So who is your college football team?!?


Active Member
Brainless dolt? Wow, your vision is skewed too. I do believe HOF and BYU alum Steve Young is a lawyer. Former OSU QB Craig Krenzel was studing to be a brain surgon. I could go on and on. I would not classify that more than half on a team are brainless, quite the opposite.
Any school that limits how many students it takes in, is full of itself and has an endowment larger than it knows what to do with.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm http:///forum/thread/379966/so-who-is-your-college-football-team/40#post_3306392
It only takes the loss of one spot to change the future of some kid wanting to go to the college of their choice. So some kid that barely squeaked through high school, but could run 212 yards a game with a pigskin under his arm should take that spot. Texas schools give credance to kids who excelled in high school academically. UT-Austin has had to resort to taking the Top 8% due to the popularity of that school.
There are always going to be heart-string stories. If we're playing that game, what makes the 4000th student who was accepted, much, if any better, then the 4001st kid that got rejected? There has to a be a line somewhere, and some people will always not make. A fraction of a percentage, is insufficant IMHO, and I think this is wear our views diverge. It is sad, but the stories don't matter, the numbers and facts do. No one person, school, company, etc, can live by the what-ifs. What if I stop and help that guy in the Mercedes change his flat tire? Could be a billionare CEO that could craft me into one, or some jerkoff that would complain about the time I took.
Originally Posted by bionicarm http://40#post_3306392
So Miami didn't accept you because you didn't have enough extracurricular activities in high school. Now that's a surprise. Considering the number of illiterate goof balls they've graduated from that college through the years that ended up having a successful career in the NFL, that wouldn't shock me in the least. Isn't Miami known for being one of the Top Party Schools in the nation? So if you would've been in band for your entire career in high school, would that have gotten you into Miami? I wouldn't have counted on it.
No, band wouldn't have cut it. I did Business, so things like DECA, Future Leaders of America, etc.
As far as party schools, it depends. There are two real sources, the Princeton Review, and Playboy. Miami didn't make Princeton's, but UT-Austin was at 7th for the 2010, and 8th for the 2009. Miami did place 1st in the 2009 Playboy rankings, and slipped to 3rd in 2010, while UT placed first in 2010.
Originally Posted by Monsinour
Any school that limits how many students it takes in, is full of itself and has an endowment larger than it knows what to do with.
Well, that would be, quite literally, every 4-year school in the country. Not everyone needs to go, should go, or have to go to college. Otherwise, they would just call it Grades 13-16.


Active Member
Originally Posted by crypt keeper http:///forum/thread/379966/so-who-is-your-college-football-team/40#post_3306665
I just left the Boise State Va Tech. When was the last time you had 86,000 people screaming their head off for something you ever did? Dont be jealous. Without those 3% idiots most colleges would fall flat on their face from lack of funds. College football keeps a top tier college a top tier college. Alumni come back for one thing. SPORTS. The two Biggest. Football and basketball. Its all about money braniac why cant you comprehend this? They pay college coaches $4 million a year to coach and only coach. I believe last year the BSC championship paid out $15,000,000 to each school which they get half and the conference gets the other half. So when that 1 student doesnt get in I dont shed a tear. h ecan still go to a CC and apply again in a year or two.
Oh and some kids with possible talent? negative Ghost rider. They only recruit kids who have talent. They rank high school kids now like they do college kids who enter the NFL draft. They have high school football on ESPN with highly ranked players. This country is all about opportunity. These kids meet certain standards in the classroom. They pass. They take the same tests and have to score high enough to walk in that door and play. Not their fault people are willing to pay them Millions of dollars to play a game. Im just here for the ride and love watching it.

Dude, you lead a very sad existence if all you have to look forward to in life is sitting in some football stadium watching a bunch of kids run up and down a field with a ball in their hands. At least you admitted what the main purpose of football is - A MONEY GENERATOR. Shoot, why have them there football players attend class? Education is WAY overrated, and ends up not meaning anything when you have the opportunity to go play for a few million in the NFL, because some other person with nothing better to do with their money spends $400 for 3 hours of entertainment. I think it's you who's jealous. Jealous you had absolutely no athletic ability, so you live your dream through some college football team. Pathetic.


