murtha or Kerry calling them terrorists, rap1sts and Murders.
If troops go to war to protect our freedoms, then, in actuality, they did go to war to protect the freedom of speech that allowed the people you speak of to say those things. For example, my previous post about not judging so quickly. You can absolutely call anyone whatever you want, I was just asking that we be civil(i was not saying that you could not call people names, just asking) .
I have an issue though, with saying that any troop that went to fight in Iraq, including two of my cousins who are very brave dudes and went through a lot over there, went there to fight for my freedom. Afghanistan is different, all we did by going to Iraq is gave any radical muslims in the middle east somewhere to go kill americans without having to come to America.


Originally Posted by Katsafados
Are you an idiot? Of course the troops went to war so I CAN EXPRESS WHO evers ideaolgy I feel like expressing....
The whole point of them going to war is to fight for freedom's right? Well isnt me expressing my freedom in the way of speech, what there fighting for, no matter what it is I say? Or maybe I'm just confused on the whole freedom of speech thing.


Active Member
Originally Posted by SteveDave08
I'm totally cool with all you guys (including reefraff and stdreb27 surprisingly
)and i enjoy talking politics with you all (even if we have differing views), but all too often on this forum anytime anyone says something that opposes your view he's labeled a communist,democrat, muslim, sociallist. I was exagerrating at the end there (not much, but come on guys, lets have reasonable discussion. I won't care if you call Obama names btw, I meant don't insult the people here who are just expressing their own opinions.

Thanks you =)
BTW no political ties.. totally lost when you started going into that haha


Modern political gameplay is changing scarily toward outward displays of intolerance. I'm sorry to say, but most of that intolerance is on the right. There have always been people in politics that may have severe intolerance issues, and are racist, or just crappy people altogether; but there have never been as many politicians who so publicly spout intolerant views as a way to attract the votes of ignorant people that share their views. It's breeding hate and bringing people, who would never think about running for office before because their views were too radical, out of the woodwork. People like this woman:
Let's not mention the intolerance and or blatant disregard for truth of Michelle Bachmann or Sarah Palin. Even when faced with facts that prove their statements are false, they move on as if they haven't been proven wrong ---- and people eat--it--up as truth. This kind of just keep pushing it, even if it's not true so people will believe it anyway strategy started under GWB. It's not his fault though. I actually voted for GWB the first time and I think he didn't do as bad as most people think he did. ---- Cheney and Karl Rove (though mostly the former) are the ones to blame for these kind of political games that have now taken over the way things are done. I truly believe that GWB meant well, but his Daddy's friend made his decisions go from bad to worse because they truly weren't his decisions, they were Cheney's. I think GWB was fed just as many lies as the American public was fed by him unknowingly. When you have CIA telling you there are WMD's and you're the president, you're probably not going to think they're lying to you.


Originally Posted by Katsafados
Thanks you =)
BTW no political ties.. totally lost when you started going into that haha
Yeah, the politics I just throw in there because these guys know what I'm talking about and we can have a discussion about it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by SteveDave08
Quick to judge. You know, I have no real issue with people who don't have the same views as me expressing their thoughts and opinions. Even when it's something really outlandish, I've never called you conservative morons or anything of the sort. I called Huckabee a bible-toting idiot because he totes a bible and is an idiot through his actions overall (I'm not just talking about Clemmons). I just think it's funny that anyone can say, "I don't believe in god" or "religion seems like a business to me"; and they will automaticallly be called a democrat or a communist. They are legitimate topics. We've all questioned where we came from at one point. I know it's all in fun here, but it just makes one look dumb to label people because of a comment that has, and rightly so, absolutely nothing to do with politics.
Church and state are separate for a reason, although it's become increasingly hard to locate that separation in modern right-wing politics. Religion is used as a scare tactic and as an exclusionary weapon. If you're not a Christian, you must be a democrat or a communist unless you run for office as a Republican and people still won't support you completely because you're a Mormon and that's wierd. You're ideas and opinions on important issues will be used to further their cause when needed, but then you'll get pooped on when they want to nominate someone else. Not because they don't like you, but because a republican candidate has to be a conservative upstanding Christian to appeal to all republicans. Why can't he be a Mormon, or god forbid ---- a Muslim!?!? It's like when they interview some (not all) people who don't like Obama and they go off about how he's a Muslim. I haven't heard one reporter ask the question that would either make that person look like an intolerant fool, or just make them shut up. That question would be: "So, what does it matter if he's Muslim?". They'd either shut up because they don't want everyone to see/hear how intolerant they are of another religion just becase they think all Muslims are crazy suicide bombers, or they'd spout off all the intolerance of Muslims they harbor deep inside and show themselves for the ignorant person they are.
It kind of invalidates any reasonable argument you have when you are throwing out any argument someone presents and just call them a democrat or a communist or any name for that matter. For all you know he could be a republican that happens to have those beliefs. True, you might not go out and strike someone down in the street for saying something you don't agree with, impeding their freedom of speech, but you judge them as the opposition. What if they have all the same viewpoints as you do politically, but don't believe in god?
I'm totally cool with all you guys (including reefraff and stdreb27 surprisingly
)and i enjoy talking politics with you all (even if we have differing views), but all too often on this forum anytime anyone says something that opposes your view he's labeled a communist,democrat, muslim, sociallist. I was exagerrating at the end there (not much, but come on guys, lets have reasonable discussion. I won't care if you call Obama names btw, I meant don't insult the people here who are just expressing their own opinions.

I said I would leave Katsafados alone, so I will semi-ignore this post, but one has to wonder if you are even reading the same thread
I don't think I have read one post that denounced anyone on here because "they did not believe in God".


Originally Posted by T316
I said I would leave Katsafados alone, so I will semi-ignore this post, but one has to wonder if you are even reading the same thread
I don't think I have read one post that denounced anyone on here because "they did not believe in God".
It was an example.
It's actualy related to what we're talking about too, so I really don't know what thread you were reading.


Active Member
Originally Posted by SteveDave08
It was an example.
It's actualy related to what we're talking about too, so I really don't know what thread you were reading.
Politics were brough into a religious thread when you called me a communist/ democrat for stating that I didnt believe in religion at this moment because of lack of factual information.