So yesterday I went to both of my LFSs and got some new stuff for good prices. So here's the pics!! Oh and I'll need some help on ID-ing some of these zoanthids.
OK now for the things I need Identified:
This was sold to me as "Green Lanterns" is that what they are?
OK these are something I got a very long time ago, I was told they were "Fire & Ice" so I just want a confirmation I guess
Back to new things, These sort of look like Fire & Ice, but I am certain they are something else anyone know? Oh and the story behind these is pretty awesome. These are two different frags, but thy were sandwiched together with the disc with the most polyps hidden under the top rock with the least, I didn't know it and the guy selling them to me didn't know it either, I got the sandwich for $10 when I got home I realized it was two pieces loosely attached so I pulled them apart to find a whole crap ton of polyps!!! pretty awesome. So once again any ideas as to what they are? Maybe orange delights?
And the last frag I got was this, I know its a pretty bad pic I will try to get a better one, They look olive greenish with yellow splotches, anybody know what they are?
Updated stocklist:
red = new purchase
blue = new hitchhiker discovery
green = removed
3 nassarius snails
5 astrea snails
3-5 stometella snail (hitchhikers)
12 medium blue leg hermits
1 scarlet hermit
1 emerald crab (hitchhiker)
3 Sexy Shrimp
2 Pom Pom Crabs
1 Porcelain Anemone Crab
1 Purple and Yellow Feather Duster (anyone know the proper name?)
1 Electric Blue Hermit
2 ocellaris clowns
Green Clown Goby
1 Bangaii Cardinal
1 green torch coral with 4 heads
Red brain coral
piece of rock with a ton of purple/blue mushrooms
Brown button polyps
Fire and Ice Zoanthids
Green Star Polyps
Blasto Merleti
Green Lantern Zoanthids (need comfirmation)
Orange Delight zoanthids? (need ID)
Olive and yellow zoanthids? (need ID)
about 12 lbs LR
20 lbs LS
Obviously I want more crabs
Blue Acro
And much much more
Not enough room on this post so I need to make a new one for my next subject