Show me the coolest fish in your tank


Active Member
Originally Posted by I<3Fish
wax32: Those are the best pics I have ever seen. It is like HD clear!

Like NM, I take a LOT of pictures. For every one like those I probably have 100 bad ones. I have taken almost 4000 digital shots of my tank since October when I restarted after Katrina.


Originally Posted by Johnbob
This is my coolest fish. Its my blue whale peter. He's currently in my 6.5 trillion gallon tank. He gets messy but I have a skimmer the size of the Eifel Tower.

Johnbob - I have a 55 gal. Think I could get one of these and upgrade later???


Like NM, I take a LOT of pictures. For every one like those I probably have 100 bad ones. I have taken almost 4000 digital shots of my tank since October when I restarted after Katrina.
this is why i need a better digital camera because the amount of film i have to develope is insane


Originally Posted by NateP206
he is a orange spotted blenny "content edited-policy violation"
hey king do u have a full tank shot?

as requested... So it is on topic they are all my cool fish :thinking:


Active Member
Wow some very nice pics. I just bought a Canon Rebel EOS XT and haven't been able to get shots like that yet. I think I will start using a tripod. Do you run your shots through any software? And I am also one that has taken many pictures until I get one that I like.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Johnbob
This is my coolest fish. Its my blue whale peter. He's currently in my 6.5 trillion gallon tank. He gets messy but I have a skimmer the size of the Eifel Tower.

im just curious in what room of your house do you keep this amazing ecosystem


Thanks for all of your pics. Some of those fish are really neat. I am thinking I am going to get either an angel or a butterfly but I could be convinced otherwise with the right fish.
Keep the pics coming!!!!


Active Member
"May I ask one more question?
What type of background lighting is on when you take these photos?
I find that my pictures are quite dark, if I use the flash or night mode there is such a fake color look to the pictures.
I will post one of my new buddy. My Bicolor Blenny I just got. Man these are cool little critters indeed but not great pics."


New Member
Here is my pride and joy. I started my tank about 2 months ago and just got this guy 2 weeks ago. He likes to pose too!!!!!!!!!!!

nm reef

Active Member
Originally Posted by Debbie
"May I ask one more question?
What type of background lighting is on when you take these photos?
I find that my pictures are quite dark, if I use the flash or night mode there is such a fake color look to the pictures.
I will post one of my new buddy. My Bicolor Blenny I just got. Man these are cool little critters indeed but not great pics."

If by "background lighting" you mean light sources other than the aquarium lighting...I try to eliminate all other lighting.....everything but the aquarium lighting is off and I try to keep it dark when I shoot photos of the tank.