saltwater tattoo


Active Member
the eagle you cant see the whole thing he is doing a bicep pose and has an american flag tatto on his wing .i love this tat.


Well-Known Member
Dang i didnt know it was gonna be that big! I was thinkin a much smaller scale of it on ur arm! Thats gonna look sick when its done!

You are truly dedicated now! LOL


Active Member
just sitting here.i bought a 6 foot grand piano and the tuner is in the other room working on it.i dont want to bug him.then i have to go see a friend in the hospital.then off to the shop.i know he will be working on the inside of my arm today ouch lol.


Active Member
oh yea i had a good laugh.mondays i heve piano teacher is from russia.i told her about the tattoo .she sat back and said why oh why russia the only people with tattoos are prisioners.what ever crime they did they get a tattoo before they get out so people know what they now i am a criminal?


Originally Posted by deejeff442 http:///t/388764/saltwater-tattoo/60#post_3437089
oh yea i had a good laugh.mondays i heve piano teacher is from russia.i told her about the tattoo .she sat back and said why oh why russia the only people with tattoos are prisioners.what ever crime they did they get a tattoo before they get out so people know what they now i am a criminal?
LOL...So what did you do...murder Nemo


Active Member
its ok.piano tuner is still here plucking strings friend is in the hospital just out of surgery so it works out better


Active Member
well got some more done yesterday.the stuff he did already isnt healed enough to mess with so he went and did the nasty part.spent a couple hours on the inside of my arm.pretty sore today but looks great.i will get some pics up later.i have to go get a few things done today first.


Active Member
ok the pics.eel is coming along.needs the white and greys to fill in.i have to wait a couple weeks now for all of this to heal he can do the shading .i am thinking two more sessions.