Something to look at, comment if u want


Active Member
Squishy, very nice tank you have....
Nice to see another CANADIAN, where in Canada are you?
Love those clams too, are they hard to keep and what do you feed them?
Looking forward to the second tank.....


Originally Posted by Debbie
Squishy, very nice tank you have....
Nice to see another CANADIAN, where in Canada are you?
Love those clams too, are they hard to keep and what do you feed them?
Looking forward to the second tank.....

Southern alberta.
The clams are pretty easy as long as you have lots of light. I feed them once a week with phyto.
The second tank is currently being set up tonight.(keeping fingers crossed)


Originally Posted by FishyGurl
YAY!!! PICS of you or who ever setting the tank up please, I love to look at Pictures!
will do I have some buddys coming over tonight to help move the tank around and help plumb it in. I will post pics in the morning if all goes good


Active Member
maybe you could add some flourescent yellow or orange Zoos to add some different color.. your tank is phenominal lookin by the way.


Originally Posted by reefkprZ
maybe you could add some flourescent yellow or orange Zoos to add some different color.. your tank is phenominal lookin by the way.
If I could get them in Alberta I would. All the great stuff usally gets snapped up before it gets this far north though. Thanks for the advice and the comment.


Debbie said:
Originally Posted by Squishy
Southern alberta.
Alberta bound hey....
I am from B.C. the Sunny Okanagan Valley.
I love that area. I have some buddys out there working on the powerlines. They send me some great pics.


Active Member
Hey how are the pickings for corals etc there? We pay dearly here believe me and not a whole lot of choices either.


Originally Posted by Debbie
Hey how are the pickings for corals etc there? We pay dearly here believe me and not a whole lot of choices either.
I have made pretty good friends with the owners of the lfs out here so price isn't to bad. 60 to 200 per coral. Of course a 200 coral is huge. and a 60 is average. The selection is pretty good. Nothing like the stuff in florida or cali. But it is still good. ***)


Active Member
For your 180, go semi agressive with live rock. You already have a gorgeous reef tank.

You asked a question on fragging a fox coral, you know those are my favorite coral. I would say just cut in the middle. Mine have been the best coral ever, very forgiving.
Your tank is awesome, not to repeat myself, but you really should be proud of it. I know I would!!!


Originally Posted by Anonome
For your 180, go semi agressive with live rock. You already have a gorgeous reef tank.

You asked a question on fragging a fox coral, you know those are my favorite coral. I would say just cut in the middle. Mine have been the best coral ever, very forgiving.
Your tank is awesome, not to repeat myself, but you really should be proud of it. I know I would!!!

thanks for the advice.


Originally Posted by acrylic51
Squishy, what did you find out about the skimmer???
Found out the skimmer is up there with the big boys Its gonna be a good skimmer. One of my buddys bought the same skimmer that you recommend so highly. Was amazed at what that thing pulled in a day. they have to make bigger cups for those ones.