SocalNano24s Tank Diary


I'm finally getting my 110g plumbed tomorrow. Decided just to have a pro do it all while i'm at work. I'll take some pics soon and show you. If you still want the protein skimmer I should have it cleaned up ready to go in about a week.


Active Member
I dunno if I'll be setting up my 40 soon, but I may pick it up in order to get started on my equipment for when I do get to set it up. Send me some pictures when you get a chance and we'll go from there.


Active Member
So I continue to be plagued by bad luck, misfortune or kharma; not sure what.
This time a drunk driver hit a pole outside my apartment complex and the power went out in my tank for about three hours while I was asleep. I noticed it in the morning but didn't realize how long it'd been out till I looked at my timer when I got home from work.
Anyways, apparantley it was enough time without circulation that it killed my new flame angel.
But the six line and the rest of my corals pulled through fine.
So I've got ONE fish now, and am honestly kind of having mixed opinions on the tank. It seems like everytime I get it to a perfect condition something goes wrong out of my control.
I want to get more fish but I feel like somehow they'll just die in another unforseen way.


Active Member
haha, thats what I wanna do, but I feel like I'm a bad fishkeeper!
I've had 1/13 fish survive since I got the tank.
Granted 5/13 died from heatwave and a power outage,
2 were bullied by my old sixline and incidentally died, and the beginning 4 that I had in the first month died from the cycle because I was dumb and didn't know not to add fish in the first month (that was before I got on this site).
So I guess the more recent ones have just been out of my control.
Ok, I'm gonna look for another guy this weekend, maybe not a flame though this time.


Active Member
Honestly I dunno if he's Still around. He was impossible to get out of the sump area. I tried three times and gave up. I assumed he was eating Copepods in the chaeto. I'll have to look for him.


Active Member
Ok so big changes this weekend. I went through the tank and took everything out and put it into holding tanks to do a little extra cleaning and cleaned out my sump and cleaned off the liverock in my refugium (i.e. put everything through fresh saltwater to get rid of accumulated detritus).
I'd been worried that my levels maybe weren't testing correctly at home, so I took in a sample and found:
Ammonia: 0
Nitrite: 0
Nitrates: Very low (negligible)
Calcium: 405
pH: 8.2
So I'm going to bump up my calcium and buffer my pH a bit. But it gave me enough confidence that I am doing things right and my tank is healthy, I've just had bad luck lately.
So I bought a pair of true percs :) They are awesome awesome awesome!
I'll take pictures tonight! They even paid attention to my BTA right away! Not hosting yet, but they brushed against it a few times.
They already ate too, which is a great sign for being newly introduced.


Active Member
Thanks meowzy, yah the pillar it's pretty sweet. Definitley was a nice freebie for just helping a buddy with his tank downsizing.
The bubbletip is freaking huge now! it was about 3" in diameter when I got it in June. I think its pushing 7", my gf hates it because its taken up occupancy under my monti and is killing it. I'm hoping the clowns may take more interest soon


Active Member
Tank looks like it is coming along nicely. Do your Percs host in the nem?
Now go clean the glass man!!!!!!


Active Member
thanks for checking it out. yah they are quite lil followers.
Heres an update.
This will probably be my last purchase for a long time. Went to the orange county coral show at the fairgrounds. Picked this guy up for a good bargain.

May have to move in the next few months, I got laid off.....
But hopefully I'll just get a good oppurtunity someplace else, and then I can set up my 40!