Republican Candidates


Active Member
Originally Posted by ScubaDoo
I think I'll stick with the opt out opt in plan should Obama be elected and his health care package passes as is. If I'm sick....I'll opt in...once I'm cured I'll opt out.
I'm guranteed pre-exisitng clauses...and a guaranteed rate. If I wake up feeling bad I'll fill out the form.....maybe I'll pay a premium for a month or two...then exercise my opt out "right" he has guaranteed me.
I'm beginning to warm up to the ridiculous plan.
Actually, you're forgetting the long waiting lines...
The better way to do it will be to schedule a Dr. appointment every 3 months or so and then just get the Insurance then. You dont' want to wait until you are sick, you may die waiting in line.
"In Canada today, too many patients are waiting too long for necessary health care — and some are dying as a result."
The Canadian Supreme Court in 2005 said “The evidence shows that delays in the public health care system are widespread, and that, in some serious cases, patients die as a result of waiting lists for public health care.”


Active Member
Obama universal healthcare .....
I will be putting out a plan over the next couple of months that details how I would approach the basic principles that by the end of my first term, that we're going to have universal health care for every single American. Some basic principles:
that coverage has to be universal
that we're going to have to save costs and get more bang for our health care dollar
that employers, government and individuals are all going to have to put up something
and that savings that we obtain from making a more efficient system can't be just obtained by hitting frontline workers.
But in addition to those basic principles, we have to challenge ourselves: Do we have the political will and the sense of urgency to actually get it done? I want to be held accountable for getting it done. Source: SEIU Democratic Health Care Forum in Las Vegas Mar 24, 2007


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Actually, you're forgetting the long waiting lines...
The better way to do it will be to schedule a Dr. appointment every 3 months or so and then just get the Insurance then. You dont' want to wait until you are sick, you may die waiting in line.
"In Canada today, too many patients are waiting too long for necessary health care — and some are dying as a result."
The Canadian Supreme Court in 2005 said “The evidence shows that delays in the public health care system are widespread, and that, in some serious cases, patients die as a result of waiting lists for public health care.”
While I'm waiting in line I'll be filling out the form...and I may have to pay a premium or two before I'm seen by a doctor.


Active Member
Another Obama universal healthcare quote:
And I promise you this: I will sign a universal health care plan that covers every American by the end of my first term as president.
Source: Take Back America 2007 Conference Jun 19, 2007


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Capitalism is the most efficient way to do things. We've seen that time and again. The idea that the Feds can do something better and cheaper is insane.
That's why government outsourcing is rapidly growing.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
What I don't get is why you assume this is going to be free health care... its not. In many ways it is capitalistic by encouraging more effiecency and competetion.
Please list all the "many ways".


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
He also said that if we were starting the system from scratch, that he would use a single payer system, but since that is not an option he believes his plan would be the best solution. If you are going to use a quote... then you should include his entire position.
What is his position? It seems to have changed a few times. So, we should ignore what he was a "proponent of? Seems like he keeps spitting out the term "universal healthcare" whenever he gets the chance and metioned single-payer .
Which statement is the correct one? Which position is the correct one?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
What I don't get is why you assume this is going to be free health care... its not. In many ways it is capitalistic by encouraging more effiecency and competetion.
what a bomb shell. Man, seriously, please explain yourself. Because right now, I'm convinced you've never had an economics class in your life...
This is why I think they should have basic economic literacy tests for voters. They have no clue how what they support would effect our economy and our well being.

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by mfp1016
Come up with even one government system/organization/whatever that runs better than its private sector counterpart.

The Cia and FBI are more efficient than the Private investigators in the field......ok, I am stretching ALOT.


Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
The Cia and FBI are more efficient than the Private investigators in the field......ok, I am stretching ALOT.
I would still go on to say that they PIs still get their work done more efficiently, unfortunately, its not the same work.


Originally Posted by stdreb27
what a bomb shell. Man, seriously, please explain yourself. Because right now, I'm convinced you've never had an economics class in your life...
This is why I think they should have basic economic literacy tests for voters. They have no clue how what they support would effect our economy and our well being.
I think the GOP should require an application....


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
...This is why I think they should have basic economic literacy tests for voters. They have no clue how what they support would effect our economy and our well being.
If there was some fair way to test fairly I'd be all for this too.
Basic questions about the Constitution, Geography, US History, World History, etc.
And WHY the heck do ballots have spanish on them???

bang guy

Originally Posted by 1journeyman
If there was some fair way to test fairly I'd be all for this too.
Basic questions about the Constitution, Geography, US History, World History, etc.
And WHY the heck do ballots have spanish on them???
I would be happy with a small test on candidate platforms. I mean, what's the purpose for voting for someone when you have no idea what they stand for.
The fair way would be for each candidate to draft 10 questions about their own platform. Each quiz would use only 1 randomly selected question from each candidate.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bang Guy
I would be happy with a small test on candidate platforms. I mean, what's the purpose for voting for someone when you have no idea what they stand for.
The fair way would be for each candidate to draft 10 questions about their own platform. Each quiz would use only 1 randomly selected question from each candidate.
It's a shame that the debates have just become sparring matches anymore, not to mention that in the general election the candidates choose the formats. They used to be fairly decent at this sort of thing...


Active Member
Originally Posted by mfp1016
I have been saying that for a while now amongst the chemical engineering community. Yesterday, when I read the news I laughed for probably 20 minutes.
Just another example of why we need to leave science to scientists and quit trying to politicize it.
The banning of DDT based on faulty and biased info lead to millions of deaths to malaria throughout the third world. Now the Liberals are leaping into a new, faulty theory that could lead to a faster destruction of the rain forest, higher temps (if you believe the theory) and more 3rd world starvation.