So this morning, my six line was kind of swimming ackwardly, had some white spots on him. Didn't have time to diagnose or do anything.
When I tested on Saturday, the ammonia was at 0. So I think that my anemone must have eaten the semi cooked fish bodies when they became lazy from the heat, hence why there weren't any bodies, or an ammonia spike. (still assuming since I have no info from my house sitter)
So this morning I did a quick 2.5 gallon water change before work. Left the six line to determine his own fate... he's the only fish left in the tank now. Since I was unable to observe the others I may have to leave the tank unnocupied for a few weeks in the event that it was an iche outbreak. All the coral still looks happy, except alot of my zoas are closed. (but not all)