shot of my ever growing acro forrest


Active Member
Originally Posted by murph145
its a 180G tank 6x2x2 with about 35x's turnover from a closed loop some seio powerheads and the sump return
gmford1979 heres a full tank shot

im just waiting around for these corals to keep growing out it will be interesting to see where they are at in another year
thanx for the new computer wall paper murph


Active Member
thanks.... yeah its been growing out nicely now... i think ive had it now for about 10 months and its a wild coral i got from the LFS its very hardy too for some reason... its done great in the tank when other corals stressed out to the old salt i was using b4 i noticed a problem....
heres a b4 and after pic of how much it has grown... i cant wait to give it another year to see how much more this thing has grown... its at a rate now of at least 1/2" a month of growth
at this point i had no idea what type of coral this was guna be ive been very happy with the results



Active Member
your tank is freakin ridiculous I love it
buy the way what type of clam is that in the center looks like a squamosa awsome. Got a question for you is there a type of clam that looks like a river moving through the center of the mantle.


Active Member
I'm beginning to think there is no LR in that tank just corals stacked on corals stacked on corals.....


What is that long tentacle red thing in the second picture? Is that an anenome and if so what kind and how do you get it to stay there and not sting the crap out of everything? I love your tank. I am getting 150 watt HQI MH lights on my 30 gallon that is 18" tall, do you think I would be able to keep SPS in there? I love you frag rack on the overflow, it is ingenious!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Ibew
your tank is freakin ridiculous I love it
buy the way what type of clam is that in the center looks like a squamosa awsome. Got a question for you is there a type of clam that looks like a river moving through the center of the mantle.

yeah its a blue spotted squamosa clam... im not sure what type of clam would look like what ur saying.... the only clams ive seen around are maximas, croceas, squamosas, and derasas for the most part.... it would be interesting to see a clam like ur talkin about


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefkprZ
I'm beginning to think there is no LR in that tank just corals stacked on corals stacked on corals.....

lol yeah ur rite it does looke like there is no rock in those side pics lol.... one day u wont see anything in there as long as all goes well and keeps thriving


Active Member
Originally Posted by Laxzach
What is that long tentacle red thing in the second picture? Is that an anenome and if so what kind and how do you get it to stay there and not sting the crap out of everything? I love your tank. I am getting 150 watt HQI MH lights on my 30 gallon that is 18" tall, do you think I would be able to keep SPS in there? I love you frag rack on the overflow, it is ingenious!

yeah its supposed to be a rose bubble tip anemone... it never bubbles anymore and its bleached for some unknown reason... ive had this guy for about 2.5 years dating back to my old tank and its been on that rock for that long even from the transffer its never moved around.... they like light and MH is a good way to keep these guys happy.... im not too sure whats bleaching it right now since i havent changed anything ... the only thing i can think of is that the GSP is starting to sting it since its growing right next to it now???
the light would be sufficient on a 30G tank to keep sps... ur just guna have to keep ur water very stable and clean... mainly keeping your nutrients down at zero and ur alk and calcium up in the correct levels with no major swings.... then ur guna make sure u have enough flow in the tank sps like flow but it is very doable with the light u wanna use


How do you keep your calcium and alk in line? Do you have a reactor or do you just test everyday? I have found that calcium is the hardest thing to keep at the right level. Do you have any tips or tricks in that department.


Active Member
everything looks good. i nominated you for TOTM over on -- a few weeks ago, hopefully you'll get it for the month of april, if not, theres always next month. (not sure if they picked someone yet, but im sure you'll get it soon).


Active Member
def deserves tank of the month not many people with sps looking that nice have as many lps and zoos making it by far one sweet mix reef


Active Member
Originally Posted by Laxzach
How do you keep your calcium and alk in line? Do you have a reactor or do you just test everyday? I have found that calcium is the hardest thing to keep at the right level. Do you have any tips or tricks in that department.
im right there with yah... the balance of alk and calcium is at times a major pain in the butt!
i used to does with Bi-ionic in my smaller 100g tank back before i had serious calcium and alk demands..... when i setup this tank i decided to go with a calcium reactor since dosing would be expensive and a pain to do on a daily basis....
the calcium reactor i am using is an MRC-CR2... "My reef Creations" and its a 2 chambered one for larger tanks.... i have a 10lb CO2 bottle a dual jbj regulator guage set and a pin point Ph probe to monitor the Ph coming out of the first chamber.... this setup has become my best friend....
in the beggining i had to check calcium and alk every few days to guage it in right and adjust the reactor... when ur tanks new ur constantly adding new corals which changes the demand loads of your tanks alk and calcium.... now that my tanks been stable and i havent been adding too much just watching it grow out i havent made too many adjustments in the last few months to my reactor.... it is pretty much full blast though but working good... my alk was 8.3dkh and calcium was 420 last time i checked....
i also use Kalk in my top off water to help raise Ph in the tank since the reactor keeps the tanks Ph low and to help boost my calcium somewhat.... i only put one heaping tablespoon in per 5 gallons of top off water.... i also use one teaspoon a week of seachems reef builder alk to help boost alk some... so as u can see even thogh im using a reactor i still dose a lil to keep up with my tanks growing needs
as far as suggestions all u really can do is test daily for a while and see how much ur using a day then figure out how much u need to dose..... if ur keepin a smaller tank with some sps like 55g or smaller dosing will work fine larger ones gets to be more of a hassle IMO


Active Member
Originally Posted by teen
everything looks good. i nominated you for TOTM over on -- a few weeks ago, hopefully you'll get it for the month of april, if not, theres always next month. (not sure if they picked someone yet, but im sure you'll get it soon).
thanks teen i appreciate thevote of confidence u always express towards me tank i appreciate ur comments!!!

we will c what hapens :happyfish


Active Member
Originally Posted by chilwil84
def deserves tank of the month not many people with sps looking that nice have as many lps and zoos making it by far one sweet mix reef

thanks i try to keep a variey of corals ... i like all types from mushrooms to polyps to LPS corals and my big yellow fiji finger leather that has been doing great for a few years now... i like how different things move and look compared to an all sps tank