Republican vs. Democrat


Active Member
Originally Posted by Tizzo
Seems people don't comprehend Newtons third law. I know it's for motion, but it also applies elsewhere.
We want free healthcare, and vote for it, but were stunned when our taxes go up.
We want more teachers and better schools, but got forbid I have to pay for it.
We want more more more, but "No new taxes!"
People vote and ask for one thing but never consider the consequence. That's the presidents problem.

OK, I'm done.

Historically the democratic party wants bigger government which will eventually lead to socialism on a grand scale.
We're halfway there, now.


Originally Posted by socal57che
Historically the democratic party wants bigger government which will eventually lead to socialism on a grand scale.
We're halfway there, now.
Yeah, and I don't like it. I don't even like the simple idea of school uniforms.
YOu make a lot of money, we tax it down, you make no money we give it to you.
I guess I'm old fashioned. I think lazy people SHOULD be homeless and hungry. That might motivate them to get a job.
Yeah, I'm cruel. But I was never one to support long term handouts.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Tizzo
Yeah, and I don't like it. I don't even like the simple idea of school uniforms.
YOu make a lot of money, we tax it down, you make no money we give it to you.
I guess I'm old fashioned. I think lazy people SHOULD be homeless and hungry. That might motivate them to get a job.
Yeah, I'm cruel. But I was never one to support long term handouts.

You should run for political office. You will never be elected, of course,
but I would vote for you!


I don't understand politics. But I understand people.
It's funny, when you read about the lower class, or watch the well educated representative on the news talk about them, you tend to have a bleeding heart. But when you WORK in an area such as the projects, and you see grown men in wife beater t-shirts, just waking up at 3 in the afternoon, staring at you because "work" is a spectator sport", you ask him if he wants a job and your disrespecting him??
To see it, to be there, is a whole diferent story than what your led to believe. They are NOT equal. Not in beliefs, not in ethics, not in morals. They are lazy and choose to be that way. They demand respect, but will steal your car (or motorcycle) at first oppertunity.
They teach their kids to be the same way, and yet we should pay more in taxes to support them...why?

DISCLAIMER... Not all lower class. BUt the ones that stood out while I was in that area were that way.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
How in the world does saying that yes, condoms do indeed help stop the spread of aids and other STDs encourage your 12 year old to engage in sexual activities? What a typical response from the moral right wing who generally lack common sense because they feel an overt need to replace it with their "morals and values".
What irked me about his response to these questions was his obvious dodge of the questions to keep the southern Baptists and other dopey Christian’s groups from laying the wrath of god on him for saying what should be said. Which is that abstince is a nice idea it's not realistic in this day and age and that young people need to be taught about protection.
As for slutty teen democrates I liked that, real classy of you. I'd be willing to bet that good republican girls are just as likely to engage in sexual activeties as anyone else. Or maybe you said that because African Americans tend to vote Democrate and your comment was aimed that way...
I usually don't.. but I have to agree with you here...
I believe that its the parents responsiblity to talk to children about ---, however this is not happening... Parents often feel uncomfortable about it and kids learn about the subject through friends and in school. I believe that abstenence is the best answer, however I understand that people don't have the same morals and views I have... Second, I understand the pressures to have it, and that kids experiment, and once they've done it... they will probably continue...
I bet the majority of you never had a real conversation with your children or with you parents about the issue, which is why schools teach it... not everyone attends church so people of the GOP who think all their members do, and that democrats are unmoral is one of the craziest things I've heard.. and for the assumption that african american kids or democrats have more --- than rich white kids or rural kids is ludacris...if you believe this you don't really know whats going on in our schools.
Lastly, Africa... AIDS is rampant for a variety of reasons... mostly people don't know they have it, and don't get tested regularly, rapes, and the spread of it through prostitutes... and a lack of education on the issue, ... I think there is a whole range of issues.. I've also heard that some africans believe that it is spread through the use of condoms and that the virus is in them. Simply better education on the issue and the usage of condoms will solve the problem... We are able to do this and we should... the fact that J McCain is unware of the issue and wants to go back and review his position tells you a lot of what kind of politician he is.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Tizzo
I don't understand politics. But I understand people.
It's funny, when you read about the lower class, or watch the well educated representative on the news talk about them, you tend to have a bleeding heart. But when you WORK in an area such as the projects, and you see grown men in wife beater t-shirts, just waking up at 3 in the afternoon, staring at you because "work" is a spectator sport", you ask him if he wants a job and your disrespecting him??
To see it, to be there, is a whole diferent story than what your led to believe. They are NOT equal. Not in beliefs, not in ethics, not in morals. They are lazy and choose to be that way. They demand respect, but will steal your car (or motorcycle) at first oppertunity.
They teach their kids to be the same way, and yet we should pay more in taxes to support them...why?

