So, New tank......


Active Member
i know i told the guy i bought it from to hold it for me for a few weeks haha.....its amazing...and i feel bad because there are zoos underneath the rock that aren't getting light, its just absolutely covered!


Active Member
Just saw your thread and I got to say it's looking awesome! I like the way you have chronicled the development of your tank and each addition to it. keep up the good work and love all the pictures!


Active Member
Tank looks great! That tang is awsome! Love the zoo colonies. my first zoo colony has more than trippled in size! Keep up the good work.
Do you have a fuge? Might be your next investment!


Active Member
i dont have room for a refugium.....wish i did or else id have a sump too! and id hide all that equipment.....but unfortunately that will have to wait until i get another tank in a lil bit. Its cool though how i only have 2 penguin 330's and a crappy seaclone skimmer and i still have PERFECT water quality. I guess it just goes to prove all those people wrong when they say that u need an amazing pump system for reef tanks. i just do bi-weekly water changes and that seems to be good enough.

Also i use Tap water.......people are so up tight about their RO/DI system and i have yet to see one actually used on a reef other than at the fish store. My buddies HUGE 190 gallon tank that u can see in my posts awhile back uses tap water and so do lots of other people that i know have been very successful in saltwater fish keeping.
Anyway, should i get one more fish?
Im saying, why not, and i think i want a six line wrasse and im glad that the tang police haven't been knocking my kole tang in a 55. He seems just fine and dandy.


Active Member
Originally Posted by oneradtek
Also i use Tap water.......people are so up tight about their RO/DI system and i have yet to see one actually used on a reef other than at the fish store. My buddies HUGE 190 gallon tank that u can see in my posts awhile back uses tap water and so do lots of other people that i know have been very successful in saltwater fish keeping. .
I used treated tap water until I found some cyano... the ro/di unit became my next purchase. found a great deal on one online. Actually, a good amount of people on here have ro/di's going into their reefs. I have the ro/di going directly to my display. I just run it for a little while every other day to top off. I'm looking into a floating valve today for an auto top off system.
If you end up having your tank setup for a while, you'll probably end up getting the ro/di. But overall, they're just another tool to help make your reef better - not the answer to all problems.


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What else should i do to my tank?
im thinking about a 6-line wrasse for my final fish. what you all think?


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so im back with a few new photos.....been a month or so since i posted on my diary....
I just recently had a battle with ich on my royal gramma, and so far ive won, feeding nutritious foods and keeping my tank stress free. So far , so good.
Other than that nothing has really been changed, just keeping the tank up and letting coral grow. I have 15k bulbs so it grows steadily but not quickly.
I noticed that my Calcium has finally started to react to the corals and has lowered, i do my fresh water top offs alot but its down to 340ppm and alkalinity is falling a little bit too. But i now see Coraline algae growing all over!
heres some new pics of the tank.....
My devils hand is definitely pissed over the fact that i moved it last night during tank cleaning, but i moved it more far away from the glass, so hes not open for the pictures...sorry!



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im so excited, right now im acclimating my new additions....
colony of green button corals, frag of pulsating xenia.....and a black bubble tip anemone ...
i also picked up 2 turbos and some chromoplex

ill post pics of the new additions later


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well im going to go buy some calcium additive (probably Kent) this weekend, and just continue to do regular top offs...


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Heres my black bubble tip that is yet not open....but getting there

Heres a shot that u can see my frag of pulsing xenia behind my tang

Theyre actually yellow button corals i think??? right?



Active Member
ok so that anemone has moved to basically wedged under a rock. I dont like where it is! oh well..... maybe itll move again once it gets used to my lights.....