Active Member
Originally Posted by AquaKnight http:///forum/thread/379966/so-who-is-your-college-football-team/60#post_3306677
There are always going to be heart-string stories. If we're playing that game, what makes the 4000th student who was accepted, much, if any better, then the 4001st kid that got rejected? There has to a be a line somewhere, and some people will always not make. A fraction of a percentage, is insufficant IMHO, and I think this is wear our views diverge. It is sad, but the stories don't matter, the numbers and facts do. No one person, school, company, etc, can live by the what-ifs. What if I stop and help that guy in the Mercedes change his flat tire? Could be a billionare CEO that could craft me into one, or some jerkoff that would complain about the time I took.
No, band wouldn't have cut it. I did Business, so things like DECA, Future Leaders of America, etc.
As far as party schools, it depends. There are two real sources, the Princeton Review, and Playboy. Miami didn't make Princeton's, but UT-Austin was at 7th for the 2010, and 8th for the 2009. Miami did place 1st in the 2009 Playboy rankings, and slipped to 3rd in 2010, while UT placed first in 2010.
Well, that would be, quite literally, every 4-year school in the country. Not everyone needs to go, should go, or have to go to college. Otherwise, they would just call it Grades 13-16.
The point I'm making is all the colleges priortize their entrance qualifications on sports. But hey, like Crypt said, it's all about the money. With out those athletes, tutitions would most likely go higher than they are today. The UT Austin Athletic Dept. brings in millions each year from alumni donations. Mac Brown throws the college a bone and gives them a little slice of the pie to pacify the administrators, but the bulk of the money goes towards recruitment and improving the conditions of the athletes domain.
You're right, not everyone needs to go to college. I mean, who would be working the counter at KFC, restocking the shelves at Walmart, check out your groceries at the grocery store, doing that oil change on your car, or cut your hair when you need a trim if everybody was required to go to college?


Active Member
I guess now we'll hear Crypt tell us that Bosie State deserves a shot at the BCS Championship because they barely beat Virginia Tech. Virginia Tech? How many championships have they won? And their only other decent opponent for the remainder of the season is currently ranked 24th, Oregon State. Enjoy the dream Crypt while your team continues their season playing non-ranked and Division 2 teams. Then you can come here crying, "Why isn't Bosie St. picked for the Rose Bowl? We beat everybody we played?" Uh, because if Alabama, Oklahoma, or Texas played the same teams, they'd end the game after the first half to stop the bleeding and embarrassment.

crypt keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm http:///forum/thread/379966/so-who-is-your-college-football-team/60#post_3306687

Dude, you lead a very sad existence if all you have to look forward to in life is sitting in some football stadium watching a bunch of kids run up and down a field with a ball in their hands. At least you admitted what the main purpose of football is - A MONEY GENERATOR. Shoot, why have them there football players attend class? Education is WAY overrated, and ends up not meaning anything when you have the opportunity to go play for a few million in the NFL, because some other person with nothing better to do with their money spends $400 for 3 hours of entertainment. I think it's you who's jealous. Jealous you had absolutely no athletic ability, so you live your dream through some college football team. Pathetic.
Do you know how dumb you sound right now? 86,000 people screaming their heads off. ESPN primetime broadcast. Pros Players on the sidelines. Alumni sitting in the seats. Boise State fans flying from Idaho to DC to watch a game. So I guess all of us. All 86,000 us the majority either in college or with college eduactions are pathetic and sad because we wanted to watch a college football game. Give that man an award for being the biggest tool bag in america pleople. He has earned his stripes well. You say Im pathetic. This entire thread is about kids playing a game. I guess everybody in here is Pathetic right Bioidiot. How dare these sad people have a favorite college football team and get excited about when their teams plays.
Oh and it wasnt $400 either big boy. Not even close. The whole I have no ability argument. No reason for a rebuttle. You wouldnt believe me anyway. But just for giggles. I did play college ball. My brother plays now as well getting accepted to West Point but god he must be dumb too. Just one of the best colleges in the world.


Active Member
Originally Posted by crypt keeper http:///forum/thread/379966/so-who-is-your-college-football-team/60#post_3306693
Do you know how dumb you sound right now? 86,000 people screaming their heads off. ESPN primetime broadcast. Pros Players on the sidelines. Alumni sitting in the seats. Boise State fans flying from Idaho to DC to watch a game. So I guess all of us. All 86,000 us the majority either in college or with college eduactions are pathetic and sad because we wanted to watch a college football game. Give that man an award for being the biggest tool bag in america pleople. He has earned his stripes well. You say Im pathetic. This entire thread is about kids playing a game. I guess everybody in here is Pathetic right Bioidiot. How dare these sad people have a favorite college football team and get excited about when their teams plays.
Oh and it wasnt $400 either big boy. Not even close. The whole I have no ability argument. No reason for a rebuttle. You wouldnt believe me anyway. But just for giggles. I did play college ball. My brother plays now as well getting accepted to West Point but god he must be dumb too. Just one of the best colleges in the world.
Not $400? Not even for these tools that FLEW from Idaho just to watch some football game? Yep, 86,000 people learned the lesson of "A fool and his money are soon parted." I watched a couple of football games this weekend that matched any college ball game you saw. But these kids don't play it for the total recognition of trying to get on some NFL team. They play it for heart and school pride. You see, high school football is the REAL football in this country. Sure, there are a few who dream of moving on to the Pros, but most of these kids do it for the competition and the love of the game. How many college or Pros play BOTH WAYS for four quarters? I've seen some of the most exciting football in years watching my daughter's school team play. And it costs me a whopping $7.00 to get in to watch. Shoot, I get in for free if I help the band carry the musical instruments into the stadium. Do yourself a favor. Drive to you local high school football stadium and watch some REAL football sometimes. At least you won't get a let down like you will at the end of this year's college season.

