Spanko's bio cube, what in Posiden's name is he up to now?


Active Member
Originally Posted by spanko
Yes direct replacements which are Coralife wooden stones.
Prodibio is a number of different additives designed to increase biofiltration. Explanation would take to much typing here. Go ahead a google it. This is a test I am currently doing to see if it is all it is touted to be. Came across it doing some research into vodka - sugar - vinegar dosing.
Last question about it, then I will quit crashin the thread with the skimmer q's! Where do you have your bubbles set at? What is the level? Never haveing one I have no clue on the settings, it says above the top of the reaction chamber... but kinda clueless. THX and The pix are amazing that you got for your tank!

scopus tang

Active Member
Sigh . . . Henry, amazing as always, just wish mine looked half as good. Trying to get it back in shape to post some pictures again. See you're still debating the "money algae"


Active Member
hey spanko. i will return what you are doing for me.
first of all i am honor to meet a guy like you! you have been really great! if it wasnt for you and a few nano reefers out there idk what i will do. you have inspire me so much! idk man everyday i look at your tank i get inspire more and more and what to make it as beautiful like yours! you are a great friend. everytime i need help you are there to help me! i wish i can do the same for you but the knowledge you have is way more advance then me.
well man thanks for everything. i love your tank. you are a great friend to have and i wish you a great year this year! i hope your wishes come true
take care
nano reefers!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jerth6932
Last question about it, then I will quit crashin the thread with the skimmer q's! Where do you have your bubbles set at? What is the level? Never haveing one I have no clue on the settings, it says above the top of the reaction chamber... but kinda clueless. THX and The pix are amazing that you got for your tank!
Take the collection cup off and the tube that comes up the middle, the bubbles should be right even with the top of that tube.
Randy, I actually did put some Halimeda in the tank a while back. Somebody ate it! I was amazed. Maybe the Foxface I don't know.

Nissan, kind words. Thank you. Tis what we all are here for to help and to learn with each other.


Active Member
Cant remember if it was here or RR that u posted how u made ur screen for the top of ur tank?
Would u direct me to where it was?
Right now I have the screen u know that go outside the windows over it. And it looks good.
I think if I got some of them frames small enough or whatever that go on them it would look good. But idk if they make em sall enough like that


Active Member
I used something called 3/8" Pond Netting. Available at pond supply stores. then at Lowe's they have plastic screen framing. You buy it in lengths and cut it to size. They also have these corner connectors that join the pcs. together. Then pond netting then goes into a track and you use the spline to hold it into the track. Just like a window screen but the screen has 3/8" hole to allow the light through.


Active Member
Originally Posted by spanko
I used something called 3/8" Pond Netting. Avaialable at pond supply stores. then at Lowe's they have plastic screen framing. You buy it in lengths and cut it to size. They also have these corner connectors that join the pcs. together. Then pond netting then goes into a track and you use the spline to hold it into the track. Just like a window screen but the screen has 3/8" holew to allow the light through.
Thanks Mr Henry! Might have to try me a little sometihng this weekend if times allows


Active Member
A few more pictures. Messing with the white balance on the camera some but still don't have it down. Oh well here we go.



Active Member
Thanx guys, no duncans Whisk some kind of zoas. Yeah it looks like the hermit had to kill and pick through about 10 or so ceriths to find the shell he wanted to keep. Oh well. Cal, only about a week now. He is doing well eating like a little piggy. They are tiny fish though.


Active Member
my bad, your white balance threw me off. kidding kidding, they do look similar though.
i bought some empty cerith shells at the LFS and my hermits love em. they grow fast, i remember when the shells dwarfed them.


Active Member
Nice pics, what kind of zoas are those? Everything is looking nice and healthy, you really do a great job of keeping a beautiful reef


spanko how long have you had your cloved for?.. do those spread fairly quickly?.. i just picked them up and im trying to finalize there location in the tank..
i still need 2 make that damn screen of yours.. GRR!! I keep wanting to get a fish but im afraid since i dont have my cover.. haha


Active Member
Subie, those are the ever popular "Unknow to me" zoas. Thank you for the nice comment.
Cloves are only a couple of weeks in the tank. Don't know yet the growth rate on these particular ones but I have read that they grow like weeds. That is why I put them low in the front, so I could keep an eye on them and intervene if needed. On the screen, life always seems to get in the way of reefing. Don't you just hate that????