saltwater tattoo


eric b 125

My rib cage was done over 3 hours with a 16 needle magazine... I've needed to go back for a touch up for over 5 years now but just can't bring myself to do it again!


Active Member
the seaweed he did saturday is now peeling.the color at first looked blue .now its a fricken sweet looking grey/green just like he said once it healed.same was with the butterfly fish it was orange and healed the copper color.he has a drawing maybe a foot tall on his wall of a skeleton bagpiper playing with the tube in its mouth and a leg on a big rock.there is a couple crosses and of course the irish skirt.what an awesome drawing.not for me i dont like the skull/blood tattoos but.,he said he just started this one on someones ribcage.
if i remember i will see if he lets me take a pic to post it next time i am there.
i really think we dont want to go back for the touch up because we dont feel the pain as much because of the thrill of getting the tattoo.when i went back for the touch up on my arm band i swear it hurt 10 times worse than when i got it .
but i am looking forward to the blue fill in.remember no brain no pain


Active Member
not too bad,but i think the color fill in might be .i guess i will see.hoping by the end of next week to get back.the seaweed is still healing.


Jeff is lying. He cried through the whole process.
I'm just kidding.


When I was getting mine done... I was so drunk... it wasn't even funny..
When I got them removed (one on the back at least) it hurt like HELL and I was sober which made everything more worse...


All of it.
My back was filled with bible scriptures in Chinese kanji now it's gone after going through laser therapy kazillion times.
My arm has one love in kanji but I tried to erase it myself with acid and that sure wasn't pleasant.. I did laser twice on that and about 5 times left for it to completely go away.
I know that drinking before tats thins out your blood but my buddy didn't care lol.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Siptang http:///t/388764/saltwater-tattoo/100#post_3454347
All of it.
My back was filled with bible scriptures in Chinese kanji now it's gone after going through laser therapy kazillion times.
My arm has one love in kanji but I tried to erase it myself with acid and that sure wasn't pleasant.. I did laser twice on that and about 5 times left for it to completely go away.
I know that drinking before tats thins out your blood but my buddy didn't care lol.
You are a perfect example of why to never get a tattoo...still you did better than my nephew....his tattoo artist friend was drunk, and he was too.


Active Member
i love my tats .alot of tghought has gone into all of them.took 3 years to find the eagle on my chest that i finally liked.and i wanted this saltwater sleve for 10 years.i would never just go to a shop and pick one off the wall.
so sip is there scars? why did you remove them?
on another fire station finally opened up for the volunteers last week.i have been on 3 calls so far.just got home from a wreck.they let us go right when we got there since 911 called the next county on our turf for some reason.we have 3 young probation kids now and for some reason they think i am the king of fire fighting ???? funny.they cannot drive the trucks yet and have no clue whitch one to even start before i get there.they are very respectful and great can tell they are new and ready to work.i got to the station and the kid had his full bunker gear and helmet on for an accident lol.i just put the bottoms on with a reflector vest.that gear is i am so happy to be back on the job.


Originally Posted by deejeff442 http:///t/388764/saltwater-tattoo/100#post_3454354
i love my tats .alot of tghought has gone into all of them.
LOL...I have 47 years old I finally got the rose on my shoulder that I thought about since I was a teenager....Something always came up.....I became a thought I should not have one.....then I was always food came first....then there is the chicken factor.....LOL....BUT I FINALLY DID IT......and it did not hurt
I do want another.....but I have not designed it yet....thinking lower back......Meowzer's face.....with some grass, maybe a butterfly.....and maybe some flowers.....IF I am going to do it, I have to do it soon.....tanning season is coming up


Active Member
we went up to buffalo for a wedding last my wife and her two sisters met up and all 3 got a 3 rose tat on their ankles.looks nice.
now i do believe a tat on a womans lower back is called a tramp stamp

joe would love to see that lol


Originally Posted by deejeff442 http:///t/388764/saltwater-tattoo/100#post_3454380
we went up to buffalo for a wedding last my wife and her two sisters met up and all 3 got a 3 rose tat on their ankles.looks nice.
now i do believe a tat on a womans lower back is called a tramp stamp

joe would love to see that lol of the things that has delayed my decison is when the tattoo artist told me that .....I hate the idea of having a "tramp stamp" on me


Active Member
so had a 3pm appointment to color in the blue.he looked at the seaweed he did and said it isnt healed enough to put the blue around it yet. so back next monday