SocalNano24s Tank Diary


Active Member
Ok. So I got a new job in the same city. So I went and got a cool macroalgae cluster. Looks pretty cool and I think it's big enough to not get eaten by the crab. Tanks looking great. I'm gonna take a few new pics tomorrow.


Active Member

This is the Macro Algae I bought, I think its called a money something. ID anyone?

Here's a close up shot of it. So far my emerald crab has pruned the few dead leaves that were white that it started with, and hasn't eaten the healthy stuff, yay!

My frogspawn started small with two heads in august, now its got a third.

a good close up shot of some of my zoas


Active Member
Ok, so the tank had some issues in the last month.... from a series of built up problems.
The problems:
1. hair algae all over back wall
2. Corraline die off
3. limited zoo growth and polyp extension
4. cyano bacteria
Diagnosis after trying to fix different issues for the last month
My PC lights were old, at about 7 or 8 months; replaced those that should deter nuisance algae with a better light spectrum
My calcium levels had slowly dropped down to about 360, so that is why my corraline algae had decrease, its die off was fueling the hair algae and also providing new landscape for the hair algae to grow.
Detritus accumulation; I did a full break down of the filter components and my Korallia. Used white vinegar to clean everything with a tooth brush; then dipped in two different salt water baths to remove the vinegar. Also used a wire brush to clean in and out for the pump components. (I hadn't ever done this in the 8 months that the tank has been set up)
Finally I scrapped everything off the back wall of the tank including white corraline growth and the hair algage.
Oh yeah, then a 3 gallon water change.
Now I'm going to replace the filter pad once all the debris settles to ensure bulk particulate removal.....
Here's a new picture; hopefully everything settles down!


Active Member

Heres my lawnmover blenny that I got when I went through the tank and did an overhaul, he's part of my hair algae insurance program. He gets a piece of seaweed every few days to supplement. Very interesting to watch; he seems more observant than my other fish. Will actually follow me from side to side on the tank and will wiggle around to draw my attention back to him if I start looking at something else. How cool!


Active Member
Thanks Contra; The cyano problem is under control I would say. There is still some residual stuff.
It occurs on the whiteish center piece rock which is in the middle of a torrent of current from my filter output and the korralia so I don't really understand why it persists, since its supposed to occur in areas of low flow. I have turkey bastered most of it off a few times and that cut it back so its not expanding anymore. I've also cut back on feedings a bit to help (The clowns seem like they're always starving though!)


Active Member
Hey dude, I got a new camera. Here's a taste of the better picture quality:

These are in my pico, but since I'm here



Everythings looking awesome dude! Can you pm me the name of those stores in HB that you told me about before. I wanna go frag shopping!


Active Member
Thanks guys. Always appreciate the input.
I've changed up my routine on this tank and it seems to be helping, instead of just doing lots of water changes. I now do heavier testing and less water changes, and only adjust and dose as required and change the water when necesary.
FOr the most part the ammonia nitrites and nitrates are always zero, so I haven't been doing heavy changes as much.
Danky, good to see you around the boards again.


Ya the house took all my time and energy but now its time to get back to the hobby! I gotta get a koralia 2 for the big tank and then it should be pretty much set aside from some more inhabitants. As for the nano, I'll replace the light in a month or so, replace the chemicals, add the chaeto and light, and then stock up corals. I added a kick ass dragon goby today to clean up the sand and can't wait to get more corals. YOu didn't ever set up that other tank did you?


Active Member
haha, nope. After I got laid off, I put it on hold.(don't worry working again) I've done a bit more research and set up a 5.5 gallon pico tank to give me a project to work on in the meantime.
I want to start getting the sump together to get some progress. Its just a matter of finding the time to get over to my dads house to work on it. He's got a band saw and table saw, so I'd be able to cut the acrylic components for the in tank sump area.
Thats cool about the dragon goby. I've got a lawnmower blenny now as you can see, he's got a ton of quirky traits.
Also I haven't had a fish die since August I think, so thats awesome.


Active Member
Thanks guys, I really like how this camera is working out. I feel like I'm getting views of my tank I never noticed before in so much detail :)
Anybody know anything about the yellow sponge?
Here are a few more shots of the tank

Hope everybody's new years are going well.
Along with those resolutions!
I wanna get back to college weight, hopefully at 26 that shouldn't be too hard. 9 hours at a desk a day for 3 years is a bit harsh on the ole gut though :(
I told my gf if I can keep three fish tanks in good condition for an extended period it should be no problem to lose 15 lbs. Gonna start running to the beach every day whether before or after work, Wish me luck!