Sea Snakes!!!!!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by dragonfli
Well i went out of town and had a friend look after my tank. he knows that i go and collect all of my live stock from the ocean. i told him not to because there are many things that you need to know about...blah blah blah.
i got home and he said that he put an "eel" in my tank a week ago. he explained that it want more than 10" long, no wider than a bic pen, and perfectly barred black and white, and when he put him in the guy went directly intothe sand.
well ive lost 10 fish since then
2- bright eye damsels
5- (juvenile) domino damsels
2- barred seargents
1- hawaiian spotted puffer
i need to get this bugger out, and quick. the problem is that he is burrowed in the sand of my tank and i dont want to agitate the sand too much. aaaaaaaahhhhhhh! any advice? id love to know.
ps. these buggers are 10 times more poisionous than rattle snakes, and still breath oxygen.........meaning he can crawl out and get my kids!
I hope you know it is ILLEAGAL to keep snakes as "pets" in Hawaii. I assume this includes sea snakes. Zoo's are allowed to keep snakes but I beleive they must be male snakes.


scuba doo i hope you know that i want that buggr outta my tank, and i hardly consider it a PET! have you even been reading this post? if you had you'd realize the situation

by the chance that you have been reading, the waikiki aquarium has been notified and i have a marine biologist/oceanograper coming over today to look, and search for the little guy. (see my last reply)


Active Member
Wow, what stories are popping up on this board!! And that blanket of sea snakes is gross. Fear Factor anyone?
We are all waiting...........................


Active Member
Originally Posted by dragonfli
scuba doo i hope you know that i want that buggr outta my tank, and i hardly consider it a PET! have you even been reading this post? if you had you'd realize the situation

by the chance that you have been reading, the waikiki aquarium has been notified and i have a marine biologist/oceanograper coming over today to look, and search for the little guy. (see my last reply)
Yep....but I do recall it was illegal to have snakes as pets in Hawaii at one time. I assume it still is but things can change. I know all to well about sea snakes and how deadly they are.
I know you are not keeping it...but just thought I would point out you may have some legal issues on your hands.....not sure how enforcement is on the islands.
Just trying to help.
Best of luck


Active Member
I would check into whether or not it is illegal to have the snake. If it is illegal, you could explain the situation and how it got into your tank, and then since it would be illegal, the authorities would have
to remove the snake from your tank. Put it in their hands, so to speak. :D


my last post was to the snake pile in the ocean.
the aquarium knew that it could have been mistaken for a snake eel, and would loveto see if it was actually a banded sea snake. yeah animal control would have a fit if they found out that there was a sea snake in my house.(if we had an animal control out here)
so well see this afternoon..........(11:00am out here right now)
scuba thanks for the heads up. ithought it was weird how it was brought up........"I hope you know it is ILLEAGAL to keep snakes as "pets" in Hawaii." thanks for the heads up though. makes me want to keep it under wraps until i figure it out completly. kindof a crazy situation if it is a baby.................does that mean that there are more of these buggers right here behind my house!? uuuggghhh


Active Member
Snakes are illegal to possess in Hawaii.
Anyone caught with illegal animals faces penalties of up to three years in jail and up to a $200,000 fine. Individuals with illegal pets are encouraged to voluntarily turn them in under the department's amnesty program.
Anyone with information on illegal animals in Hawaii is asked to call the state Department of Agriculture's PEST Hotline at 586-PEST (7378).
State Department of Agriculture


cool ill cll them today and tell them that i have an eel in my fish tank, but there is speculation that it is actually a banded sea snake. ill have my friend confirm it and well call the number. thanks what site was that is ok to post those here.


Active Member
It was from an article..I verified and did a search...illegal snakes hawaii. I found at least two articles that mention the program with the same number.
IMO..if you need help I would go with the Amnesty number to make sure you are covered. One article claims they have a poor biting aparatus.


