THANK YOU KIEFER! I LOVE the nigers also. I go wayy back with triggers. When I was 3, I went Saltwater fishing and caught a 6" queen triggerfish. The catch: the bait was 8". Hah. Could i have that with 2 maroon clowns?


A Niger trigger does not belong in a 75. They can easily reach 10+ inches. A trigger combined with maroon clowns in a 75 is a recipe for aggression and ultimately a disaster.


Active Member
Originally Posted by fishkeepingPRO http:///t/389371/shark/120#post_3442961
THANK YOU KIEFER! I LOVE the nigers also. I go wayy back with triggers. When I was 3, I went Saltwater fishing and caught a 6" queen triggerfish. The catch: the bait was 8". Hah. Could i have that with 2 maroon clowns?
Lol.... We went deep sea fishing in South Carolina this past summer and some dude next to me caught this ginormous Trigger fish. It was amazing and the teeth on that thing were unbelievable.
The Maroon Clowns DO get very aggressive as they get older, and once the find something that will host them they get even meanner. I did not read the entire thread but may I ask you if you have any saltwater fish experience? your own and not someone else? I do have a reason for asking this so....... be patient okay? Lol


Active Member
Yes, I too have freshwater experience. Saltwater fish (in my own opion) is a total different beast. TOTALLY.
I understand the frustration you must be feeling. I started with a 29 gallon Biocube while my wife over here has a 120 gallon and she was totally stocking her tank with these cool fish. She has over 20 years experience too so thats where I got the bug from. Lol.
Once again, and sorry to repeat what others might have told you already, you should find out what type of system you want. A coral reef with corals or a fish only tank with live rock. This alone will determine where you go with the type of fish you want.
Have you began your initial cycle process yet? If not, this will allow you time to concider what type of criiters you want in the tank. If I am repeating what others have already said I apologize and this is only because it is the right and safest way to get things started.
Anyhoo, as with freshwater fish, a healthy fish is a happy fish. Trust me when I say you do not want a stressed out fish of any sorts. This is an expensive hobby and you will learn it gets rather overwhelming if you don't stay on top of it. I know...... blah blah blah........ LOL LOL..... hahahaha. I'm not trying to insult your intelleigence okay justa sayin.
Well i like the looks of reef but some of the FOWLR fish. I want a reef tank with a pair of maroon clowns, but just about everyone on here says I shouldn't keep maroons.


Active Member
Thats a tough decision to make huh? I love the Picasso Trigger and really want one but I do have a coral tank and decorative shrimp so, I feel that it would be a bad decision to add the little beauty in my system. As far as the Maroon clowns, maybe. They do get considerably bigger and more aggressive than their nemo cousins. as stated above, once they find something that will host them like an anemone, they will get even more aggressive, so that too is a contributing factor. I personally would say okay to the Maroon clowns but use caution when adding anything else. If anything I would say add them last.


Active Member
Originally Posted by fishkeepingPRO http:///t/389371/shark/120#post_3442974
With the maroon clown pair, what else do you recommend I put in there? Ex.- puffer, tang. What?
first and formost let me ask you this. do you have a Quaranteen tank? The reason for asking is this....... Puffers are famous for ICH. most people on here that have obtained a puffer regreted it because it wiped out there system with the parasite. The toby puffers or valintini puffers well, they have a very low survival rate due to the way the way they are caught, but you may have better luck with them. Tangs,..... sorry to say this but no. Tangs are cruisers and need alot of space to swim around. If you do get one, and it has been documented, they will stress out and possibly die. It's alot like you being locked in your spare bathroom for the rest of your life.
You could put in the following....... a dwarf angel fish, I have a multi colored angel with two wild caught clowns in my system.
a dottyback, a wrasse, I have two in QT right now. One will go into the 120 and the other in my 56.
A royal gramma, very colorful and pieceful fish.
Basically, you want something that adds movement in the water.
So...... Clowns, Wrasses, Dwarf Angels, Gobies, Dottyback (1 per tank or they will kill eachother) same with most the wrasses. These you may want to google and check them out. Shrimp, like a cleaner, or blood shrimp, and of coarse you CUC (clean up crew) which would be your snails or hermit crabs.
Do you youtube?


Active Member
okay cool. My thoughts to you would be to check out some of these fish I gave you and any others you may have in mind and check them out on youtube, however,..... check out the comments too. If there are people rippin some guy on there for something pay attention to what they are saying and take it into concideration.
I too have issues with people TELLING me what I can have and not, but I try to think about what they are telling me. For example, at one time i had two dwafs in my 56. Most people on here frown on that but I took certain steps in ensuring the safety of the fish and other tank mates. I rearranged all my liverock and acclimated in the dark and set them free at the same time. Yes,..... there was a little butt smacking going on but within an hour they left eachother alone and everyone got along awesomely.
Let me know what you think okay?


Active Member
OOOOOH,......... when searching on you tube....... check out the following okay? Tank size, and tank mates. Very important.


Active Member
fox face, not reef safe wrasses, D. angels. Try utube and take a looksie. Let me know what you think.
For Christmas I would get this book, it will answer all the questions you have and their eating habits/needs. Keep in mind one thing tho, if a FOWLR is what your leaning to, shrimp will most likely be out of the question, they make for a great snack. Lol.... I'm not to familiar with FOWLR tanks but I believe it may be the same as reef fish. fish only are basically predator tanks. How exotic are you? A dwarf fuzzy lion fish, some scorpion fish. Or hows about a species only tank? Hmmmmmm the possibilities
these would be great guides while the tank goes through it's initial cycle.
Well like I previously stated, I LOVEEEEE triggers but I am coming to an agreement not to get them in my 75. My main focus is on maroon clowns and others. Could i keep a Foxface with one? Also a flame angel?


Active Member
Originally Posted by fishkeepingPRO http:///t/389371/shark/120#post_3442984
Well like I previously stated, I LOVEEEEE triggers but I am coming to an agreement not to get them in my 75. My main focus is on maroon clowns and others. Could i keep a Foxface with one? Also a flame angel?
check into this.....
1) Flame angel, very colorful and will add great movement in the tank.
2) Maroon clown(s). Get them medium size, typically smaller ones are difficult to keep.
3) fox face, keep one thing in mind, fox faces are poisonous. Their dorsal fins contain venom and if anyone picks on him/her, it may kill them.
I would seriously consider getting a QT first tho. don't ever trust fish stores unless you ABSOLUTELY trust them okay? G-night
I may sound stupid but i do absolutely trust my fish store they have pristine water parameters and are sooo knowledgeable. Kiefers thank you so much for being patient with my question that others have told me I'm stupid for. So in final would it be acceptable to keep 2 maroons, a flame angel and a Foxface?