return pump placement/


Active Member
Pull the filter floss completely out......Obviously it's not doing what it should be.....that tank should be clear......Try taking those pads you had mentioned, and just force your drain water from your DT through it.....I'm not sure of the micron size, but might see some difference......


Interesting wiring scheme you got there puff......whatever works I guess. The only important thing is that it's safe, and you seem confident it is. You just wouldn't catch me with any electrical connections/plugs within 3 feet of any water source or anywhere under my main tanks water level. I'm a bit paranoid.
I'd ditch that poly-fill double quick. I know it's cheap, maybe even free for you, but that might be a contributing factor to your cloudiness.


Active Member
Originally Posted by windmill
Interesting wiring scheme you got there puff......whatever works I guess. The only important thing is that it's safe, and you seem confident it is. You just wouldn't catch me with any electrical connections/plugs within 3 feet of any water source or anywhere under my main tanks water level. I'm a bit paranoid.
I'd ditch that poly-fill double quick. I know it's cheap, maybe even free for you, but that might be a contributing factor to your cloudiness.
Quick question for your Windmill???? Where do you have all your electrical connections for your tank??? I think there probably within 3' of your tank......There's nothing at the least bit wrong with the wiring layout on the setup.....That is probably one of the neatest, clean systems (wiring) I've seen.......He said the outlets are on GFCI's......In your bathroom and around your sinks you probably have outlets as well, so what's the difference?


It just freaks me out to see the wiring inches away from an un-covered sump, GFCI or not. Or so it appears un-covered......
My tank is caddy-corner like (45 degree angle) and my wiring is as far back in the corner as it can go and just a tad bit above my hood. I have a powerstrip with an 8' cord plugged into a GFCI outlet with a weather-proof cover. There is absolutely no way water will ever get on any connections unless a powerhead or something shoots water up and out my tank. Yeah, i'm paranoid, believe me I know.


Active Member
Paranoid maybe, but most building code no a days is within arms reach must be a GFCI, so it's perfectly fine, but as long as your happy that's all that matters........


you took the words out of my mouth with the batroom and kitchen sinks... and windmill im a home inspector and contractor... i would gladly hold a live wire in the sump and be confident the GFCI did its job and if not the breakers in the main would also do there job.. plus hows water getting out of my sump? the only way there getting wet is if the main tank crumbles and falls apart and soaks everything.. but i am not going to conform to standard procedure on here and fight argue or criticize any one.. so on that note.. thank you for your concern and if you have any questions about safe wiring i would be glad to help you or advise you to the best of my ability in making your set up as safe as possable and i appreciate your contribution to this thread.. acrylic i am going to take your advise... pull the floss.. but how bout an idea on getting my drain to force through the pads??? you see what i have and what i am working with, before i jump the gun id like to hear what you think.. im doing a 20 gallon water change in about 5 min. then i have to go give a friend a ride to pick up a new car... after that ill be home, and have the whole night to dedicate to what we come up with as a solution... again thanks to you guys and to for making a place for us to share and improve saltwater life!


Originally Posted by acrylic51
Quick question for your Windmill???? Where do you have all your electrical connections for your tank??? I think there probably within 3' of your tank......There's nothing at the least bit wrong with the wiring layout on the setup.....That is probably one of the neatest, clean systems (wiring) I've seen.......He said the outlets are on GFCI's......In your bathroom and around your sinks you probably have outlets as well, so what's the difference?

I'm no pro, but not a complete dork when it comes to electricity and also have a similar set-up that I'm very confident in.
I don't have as much stuff to plug in, so I picked up two SHOCK-BUSTER GFI quad boxes and mounted one on each end of the stand, as far up as I could get them . . .

By having two widely seperated boxes, it really keeps things neat and orderly and I don't have the cordopus mess if everything went into one powerstrip.
BTW, Lowes, HomeDepot, etc carry velcro strapping that I use to bundle/loop cables, very handy. It comes in a two-roll set, is about 1/2" across, pre-cut to 8" lengths and a pre-cut slot so the straps can be attached to the cable itself. Price for about 30' is around $5 and I've bought several to use around the house and at work for all my video/audio cabling.


i like those outlets. makes me very comfortable to see them worth the cost by far... and spliting up to different ends is a good idea. but in my case with the skimmer and lines on the other side im afraid thats not very practical... and as for my cords. im in the developmental stages and keep changing things and gettin settled in to my perminate set up. i usually have them ziptied together for neatness but the perminate set up will be gray pvc pipeng cut in half length whise to make half moons then clamped to the stand with pipe clamps the half circle ones with a screw hole on each side to pin the wires against the stand and run them all together... but until i know i am done playing my octopus will rome!!!! good thread... this one is actualy educational and minimal bickering....