West Point is one of the best colleges in this country, if your goal in life is to have a military career.


Active Member
Ohio high school football is like the 2nd best in the country. Texas has us beat I am sure. THere are quite a few division 2 and 3 schools where the players play both ways. Williams and Amherst are 2 that I know of that have one hell of a game in november. These to teams play solely for the love of the game and school pride. Heck, the rivalry between these 2 schools is almost as good as OSU meatchicken. Let the troll continue to think that potatoe state is a good team and can compete in the MNC. They wont get in as the voters will see to it. Heck the computers will cramp their score with that horrible schedule they have.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Monsinour http:///forum/thread/379966/so-who-is-your-college-football-team/60#post_3306815
Ohio high school football is like the 2nd best in the country. Texas has us beat I am sure. THere are quite a few division 2 and 3 schools where the players play both ways. Williams and Amherst are 2 that I know of that have one hell of a game in november. These to teams play solely for the love of the game and school pride. Heck, the rivalry between these 2 schools is almost as good as OSU meatchicken. Let the troll continue to think that potatoe state is a good team and can compete in the MNC. They wont get in as the voters will see to it. Heck the computers will cramp their score with that horrible schedule they have.
The AP Poll actually moved them up this week. I imagine Bosie St. will cry like Hawaii and Utah did when those two teams got passed by. Who knows, maybe they'll make such a fuss, they'll let them play in the BCS Championship just to shut them up. If Boise St. gets waxed, it'll just support the BCS's claim that smaller schools don't deserve to be in the Big Game.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm http:///forum/thread/379966/so-who-is-your-college-football-team/60#post_3306823
The AP Poll actually moved them up this week. I imagine Bosie St. will cry like Hawaii and Utah did when those two teams got passed by. Who knows, maybe they'll make such a fuss, they'll let them play in the BCS Championship just to shut them up. If Boise St. gets waxed, it'll just support the BCS's claim that smaller schools don't deserve to be in the Big Game.
Boise was 3 last week, they haven't moved, Florida got spanked.


Active Member
was poking around Wiki and found this info on how BCS Bowl bids are determined:
Selection of teams
A set of rules is used to determine which teams compete in the BCS bowl games.[3]
Certain teams are given automatic berths depending on their BCS ranking and conference, as follows:
The top two teams are given automatic berths in the BCS National Championship Game.
The champion of a BCS conference[4] (ACC, Big 12, Big East, Big Ten, Pac-10, and SEC) is guaranteed an automatic BCS bowl bid.
Independent Notre Dame receives an automatic berth if it finishes in the top eight.
The highest-ranked champion of a non-BCS conference will receive an automatic berth if:
It is ranked in the top 12, or
Ranked in the top 16 and higher than at least one BCS conference champion.
No more than one such team from Conference USA, the Mid-American Conference, the Mountain West Conference, the Sun Belt Conference, and the Western Athletic Conference shall earn an automatic berth in any year. However, a second team from one of these conferences may qualify as a BCS at-large.
No more than two teams from any one conference may receive berths in BCS games unless two non-champions from a BCS conference finish as the top two teams in the final BCS standings, in which case they will meet in the National Title Game while their conference champion will play in their conference's BCS bowl game.
The third-ranked team will receive an automatic berth if it has not already received one, if it is a member of a BCS conference, and provided that its conference has not already earned two automatic berths, if there is room.
If the third-ranked team did not require a berth using the previous provision, then the fourth-ranked team will receive an automatic berth if it has not already received one, if it is a member of a BCS conference, and provided that its conference has not already earned two automatic berths, if there is room.
The one I like best is that Notre Dame gets an automatic berth if they finish 8th or best. Not only does NBC change their name to Notre Dame Broadcasting Company every Saturday of the last three months of the year, Notre Dame gets their own little exemption into a BCS Bowl game just for having a marginal season. Gotta luv the BCS.