Active Member
April 12, 2001
Sea Snake Turned in By Youths in Kaaawa
Honolulu - A yellow-bellied sea snake (Pelamis platurus) was found by three youths and turned in to the Kaaawa Fire Station on Tuesday (4/10). The unidentified male youths said they found the live two-foot-long sea snake on the shore near Swanzy Beach Park. They put it in a dive bag and turned it in at the nearby fire station. A firefighter called the Hawaii Department of Agriculture Plant Quarantine Branch, which sent an inspector to pick up the sea snake.
Yellow-bellied sea snakes are black and cream-colored with a flattened paddle-like tail. They usually inhabit the open Pacific Ocean but will occasionally wash up on shore, especially during stormy weather. Sea snakes are highly venomous, but are said to have poorly developed biting apparatus. Regardless, persons finding a sea snake should not touch it, even if it is on land, and should call the Department of Agriculture's PEST HOTLINE at 586-PEST(7378).
While caution is advised in handling situations involving such animals, the Department of Agriculture would like to commend the youths for their responsible actions in turning in the sea snake to authorities.
The captured sea snake is currently being held in a secured tank at the Waikiki Aquarium awaiting final disposition.


Active Member
Seriously, I want some pics of this thing. The thread is huge and I gotta see this. Not to mention your "friend" is an idiot. If you do get into animal control let me know I would love to move to an island. I have extensive experience at doing stupid things to catch animals. I love watching the fools doing this kind of work. I have never seen a more unorganized group of people. Here let me climb this telephone pole to scare a bear down. Whoooppsss Buzzz, Thump. Call the squad AC personelle down. Meanwhile the bear cub slides down the pole and back into the woods. I LOVE IT> Im totally in.....


Dragonfli...forget all the BS. You are not liable for anything.
Get professional people in there, either private of government, to take care of it. It is your friend (still...?) that holds all the liability in this issue. It is your responsibility to act on it accordingly. What are the consequences if you don't. This could end up as a legal matter if it gets out of your control. Protect your self (council). Remember, it is public info as of this thread. Take appropriate action based on information that is correct.
HTH & good luck,


No word yet? I am curious as to what the hell this thing actually is!! I hope everything is ok....we are all waiting....not patiently as you can :scared: :eek:


Active Member
I agree 100% with Bacffin, there is no way that you are responsible for this. I feel bad that you're the one that has to deal with the aftermath though...
Anxious to hear how things are going.
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
Originally Posted by MonaLisa
I agree 100% with Bacffin, there is no way that you are responsible for this. I feel bad that you're the one that has to deal with the aftermath though...
Anxious to hear how things are going.
Lisa :happyfish
Not he is now aware of the presence, knows of the danger, and has been given the number and government agency to contact. If action has yet to be taken...he is 100% liable...assuming this is not just a story for amusement.


well after taking everything ....i mean everything outta the tank......sand included, he was coiled up in a ball in the last ball of sand hiding. i tried to get him and he jumped outta the net, but landed back into the tank. i got him into a 40g tub with an inch of water(because of he was an eel i didnt want him to die.)
wel after my friend and i deliberated for over an hour. we got no idea! we thought he was breathing the was he an eel? well he came up "for air" every few seconds, or minutes....was he a snake. he really is too small to tell. everything is closed out here on sundays, so off to waikiki tomorrow morn we go. we will meet with a specialist, and then ill donate him no matter what the outcome.
personally i think it is a baby eel. and damn does that give me some relief! oh and i caught a mantis shrimp too. glad to get that guy outta the tank. well im sorry there isnt a climactic finish. (but SCUBADOO i guess thats how you can tell that this isnt just childish banter....damn man give me some credit....)
i left my memory card reader at my store, so the best i could do at this late hour is my cell phone, and a flash ligtht. let me know what you think. and better pics tomorrow. phew that was a long haul i was scared outta my mind cleaning out my tank today..........i just hope it doesnt was stable for the last "neighbor" owes me his first born for this (to bad he is a pain and i dont need a slave for grueling manual labor)
if these pics suck....i got better ones with my camera ill post tomorrow. but these were taken at night.