Like I said, paranoia......perhaps extreme paranoia. But hey, I rent, I need to be cautious.
I know a single GFCI is adequate protection, but life experiences have taught me to have some sort of fail-safe. Then there's the old saying "if you want something done right, do it yourself."


Originally Posted by windmill
Like I said, paranoia......perhaps extreme paranoia. But hey, I rent, I need to be cautious.
I know a single GFCI is adequate protection, but life experiences have taught me to have some sort of fail-safe. Then there's the old saying "if you want something done right, do it yourself."
Hey, a little paronoia is good for soul! I even went so far as to fork out a couple hundred bucks to have a completely new grounded electrical line run from the breaker-box and a new quad outlet installed where the tank is (Backed up by heavy-duty GFI powerstrips). Living in a 40+ year-old tract house with an ungrounded electrical system can instill a bit a paranoia.
That reminds me, better call the insurance agent and make sure my homeowner's policy is up to date!


Originally Posted by puff_puff_
i like those outlets. makes me very comfortable to see them worth the cost by far... ..
Yep, pricy ($30-something each) but agree that they're worth it (And they're a very cool, "Safety yellow" color!). Only down-side is that the GFI switches are in the plug-unit . . . makes for one of the biggest wall-warts I've ever seen. I needed to put them side-by-side in a quad outlet so I carefully sanded off a tad of the plug-housings and they fit snug, but straight in the outlets.
Picked up their short GFI extension cord where the switch is inline for the light system.


well i put the polyfill sheets in and it made no diference in the last few hours and there not even getting dirty.. i have to assume this is not a dirt situation.... what ever is clouding my water has to be on a much much smaller scale... dead fish? snail? crab? there is one fish in there i see once in a great while and have not seen him latly and hes about 6 to 8 inches long.. lives under a rock.. and cant pick it up with out tearing the whole tank down.... if he died can this be it? and if so what the hell do i do about it..??


Nice wire job as I have stated before in one of your post. Looks safe.
I am no expert on this so I will throw out some ideas. Has you pump been disturbing the sand bed?
have you used a different salt mix
Are u doseing with cal or alk?
What kind of salt mix do you use?
These are just some questions I am throwing out there.


salt-instant ocean
dosing- just started today actualy and did half the recomended dosage on the advice of a friend and figured its bad cant get worse. calcium strontyum iodine. the kent marine kit.
pump is where its been for 3 months... it doesnot seem dirty since the floss and poly is not getting dirty.. seems just white hazy milky, ehhhhhhhhhhh today is the first day i am not loving this hobby.. i love a challange when there is a solution.. and i really really enjoy this hobby but to see all my hardwork and money result in a milky disaster is frusterating.. and im out of alcohal..


When was your last water change? I heard through the boards that there was some bad saltmix batch. And was milky due to the calcium and alk, combination. Try mixing some new salt and let it sit for a while. See what happens. The only thing I add to my tank is Alk and calcium.And I only add them 48 hours apart. If you add them to close you get some nasty side affects. Idione I have never added. Strontyum Should be stable enough with water changes. Iodine is a huge hair algea grower. And should be stable with regular water changes.
Sometimes when things get bad all you can do is
And some crown royal never hurts either. Good luck


funny you say salt... i just bought a new bucket of instant ocean and added the first batch of salt oh lets say about a day before this happened!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and i did a friggin water change today it seems worse!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! your not seriously telling me i can have a bad 65 dollar bucket of salt!!!!!! ill shot *****.... i hate that place but they gave me a 200 giftcertificate for my troubles with there last screw up... so i bought sand and supplies but no livestock... and ya crown sounds great but i took the bravada in to get a new driveshaft today and it wont be done till tomarow and im with out car at the moment and im out of beer. liquor. wine and all other mood elevating substances... what do i do if the salts bad and how do i know..


You will be hooped on the salt I am pretty sure that no one will take it back. The best way to check is mix some up and leave it in a pail and see what happens. I am sure it was instant ocean that had the problem. I saw it in the threads a few weeks ago. try and get ophair attentention. I know that is not how you spell her name but she is the starfish chick(mod) she can explain it better than I can.
Later dude gotta run be on the boards tommorow.
Hoped I help a bit.


a great amount if indeed the salts bad!!!!!!!!!!! ill will contact her/.... thanks for your time!
Swim On! :happyfish


Active Member
Originally Posted by Squishy
You will be hooped on the salt I am pretty sure that no one will take it back. The best way to check is mix some up and leave it in a pail and see what happens. I am sure it was instant ocean that had the problem. I saw it in the threads a few weeks ago. try and get ophair attentention. I know that is not how you spell her name but she is the starfish chick(mod) she can explain it better than I can.
Later dude gotta run be on the boards tommorow.
Hoped I help a bit.

Ophi, you are now known as the starfish chick