hey guys! back home safe from a great vacation! below are some shots

thanks isty for covering the questions, and taking care of the tank(s) while i was gone.
everything is good with the set ups for the most part.
i had an unfortunate incedent with my exquisite wrasse jumping out of my QT tank. the lid was left open . very sad about this, i loved that fish, even tho i had him for 3 months, he was one of my favorites very quickly. my CB angel is not liking life in the QT in hypo and has developed lympho in the mouth, looks pretty nasty , but she should pull through ok. CBBF still looks great!
on the plus side, in the last nine days there has been considerable growth with a most of zoo colonies!
on the production side, i have decided to halt work with the canopy in favor of completing the CLS system first. this should prove to be less headache with retro fitting, etc.