Active Member
Notre Dame has a ridiculous deal with the BCS...They are 0-3 in their BCS games and were beaten by more than 30 points by Oregon St. and LSU...I.E. in 2 or their 3 BCS games they didn't belong.

crypt keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm http:///forum/thread/379966/so-who-is-your-college-football-team/60#post_3306710
Not $400? Not even for these tools that FLEW from Idaho just to watch some football game? Yep, 86,000 people learned the lesson of "A fool and his money are soon parted." I watched a couple of football games this weekend that matched any college ball game you saw. But these kids don't play it for the total recognition of trying to get on some NFL team. They play it for heart and school pride. You see, high school football is the REAL football in this country. Sure, there are a few who dream of moving on to the Pros, but most of these kids do it for the competition and the love of the game. How many college or Pros play BOTH WAYS for four quarters? I've seen some of the most exciting football in years watching my daughter's school team play. And it costs me a whopping $7.00 to get in to watch. Shoot, I get in for free if I help the band carry the musical instruments into the stadium. Do yourself a favor. Drive to you local high school football stadium and watch some REAL football sometimes. At least you won't get a let down like you will at the end of this year's college season.

West Point is one of the best colleges in this country, if your goal in life is to have a military career.
I paid $85 for a ticket. How do you even figure $400? Are you that old these days? High schools kids play to get college scholarships the same way college kids play to get into the pros. Dont even begin to question that. They are ranked like college kids are. They play on national. TV like college kids do now. Oh I go to high school games Mr. Knowitall. My brother just graduted from high school as one of the highest ranked players in the state. Full scholarships to a handful of schools. West Point gives you more than a Military life. You would know this if they ever even bothered to consider you. He had offers to Cornell, and three other schools that arent highly known. I still attend the high school games as its $5.00 here and the high school is a 10 minute walk. Its nice Until November and then playoffs hit. You're like a woman. You take conversations any where to win them because you are wrong about everything you tried to argue earlier.


Active Member
Originally Posted by crypt keeper http:///forum/thread/379966/so-who-is-your-college-football-team/60#post_3306890
I paid $85 for a ticket. How do you even figure $400? Are you that old these days? High schools kids play to get college scholarships the same way college kids play to get into the pros. Dont even begin to question that. They are ranked like college kids are. They play on national. TV like college kids do now. Oh I go to high school games Mr. Knowitall. My brother just graduted from high school as one of the highest ranked players in the state. Full scholarships to a handful of schools. West Point gives you more than a Military life. You would know this if they ever even bothered to consider you. He had offers to Cornell, and three other schools that arent highly known. I still attend the high school games as its $5.00 here and the high school is a 10 minute walk. Its nice Until November and then playoffs hit. You're like a woman. You take conversations any where to win them because you are wrong about everything you tried to argue earlier.
Grow up Crypt. Maybe you need to sit down and learn simple math. How much is a PLANE TICKET from Idaho to Washington? $10? Let's see, a family of four times $85 = $340. Who pays $85 for a stupid college football game? When I was in college, I paid $15 for a ticket. I've heard of inflation, but that's ridiculous. You need a little history on West Point. The prime objective of that little institute is to mold young men and women into Officer candidates for the U.S. Army.
West Point, The U.S. Military Academy, is a four-year co-educational federal undergraduate liberal arts college located 50 miles north of New York City. The world's preeminent leader development institution, it was founded in 1802 as America's first college of engineering. Its mission remains constant-to educate, train, and inspire the Corps of Cadets so that each graduate is a commissioned leader of character committed to the values of Duty, Honor, Country and prepared for a career of professional excellence and service to the Nation as an officer in the United States Army.

You must be single. I can't imagine ANY woman that would put up with a snot-nosed attitude like yours.


Active Member
I am sure there were others but the only 2 pro athletes I can think of that came out of military academies were Roger Staubach and David Robinson, and both only after fulfilling their 4 year service obligations first.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm http:///forum/thread/379966/so-who-is-your-college-football-team/60#post_3306896
Grow up Crypt. Maybe you need to sit down and learn simple math. How much is a PLANE TICKET from Idaho to Washington? $10? Let's see, a family of four times $85 = $340. Who pays $85 for a stupid college football game? When I was in college, I paid $15 for a ticket. I've heard of inflation, but that's ridiculous. You need a little history on West Point. The prime objective of that little institute is to mold young men and women into Officer candidates for the U.S. Army.
West Point, The U.S. Military Academy, is a four-year co-educational federal undergraduate liberal arts college located 50 miles north of New York City. The world's preeminent leader development institution, it was founded in 1802 as America's first college of engineering. Its mission remains constant-to educate, train, and inspire the Corps of Cadets so that each graduate is a commissioned leader of character committed to the values of Duty, Honor, Country and prepared for a career of professional excellence and service to the Nation as an officer in the United States Army.

