Whats this have to do with sadam.
Every thing. and nothing. The French are albiet the sacraficial lamb of the poem but it stands for the many countries who should be there helping end this. if we all stood behind the president, and the world stood behind the UN in reality not just in presence this would not have needed to happen
And if it was the entire worlds demand, why is it that only we fought back?
Excellant question if you could answer that you may get the nobel peace prize. We acted under UN resolutions passed by the security council and authorizing force if Sadam did not comply. we never hid our intentions to finish this one way or another. Sadam was put on notice and did not heed the demands of the UN. (United Nations AKA the whole world eeeh give or take a third world county or two.)
I dont understand why it always has to be us the police the entire world. "team america"lol.
Because we are the last remaining superpower. no other county can do the things we can. without the US "interfering" many nations would fall to dictators, facists, terrorists, or any combination of psycopaths
We have not helped Iraq as much as people seem to think. Sadam was scum and he killed many. However, we killed alot of innocent people as well with our bombs. We destroyed all stability (the little bit) they did have.
The majority of Iraq is glad we did what we did. the north and south are stable the kurds have a strong autonomous govt. The minority are the initial trouble makers which in turn are causing others in the majority to fight back. most violence these days is Iraqi vs Iraqi power struggle to gain control of the county. we did it as well (the civil war) they just have more efficeint weapons.
Say what you want about the french... hows their national debt? When was the last time they were attacked by terrorists? Ever wonder why we are the target?
Why would terrorists ever target them they are the biggest help a problem state or terrorist country could have. plus they seem to be doing alot of bussiness with countries like Iraq (before the war),
again not trying to change your mind or anyone elses. nor start a fight nor distract form the initial posters thread.
Sadam is dead, Iraq is free of him and in his place a beehive remains. right or wrong it can not be ignored.