Show me the coolest fish in your tank


Originally Posted by Johnbob
This is my coolest fish. Its my blue whale peter. He's currently in my 6.5 trillion gallon tank. He gets messy but I have a skimmer the size of the Eifel Tower.

Is yours male or female? I have one as well and I am looking to mate it...... I here babies go for a pretty penny on the black market.


Originally Posted by Titan
Are you talking to me? I think my pics suck!
You think your pics suck...look at mine. Mine is a disgrace to wax and nmreef and basically every person on this site/


not really but if you add a tang the same genes it will be aggressive for a little bit only like a half hour thats what happend to me otherwise its not really aggressive. good luck if u get one


Here's a couple more :) My Red Sea Mimic Blenny, and my Yashia Haze Goby that shares it's burrow with a Yellow Watchman and a Randall's Pistol Shrimp.



Originally Posted by NM reef
My newest addition...added him to the display just this past Monday...he took a bit of a beating from the regal already there...which is why the fins look a touch ragged...but they have settled in and I expect he'll be fine now that the bully regal has established who's the boss.
The purple is a juvinile about the size of a silver dollar.
Gorgeous fish wow


A lot of folks above were asking how to take clear pictures of your fish. I thought I would mention that many digital cameras have a setting for close-up shots. A lot of times this appears as a flower/mountain button on your camera. In the manual, mine is called "Macro Auto Focus". It allows the camera to focus on images that are only 4 inches away. This flower (close-up) setting has made a world of difference in clarity on my Gateway 5MP camera, versus the regular settings. If you have a digital camera, you might give that a try.


Active Member
This has always been my favorite fish because this fish is just nice to everyone, and sometimes he seems to even watch out for everyone in the tank....