You must be single. I can't imagine ANY woman that would put up with a snot-nosed attitude like yours.
This is what annoyed me either with the other liberal on the board. Last time I priced A&M tickets it would cost me about 85-100 dollars for a freshman's seats. The last time I bought a hot dog at a major college event it was around 5 bucks, and the same dang company that did the consessions at the ballpark in arlington was doing the concessions for that stadium. This whole idea that somehow by not paying the players anything, (and I know they're on scholarship) I'm paying the same dang prices as I'd pay for a crappy pro team. The only difference is who is pocketing the millions of dollars. Last time I checked for a freshman at A&M the season ticket prices were around 50 bucks a game. And that is after you've paid to attend 12 hours of school...


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27 http:///forum/thread/379966/so-who-is-your-college-football-team/60#post_3307011
This is what annoyed me either with the other liberal on the board. Last time I priced A&M tickets it would cost me about 85-100 dollars for a freshman's seats. The last time I bought a hot dog at a major college event it was around 5 bucks, and the same dang company that did the consessions at the ballpark in arlington was doing the concessions for that stadium. This whole idea that somehow by not paying the players anything, (and I know they're on scholarship) I'm paying the same dang prices as I'd pay for a crappy pro team. The only difference is who is pocketing the millions of dollars. Last time I checked for a freshman at A&M the season ticket prices were around 50 bucks a game. And that is after you've paid to attend 12 hours of school...
WHAT? Only you could possibly bring a political spin to the discussion. Exactly what comment did I make that's 'liberal'? You lead a REAL sad existence if the only thing you're concerned with in life is if someone has some sort of 'liberal-minded' thoughts. Do you make these kind of snide remarks in person, or only hiding behind a keyboard? I can only imagine the kind of fights you talk yourself into if you go calling people 'bleeding liberals' in person.
BTW, I'm an Aggie alumni, and I haven't been to a game in 20 years. Why? Because I see no logic behind driving 5 hours round trip, having to park 2 miles from the stadium, pay $50 - $100 for some nose bleed seat, $15 for refreshments at the game, $30 for gas, and another $30 for dinner just to watch a 3 hour football game live. The only thing I do miss is not being able to watch the Fighting Aggie Marching Band. Hullabaloo, Caneck, Caneck...

crypt keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm http:///forum/thread/379966/so-who-is-your-college-football-team/60#post_3306896
Grow up Crypt. Maybe you need to sit down and learn simple math. How much is a PLANE TICKET from Idaho to Washington? $10? Let's see, a family of four times $85 = $340. Who pays $85 for a stupid college football game? When I was in college, I paid $15 for a ticket. I've heard of inflation, but that's ridiculous. You need a little history on West Point. The prime objective of that little institute is to mold young men and women into Officer candidates for the U.S. Army.
West Point, The U.S. Military Academy, is a four-year co-educational federal undergraduate liberal arts college located 50 miles north of New York City. The world's preeminent leader development institution, it was founded in 1802 as America's first college of engineering. Its mission remains constant-to educate, train, and inspire the Corps of Cadets so that each graduate is a commissioned leader of character committed to the values of Duty, Honor, Country and prepared for a career of professional excellence and service to the Nation as an officer in the United States Army.

You must be single. I can't imagine ANY woman that would put up with a snot-nosed attitude like yours.
You asked me what I paid jackass. Like I said. You are just like a owman. Take a arguement anywhere just to win it. God forbid Boise Alum have moved to Maryland. I live in Maryland in case that small pea brain hasnt figured that out yet. $84 to watch top 10 teams play is very very cheap. It was a great game. Im sorry you are poor and smell like sour milk. Listen to you grandpa. Times have changed. Change with them.
Lets think outside the box on West Point little buddy. Name 1 other college besides Navy and Air Force that the day you gradute gives you a base pay of $3300 a month then in about 18 months puts you in charge of about 50 to 100 people? NONE! Like I said you stubborn idiot. West Point offers much more than just the Army life. Once he pays his 5 years as an Officer you think a million doors wont fly open. Its West Point. Not Idaho State.
Oh and uh Im very much in a relationship bud.