DISCLAIMER... Not all lower class. BUt the ones that stood out while I was in that area were that way.
A lack of education is the problem, parenting, and an overall distrust of people like you... Its not a problem of race... its a problem of economics, education, and parenting... They are lazy because they have no hope... they believe that this is their position in life... I'm an african american and I feel the same way as you do when I see what you described, but I also know the reason behind it... this is how they were taught.. raised... it may be their fault and it may not... the only time they see somebody like you in their neighborhood is when a cop is trying to bust him or harassing him. Its a mind set....
We need to support them to give them a chance that they may have not had do to circumstances they faced... to give them a leg up... I don't believe in continual support, but I do believe that people need a break... so they can get out of whatever situation they are in.


Just to be perfectly clear, I never made mention of RACE! I said lower class. If you associate that with a particular race, that's your issue not mine.
I don't care that your african american and I don't see how that has relevance on what your saying, or why you chose to disclose that info on that particular post.
Helping somebody cause they just lost their job, fine. Taking care of the kids of parents who can't do it fine. BUt every person who sits at a welfare interview has to speak with somebody, and your telling me that they never even consider it could be them doing that very job?? Fine. Their fault, their upbringing, no matter. A couple of hungry cold nights might teach them real fast how easy it is to get a job.
My mom grew up in the projects, she was very street smart, but she had enough sense to know that getting out of there was in her best interest. I don't know how she knew, she just did.
So you blame the economy, the education, and the parenting and you foot the bill for their ignorance. But I don't buy it. As long as they have free rent, food and healthcare they have no motivation to improve their lives.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
I usually don't.. but I have to agree with you here...
I believe that its the parents responsiblity to talk to children about ---, however this is not happening... Parents often feel uncomfortable about it and kids learn about the subject through friends and in school. I believe that abstenence is the best answer, however I understand that people don't have the same morals and views I have... Second, I understand the pressures to have it, and that kids experiment, and once they've done it... they will probably continue...
I bet the majority of you never had a real conversation with your children or with you parents about the issue, which is why schools teach it... not everyone attends church so people of the GOP who think all their members do, and that democrats are unmoral is one of the craziest things I've heard.. and for the assumption that african american kids or democrats have more --- than rich white kids or rural kids is ludacris...if you believe this you don't really know whats going on in our schools.
Lastly, Africa... AIDS is rampant for a variety of reasons... mostly people don't know they have it, and don't get tested regularly, rapes, and the spread of it through prostitutes... and a lack of education on the issue, ... I think there is a whole range of issues.. I've also heard that some africans believe that it is spread through the use of condoms and that the virus is in them. Simply better education on the issue and the usage of condoms will solve the problem... We are able to do this and we should... the fact that J McCain is unware of the issue and wants to go back and review his position tells you a lot of what kind of politician he is.
"I believe that its the parents responsiblity to talk to children about ---, however this is not happening... Parents often feel uncomfortable about it and kids learn about the subject through friends and in school"
I totally 100% agree.
"not everyone attends church so people of the GOP who think all their members do, and that democrats are unmoral is one of the craziest things I've heard.. and for the assumption that african american kids or democrats have more --- than rich white kids or rural kids is ludacris...if you believe this you don't really know whats going on in our schools."

My remark was an uncalled for response to the name calling in Jmick's post. I am sorry. The fact that democrats support this idea is what I was attacking and I feel that condom distribution is like saying it's OK. So as a democrat you must feel that it's OK.
If passing out condoms really worked there would be virtually no abortion issues and Roe v. Wade would not even be discussed.


Active Member
Originally Posted by socal57che
That's me. Dopey Christian. Your heinous retort (which I am proud was directed at my stupid Christian self) leads me to believe that you:
a. have a slutty teenage daughter and are afraid of her getting knocked up by the entire football team.
b. are afraid to talk to your own kids about the responsibility of said 3 letter word. Let teachers do it, they know what's best for my child.
c. must be a black democrat.
d. cannot comprehend that THIS IS NOT WORKING and we need moral people to educate our youth. Not dope smoking liberal teachers/professors who are more and more often seen in court for having *insert 3 letter word* with the children they are supposed to be educating.
You, sir, are the reason I turn my back on your democratic candidates election after election. I am not republican. I am AMERICAN and want to see this country be the best it can be. I'd vote democratic if there were someone worth my vote.
I love the double standards here, why is it that young women who have --- early are "slutty" but there is never mention about young men? I don't have a teenage daughter, I am rather young still but I guess there are probably some people my age who might have older childern.
Unfortunetly, there are a lot of bad parents out there who do not speak to their kids about --- or they preach abstinence instead, which IMO is just as bad. Sometimes we do require teachers to be the ones who teach kids about safe --- because there are some parents who are not up to the task be it from ignorance or lack of care.
Not all christains are dopey but a lot are and his lack of response to the questions was clearly not to offend them and their high morals.


Originally Posted by Rylan1
I don't believe in continual support, but I do believe that people need a break... so they can get out of whatever situation they are in.
"Give a man a fish; you have fed him for today. Teach a man to fish; and you have fed him for a lifetime"


Active Member
Did I miss the memo? Did we add a 28th Amendment to the Constitution that I slept through?
Why in the world do people believe tax payer dollars should go to providing condoms to school kids? Schools can't even pass aspirin out to kids with headaches, but condoms are ok?

For the record, I don't want tax dollars going to passing out p orno videos, condoms, lingerie, or any other "s ex" related item to kids on my dime....


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
A lack of education is the problem, parenting, and an overall distrust of people like you... Its not a problem of race... its a problem of economics, education, and parenting...
Lack of education is a copout. The teachers didn't treat anybody different when I was in school. This isn't the 50's and 60's anymore.
Parenting. Yep, some folks should never reproduce.
overall distrust of people like you...... people like what????


Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Schools can't even pass aspirin out to kids with headaches, but condoms are ok?


Good point. Heck they even banned soda!!
"No, you cannot have a soda were afraid of what the sugar rush is gonna do to you, but here have a condom."
Maybe McCain doesn't have a clue, but if this is the case then apparently, as an average american, neither do I.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Tizzo
...Maybe McCain doesn't have a clue, but if this is the case then apparently, as an average american, neither do I.

The more I think about that the more I actually kind of like that he wasn't prepared for it. It shows quite possibly McCain is actually thinking about and focusing on things a President should actually be involved in...


Active Member
I never said that I think condoms should be passed out at school. My point from my origanal post is that McCain could not and would even answer that condoms do help prevent the spread of AIDS and STD's. Why is it that he wouldn't answer this? Anyone with half a brain knows the answer to this.
A policy that preaches abstince is not realistic and it offers zero value to young people. Our society is all about --- and promoting --- in video, tv, movies and writing and to think that young adults are not going to engage in it is at the very least silly and possibly dangerous. If a young person has no where else to go they should have an outlet at school who can teach them how to be safe.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
...Q: “What about grants for --- education in the United States? Should they include instructions about using contraceptives? ....”

Originally Posted by Jmick

I never said that I think condoms should be passed out at school. My point from my origanal post is that McCain could not and would even answer that condoms do help prevent the spread of AIDS and STD's. ....
Sorry Jmick, that was the FIRST question asked that you quoted. That's not about AIDS in Africa, it's about condoms in schools.


Originally Posted by Jmick
I never said that I think condoms should be passed out at school. My point from my origanal post is that McCain could not and would even answer that condoms do help prevent the spread of AIDS and STD's. Why is it that he wouldn't answer this? Anyone with half a brain knows the answer to this.
Honestly, and sincerely, I think he didn't answer because if he did the press would turn it into "McCain feels that without condoms, all teens are doomed and will get AIDS and if he's president all teens would have free access to as many condoms as they think they may need."
So either way, an answer would have doomed him.
It was, as a lawyer would put it, a "cornering question".